All firmware updates are provided automatically over the internet by our Component Management System. This system interfaces with the Internet Service Provider in which the gateway was purchased. This allows the system to provide custom firmware updates based off of your Internet Service Provider's requirements. As new firmware becomes available for your 2Wire it will be pushed automatically to your 2wire gateway. There is no prompting from you required to keep it up-to-date.
Thank You for Contacting Pace/2Wire
Product Care Specialist
You may reply directly to this message or visit support.2wire.com to respond to this ticket.
Visit the 2Wire Support Site to view the ticket history: http://support.2wire.com/?page=viewincident&id=41540 作者: duronfj 时间: 2012-3-18 09:27
根本没讲5.29版固件下载地址作者: duronfj 时间: 2012-3-19 13:30