再请教一下:小弟08年1月买了块MSI的P35-NEO2-FR,这个鸟板有个毛病,就是不论超频不超频,始终出现红字:warning !!! the previous performance of overclocking is failed,and the system is restoredto the defaults setting,press any key except "del" to enter setup……,始终无法解决,刷BIOS啊,替换硬件啊,什么都试过,反正如影随行,有人说有一批批次的板子就是这鸟德行,找到经销商,经过多方吵闹,最后换了块全新的板子,新板子又是这德行,不得不上微星官网问那个超版,给了我一个BIOS,刷了以后就不出现了,后来又听人说,这板子里面的DOT有问题,一旦开了之后,会自动升降频率,体质较弱的CPU插上去就会出现上述红字,请各位达人解答一下,是不是真的有这么一回事?没刷BIOS前我开关DOT选项也会间歇性出现作者: 忽悠点糠亩 时间: 2009-6-5 15:14
warning !!! the previous performance of overclocking is failed,and the system is restoredto the defaults setting,press any key except "del" to enter setup作者: zhangyang9527 时间: 2009-6-5 15:25
便宜处理给我吧,我看能不能玩转了作者: shuhua_114 时间: 2009-6-5 15:26
呵呵,缺陷!!!作者: 忽悠点糠亩 时间: 2009-6-5 16:41
warning !!! the previous performance of overclocking is failed,and the system is restoredto the defaults setting,press any key except "del" to enter setup……,作者: nforceii 时间: 2009-6-5 16:43 5#忽悠点糠亩