SmallptCPU vs SmallptGPU
Written by David Bucciarelli
SmallptGPU is a small and simple demo written in OpenCL in order to test the performance of this new standard. It is based on Kevin Beason's Smallpt available at SmallptGPU has been written using the ATI OpenCL SDK beta4 on Linux but it should work on any platform/implementation (i.e. NVIDIA). Some discussion about this little toy can be found at Luxrender's forum
A video of SmallptGPU is available here: (the old low quality version is available here:
Key bindings
'p' - save image.ppm
ESC - exit
Arrow keys - rotate camera left/right/up/down
'a' and 'd' - move camera left and right
'w' and 's' - move camera forward and backward
'r' and 'f' - move camera up and down
PageUp and PageDown - move camera target up and down
' ' - refresh the window
'm' - starts to record a movie in binary format (it can be decoded with the decodemovie utility)
'l' - enable/disable indirect diffuse path (available only on CPU version because a bug of ATI's compiler)
'+' and '-' - to select next/previous object
'2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '8', '9' - to move selected object
下载: smallptgpu-v1.3.tgz (includes sources, Linux 64bit binaries and Windows 32bit binaries)
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