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High-k gate-first 与High-k first, metal gate last比较

发表于 2010-8-15 21:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
由于退火工步需要进行数千度的高温处理,而Gate-last工艺则可令金属栅极避开高温退火工步,因此相比Gate-first工艺而言,前者对用于制作金属栅极的金属材料要求更低,不过相应的工艺技术也更复杂,Intel便是Gate-last工艺的坚定支持者,而IBM/AMD则将采用Gate-first工艺制作32nm制程金属栅极。intel 的gate last 的工艺,虽然复杂了点,但是我想当初开发的时候,不可能没有想到,9 ,从三明治的角度来比喻,intel的gate因为侧面也保护起来,似乎更加能够防止漏电。
而且从图片来看,intel到从45nm开始,gate 做的越来越工整。就我个人的认知,Gate last整合比较方便,而且Vt失谐也有保证,Metal Gate避开了高温process,量产整体稳定性也是有保证的,唯一的问题还是在于成本.
  就Metal gate fill in而言,Intel用的是Al,大可以换成W, gap fill能力基本没大问题而且WCVD/WCMP是很成熟的process了,大不了阻值比Intel Al高一些,但是比IBM的metal/poly/NiSi低是肯定的
      所以目前而言,Foundry端,T跟U选的都是Gate last,最主要的考量还是稳定性,C跟S没什么好说的,给IBM上贡自然是Gate first.
      其实最重要的一点,Gate last Intel已经当过小白鼠了,至少证明是可以大规模量产的, T跟U选择gate last,不无这方面的考虑. IBM**烘烘烘,希望0.13um跌一跤拖惨U的故事不要重演,不然不知道拖多少人下水,边走边看吧.
发表于 2010-8-15 22:02 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-3 11:50 | 只看该作者
Members of IBM Corp.'s technology alliance, namely GlobalFoundries Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., dismissed a report that the group is struggling with its high-k/metal-gate technology.

High-k/metal-gate ''technology enables traditional scaling of the electrical gate dielectric and reduced standby power of transistor due to a reduction in gate leakage,''said Andrew Lu, an analyst with Barclays Bank, in a report.

''There has been a recent divergence in wafer processing technology to either choose 'gate-first' or 'gate-last' for (high-k/metal-gate),'' Lu said. ''Gate-first and gate-last are terms that refer to whether the metal gate electrode is deposited on wafer before or after the high-temperature activation anneals of flow processing.''

Intel Corp., Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) and others have moved towards ''gate-last'' technology. Intel has been shipping processors based on high-k since the 45-nm node. Intel has shipped two generations of high-k. TSMC has yet to ship its technology.  

In contrast, IBM's ''fab club'' is using a ''gate-first'' technology. But to date, IBM's technology partners have yet to ship high-k--at least in chips in mass volumes. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is expected to ship its first processors based on high-k in the first part of 2011. AMD is using IBM's technology.

''The gate-first technology adopters (including Sematech and Fishkill Alliance technology  partners such as IBM, Infineon, NEC, Globalfoundries, Samsung, STMicroelectronics and Toshiba) have encountered some problems, we understand, related to thermal instability, threshold voltage shifts and re-growth in the gate stack, which is serious for pMOS (positive type metal oxide semiconductor) at scaled electrical oxide thickness,'' Lu said.

''We expect TSMC will be able to lead its competitors on the 28-nm migration using the gate-last high-k/metal-gate technology,'' Lu said.
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发表于 2010-10-3 13:41 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-3 22:48 | 只看该作者
根據Barclays Bank 分析師Andrew Lu的一篇報告指出,由於可減少閘極漏電流,高介電/金屬閘極技術能降低電晶體的待機耗電,不過現在該領域出現了該採用「前閘極(gate-first)」或「後閘極(gate-last)」的爭議;所謂的前或後,指的是金屬閘極是在半導體製程中的高溫活化退火程序(high-temperature activation anneals)之前或之後,沉積到晶圓片上。


「具我們了解,前閘極技術支持者(包括Sematech以及IBM、Infineon、NEC、Globalfoundries、Samsung、ST與Toshiba)都面臨包括散熱不穩定(thermal instability)、閾值電壓飄移(threshold voltage shifts),以及閘堆疊重新生長(re-growth in the gate stack)等等問題,這對微縮電氧化層厚度的pMOS元件來說是很嚴重的。」Lu表示。

此外Barclays Bank 的報告預期,台積電可望成為28奈米節點前閘極高介電/金屬閘極技術領域的領導者。
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