标题: [深圳] [售] 韩国CoolAge Frozen Orb X120 Transform 6热管镀镍散热器送思民单体风扇 [打印本页]
作者: AZE 时间: 2012-1-1 18:50
标题: [深圳] [售] 韩国CoolAge Frozen Orb X120 Transform 6热管镀镍散热器送思民单体风扇
本帖最后由 AZE 于 2012-3-29 09:54 编辑
以下为库存产品,没有包装,扣具原配的支持Intel 775/1156平台,原没有配风扇,只有单散热体,现在活动期间赠送价值29元的ZALMAN 翼Z12 风扇!先下手有送思民风扇,后下手没风扇送哦!
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产品名称:Frozen Orb X120 Transform
散热:Base MaterialCopper
Fin Material Aluminium Alloy
风扇:ZALMAN 翼Z12
12cm 液压轴承
Cool Age出品的Frozen Orb X120 Transform散热器
Frozen Orb X120 Transform与大多数散热器相同,依旧采用主流的塔式侧吹结构,鳍片上凹凸的沟壑使散热器侧面形成了“蜂窝”形状。这样的设计使得鳍片间距或宽或窄交错排列。6根6mm热管与鳍片采用穿Fin工艺连接,热管分前后两排交叉排列。其尺寸为126(W) x 63(D) x 150(H)mm,重量为750g。
散热器采用6根热管乱序排列 底座接触面并未做成镜面处理
As you can see from the graph above, the Coolage X120TF absolutely thrashed the Stock Intel cooler. So much so, that the Coolage’s overclocked temperatures were better than the Intel’s stock ones.
More Overclocking…
Due to the ridiculously low temperatures I felt I still had a bit of headroom for some extra overclocking.
After kicking the CPU Vcore to 1.2v and raising the BCLK to 181 I managed to achieve a stable overclock of 3.8GHz.
Still though, the temperatures seemed reasonably low. So back into the Bios again, I upped the CPU Vcore to 1.25v, gave the QPI/DRAM 1.3v and changed the BCLK 190. This gave me an approx 4GHz overclock which is still, rock stable. After benchmarking it using SuperPI, I can conclude with the temperatures from both overclocks:
The 3.8GHz ones are certainly fine as they’re actually lower than the ones achieved by the Stock Intel cooler at mere stock clocks.
Although the temperatures from the 4GHz overclock are stillokay, I don’t like having my CPU running over the 75 degrees mark. Therefore, I stuck with the 3.8GHz overclock. I’m pretty sure, if i spent a little more time tinkering, my i7 920 could go even further.