ToMMTi-Systems SSAA-Tool v1.01 has been released, with the following features:
- fixed several bugs
- there is now a new option window (Mouse Cursor Fix & Window Size Fix), shown on every game launch that you can play around
with, if you have troube setting SSAA in some games
- added support for Metro 2033, Deus Ex 3, Dragon Age 2 (configure SSAA in the DragonAge2Config.exe, not in the game!), Battlefied 3
- for Metro 2033 & Battlefield 3 please use the Option Mouse Cursor Fix and you may have to ALT+TAB out/in the game to make that work!
Please read the ReadMe.txt / LiesMich.txt to understand how to configure the Tool properly!
If it does not work, please disable the Steam Overlay, Fraps, XFire and all other Gaming Overlay Applications!