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发表于 2012-6-19 12:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Driver, v5.2.127,  x86/64, unsigned:
Changes from version 5.2.125 to 5.2.127.
1)SCGCQ00280848         Updating Win2k8x32 & Vistax32 driver from 5.2.119 to 5.2.125 fails with "This device can not start (Code 10)." message
Changes from version 5.2.124 to 5.2.125.
1)SCGCQ00278761         OEM device 0x2208 added to Windows driver supported list
2)SCGCQ00260160         MSM\Alerts are not giving proper windows version.
Changes from version 5.2.119 to 5.2.124.
1)SCGCQ00243559         Driver setting the region lock type even when FW informs driver to bypass lock
2)SCGCQ00268839         OEM device ID C690 should be 0690
3)SCGCQ00264491         512e drive support for MR Windows Driver
4)SCGCQ00269250         New device IDs
Changes from version 5.2.116 to 5.2.119.
1)SCGCQ00261879         DIF support for Thunderbolt MR controllers
2)New Devices added
SCGCQ00261881        Add PnP for CC enabled 8-port Thunderbolt D1 SKU
SCGCQ00261883        Add PnP for CC enabled 8-port ext. Thunderbolt D1 SKU
Changes from version 5.2.112 to 5.2.116.
1)SCGCQ00255185 Sub device 0xD204 of sub vendor 0x19E5 missing
2)SCGCQ00252665         Driver 5.2.112 megasas2.inf file is missing SSDID - 92A0,92A1
3)SCGCQ00250757         TB Windows driver : Sequential Write performance drops significantly.
4)SCGCQ00247489         IOs stop sporadically with outstanding IOs.
5)SCGCQ00246917         With 5.2.112, wrong version display with "msinfo32"
6)New Devices added: SCGCQ00248658, SCGCQ00249402, SCGCQ00249403, SCGCQ00249405, SCGCQ00249406

Changes from version 5.2.108 to 5.2.112.
1) Reboot fix.         NULL pointer now checked before attempting coalescing.
2) Device queues.        Removed setting device queues for physical devices - path 0.
3) Additional IOCTLs.        Added getting and setting driver parameters from userland.
4) MSIqueue fix.        Was treating Registry MSIqueue depth as boolean verses unsigned char.
Changes from version 5.2.100 to 5.2.108:
1) Coalescing fix (LSIP200187882).
2) Initialization timeout increase from 5 to 60 seconds.
3) OCR bug fix – from looking at entire 32 bits, to just the firmware status bits (4).
4) shutdown/hibernate fix.
5) Registry settings – tried to simplify a bit from enabling a disable bit which enables a feature.
6) SRB validation to verify correct data transfer size in accordance with the CDB.
7) Fix corrupted nodev.inf, clearcase was interpreting /000 in file and doing a binary conversion on check in.
File was removed and file with /000 removed was checked in.
8) Add new devices for the following IRs: LSIP200210064, LSIP200210067, LSIP200210070, LSIP200210073, LSIP200210076, LSIP200210081, LSIP200210839, LSIP200211226, LSIP200211229

MSM, v12.05.03.00, windows x86/64:
1)LSIP200232643 MSM displays Protected CacheCade feature MSM
1)LSIP200232567 Copy Back Progress String needs to be Modified as a Replace Drive in Progress panels for TB and Invader Cards.
2)LSIP200232427 Wireshark logs says SSLV2 for latest MSM v-
1)LSIP200231801 MR5.3 MSM: Flash size in the controller property is shown as NA for WD card
2)LSIP200232283 UG drive shows emergency hotspare status when Emergency Hotspare for UG drives is disabled.
3)LSIP200232196 Dummy Defect - Resolving compilation error due to merge.
4)LSIP200232022 MSM cannot update latest firmware image due to change in package size
5)LSIP200231367 MSM deletes the VD when select to discard cache from the access blocked VD
6)LSIP200231608 MSM allows user to create SSC VD with more than 512GB but does not provide any warning message
7)LSIP200231870 SNMP Services do Not Restart after System Reboot.
8)LSIP200231819 MR5.3 SNMP/MSM: SNMP displays invalid values for some of the WD attributes
9)LSIP200231868 SSL_STRONG_ENCRYPTION enabled by default
10)LSIP200232414 MSM Does not Allow Configuring DS3 when DS1 and DS2 is disabled and DS3 is Enabled
11)LSIP200232223 Serial Number displayed wrong while SNMP query for ThunderBolt Controller
12)LSIP200232058 Unable to start PR with Set PR Properties when one of the VDs is in degraded state.
13)LSIP200232268 LDAP Settings not getting saved When MSM is relaunched.
14)LSIP200232215 mfcdefaults should not be NULL check codition is not required for populating Manage power save settings Menu in MSM
15)LSIP200231800 MR5.3 MSM: NVRAM size is displayed as NA though NVRAM is present
16)LSIP200232469 SSL Security needs to be modify
17)LSIP200230839 OCR becomes disabled when changing controller rates in MSM
18)LSIP200232473 Defect to check-in modified readme file for Linux SNMP-IR agent
19)LSIP200230822 Mib version is showing different from the version mentioned in release note.
20)LSIP200232484 MSM displaying copyback in certain areas and should say replace drive.
21)LSIP200232495 MSM is displaying Copyback in events, string to be changed to Replace Drive Operation
1)LSIP200231260 Prepopulated CacheCade VD Name is using different format between VD0 and VD1.
2)LSIP200231690 Error when loading the lsi_adaptersas MIB
3)LSIP200231557 MR5.3: Misspelling of 'acyivation' in MSM's "Activate MR Advance Software..." Window
4)LSIP200231075 MSM CC2.0 warning message is not valid with RAID0 in WB mode
5)LSIP200231261 Prepopulated CacheCade VD name is larger than 15 characters allowed.
1)LSIP200222486 Integrate CCoH MSM, SL (?SL-IR?), & CLI changes back into mainstream release
1)LSIP200231073 Full init option is available from MSM when creating a PI enabled R60 VD
2)LSIP200230992 (Defer LSIP200230313) MSM/UG drive shows emergency hotspare status when Emergency Hotspare for UG drives is disabled.
3)LSIP200231259 MSM local mode installation can connec to another system with complete installation
4)LSIP200230941 MSM crashed on Windows 2008 R2 when doing a refresh
5)LSIP200231240 MSM monitor configure alert menu has restore default option which does not function correcly.
6)LSIP200231356 MSM reports "Login failed: Exception while login!" when logging into VMWare ESXi 5.0 server
7)LSIP200231056 5.3 Alpha MSM on Linux fails to set CC schedule: "The requested command has invalid arguments"
8)LSIP200231274 MSM does not allow start PR on optimal VD, while another VD is rebuild state.
9)LSIP200230713 (Defer LSIP200225204) Unable to display CopyRight String in Windows SNMP
10LSIP200231078 MSM displays invalid VD number in the AEN when SSD caching is disable on the VD
11)LSIP200230997 MSM does not sort the events by date/time correctly
12)LSIP200231055 MSM fails to restore SSD Caching back to original "Enabled" state after loading original configuration file.
13)LSIP200229461 (RW LSIP200224318) Enclosure Position number is incorrect in MSM after hotplug enclosure to port 4-7
14)LSIP200231455 Remaining Capacity for SuperCaP in SNMP-MIB is different than in MSM
15)LSIP200231241 Pause for password at boot time cannot be disabled from MSM
16)LSIP200231243 Enabled pause for password at boot time is not reported by MSM without restarting the app
1)LSIP200230348 SNMPWalk displaying OID's of only one controller and Copyright is not displayed.
2)LSIP200230397 PD serial numbers are showing incorrect.
3)LSIP200230084 MSM error message for medium error is not clear on which port/drive is having the medium error
4)LSIP200230454 Copyright is missing in SNMP walk.
5)LSIP200230615 lsi_mrdsnmd service does not stop .
6)LSIP200230616 SNMP Crashes with querying of CopyRightinfo .
7)LSIP200229662 MSM always displays "0-0-0" for "Diagnostics Complete Date" on DIF drives
1)LSIP200105050 Get rid of dependency on 3rd party libs
2)LSIP200200133 Limit lower boundary of SSL encryption to 128bit
3)LSIP200200134 Use SSLv3 or hire protocols in MSM
4)LSIP200186835 SLES 11 SP2 support for MegaRAID SAS products
5)LSIP200200340 RHEL 5.8 support for MegaRAID SAS products
6)LSIP200222736 MSM Support for Solaris 11
7)LSIP200222728 Port MSM to JRE 7 for Solaris
8)LSIP200200313 MSM Popup Installation in /etc/profile should change
for Solaris 11
1)LSIP200230174 MSM showing "Battery State" as Operational for Non-Operational battery also

MegaCLI, v8.04.07, all OS:
LSIP200223580 (CO) EfiHostCli.efi should be able to save raid configuration to a file, similar to MegaCli
LSIP200210362 (CO) Update CacheCade product names in all utilities and user manuals
LSIP200212698 (CO) MR: MegaCLI should warn user that they should reboot immediately after flashing
LSIP200212693 (CO) Real Time Scheduler for Relearn
LSIP200199668 (CO) End to End Data Protection (EEDP)
LSIP200210405 (CO) Enable copy back on SMART - TB
LSIP200209945 (CO) Generally available support of selected battery modes for iBBU08.
LSIP200230177 (DFCT) battery operational status is not proper
LSIP200231521 (DFCT) forward porting of defect id:LSIP200230223 and LSIP200230629
LSIP200232675 (DFCT) (RP LSIP200232646) "Disk Cache Policy" default setting is set to "Unchanged" needs to be set to "Disabled"
LSIP200223837 (DFCT) Time/Date stamp does not match with the respective CDB's displayed in Drive Performance Monitor(DPM) command.
LSIP200230994 (DFCT) (Defer LSIP200230558) CLI/Emergency hotspare status is being displayed for UG drives when UG for Emergency is disabled
LSIP200231392 (DFCT) FW broke at MonTask: line 278 in file ../../raid/1078int.c while running EFI CLI "adpallinfo -a0 page"
LSIP200232089 (DFCT) Uefi cli help does not show commad adpget/set patrolread rate in help file which is supported on SWR controller.
LSIP200232282 (DFCT) 512E drive Support Changes is ported from MR 5.2 to MR 5.3
LSIP200232497 (DFCT) Discard Cache command should remove the blocked access on an Virtual Drive
LSIP200232713 (DFCT) CLI is displaying the message to Use Force option when using cfglddel to try to delete a CC VD.
LSIP200232645 (DFCT) Cannot clear a CC Drive Group using MegaCli64.exe in Windows
LSIP200230035 (DFCT) move MegaCli changes for CCoH to 5.3 stream
LSIP200229563 (DFCT) The Exit code displayed for the command “MegaCli64 ccoh adcdev ” is not correct.
LSIP200231249 (DFCT) Resolve MegaCli compilation issues
LSIP200229476 (DFCT) Rename all external references to CCoH to new marketing name
LSIP200230456 (DFCT) Handle review comments for MegaCli merged code
LSIP200231215 (DFCT) RHel5.7: trying to add vd having lvm configuration to cachegroup throws internal error
LSIP200231532 (DFCT) Display dev busy while adding vd when storelib returns busy and fix MegaOEM compilation issue
LSIP200231655 (DFCT) Sprint5-Build14- Name of the Cache Group has to be changed
LSIP200231658 (DFCT) Remove CCoH referemnce in warpdriveinfo command (CCoH License)
LSIP200231805 (DFCT) check in latest linux storelib library build to MegaCli
LSIP200231838 (DFCT) check in ccoh readme file to MegaCli
LSIP200232318 (DFCT) Update the SLIR2 point release 5 binary in MegaCLI stream
LSIP200232229 (DFCT) In the Linux MegaCLI readme file mention that lib_Utils2-1.xxx.rpm but I don’t find this file along with megaCLI.
LSIP200230107 (DFCT) AdpHWdevice command is unsupported in DOS MegaOEM
LSIP200231053 (DFCT) MegaCLI help for "perfmon" command contains mispell word "minuts"
LSIP200230224 (DFCT) PDlist command is removing in between lines while printing
LSIP200230506 (DFCT) ProgDsply option is not working in VMWare MegaCli
LSIP200210421 (DFCT) Cannot flash the 16MB FW file in Dos based Megacli
LSIP200212540 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200187758) Installation of MegaSCU failed dependencies error-RH6x64bit OS
LSIP200223206 (DFCT) Porting from 11M08 to MR 5.2
LSIP200224089 (DFCT) AdpNvram clear command is not working for IMR controller
LSIP200223716 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200222444) CLI getbbumodes returns Failed
LSIP200223718 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200222444) CLI getbbumodes returns Failed
LSIP200224510 (DFCT) MegaCLI online help need to format with only 80 characters per line
LSIP200231426 (DFCT) MegaSCU AdpSettings can't program controller with an init file
LSIP200224890 (DFCT) MegaCLI64-bit does not detect TB controller on RHEL 6.1 64-bit [ issue fixed in 11M08 porting to MR 5.2 ]
LSIP200222839 (DFCT) MegaCli BBUStatus cmd shows inconsistent values for different BBU types
LSIP200209267 (DFCT) MegaCli does not show correct capacity information for SuperCap
LSIP200210113 (DFCT) Naming convention for CacheCade (Instead of IR using Defect)
LSIP200210861 (DFCT) This defect for forward porting and backward porting of PR-LSIP200187637
LSIP200210741 (DFCT) help file not updated with method to set the bbumode
LSIP200210670 (DFCT) CLI sees characters "\n" in adpbbucmd command before Transparent Learn string for supercap
LSIP200098881 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200086230) Different TimeStamps values in MegaCLI Ctrl Eventlog
LSIP200212405 (DFCT) Online help for MegaCLI displays "PreventPIImport" as "PeventPIImport"
LSIP200223256 (DFCT) Due to PR:LSIP200122939 scoping has been changed, need to take off the old chagnes.
LSIP200223574 (DFCT) Cannot set BBU modes using "adpbbucmd SetBbuProperties" command
LSIP200224091 (DFCT) PR:LSIP200122939:Real Time Scheduler for Relearn : Scoping has been changed, changing the code accordingly.
LSIP200224227 (DFCT) CLI setting some other day of the week instead of particular Day
LSIP200224179 (DFCT) Memory violation for day value(DDD) is diffrent from days of week.
LSIP200224241 (DFCT) Show battery capacity info (runTimeToEmpty,averageTimeToEmpty and averageTimeToFull) in human read able form.
LSIP200224119 (DFCT) Need to block Set BBU properties command for TMMC battery type with transparent Learn.
LSIP200224394 (DFCT) CLI not showing 'none' for 'next learn time' when 'auto learn mode' is 'Warn via Event' or 'Disabled' in bbu proeprties
LSIP200224697 (DFCT) When fire "AdpBBucmd schedulelearn DSbl a0" command then showing improper message "Controller not supported"
LSIP200224836 (DFCT) Installation Linux VMWare : missing libraries
LSIP200224515 (DFCT) MegaCLI displays schedule time in a strange format
LSIP200225004 (DFCT) In CLI For DST zone "adpbbucmd schedulelearn setstarttime mon 7 a0" command setting it on 5 AM not 7 AM
LSIP200224937 (DFCT) ADRA(Adaptive Read Aead) is stil supported in CLI that not supported in FW. Remove it from all supported commands.
LSIP200229523 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200224515) MegaCLI displays schedule time in a strange format
LSIP200229697 (DFCT) CLI setting DiskCachePolicy as unchanged instead of Disabled for OEM.
LSIP200212808 (DFCT) Porting of defect changes done in 11M02 to PERC 8.1
LSIP200211426 (DFCT) Using Megacli able to create a VD with MAX Powersave policy when disablePowerSavings set to 14
LSIP200212401 (DFCT) Execute MegaCli64 in FreeBSD 8.2x64bit got Permission denied
LSIP200212887 (DFCT) Creating VD using MegaCli/MegaCli64 in FreeBSD return "No match" error
LSIP200221351 (DFCT) Defect to check-in the file changes done for building a vib package of VMware_MN
LSIP200076838 (DFCT) "Invalid Key:CHTIMER” While we were changed only BGI, Stripsize. Flush time.
LSIP200223800 (DFCT) Change the word "Spun" to "Spin" to correct grammar for default response text
LSIP200223832 (DFCT) MWCLI: Syntax to Set property for needs to be changed AutoSnapshotSpace.
LSIP200223830 (DFCT) MWCLI: Syntax to Set property for needs to be changed DefaultSnapshotSpace.
LSIP200224773 (DFCT) MegaCLI:BBU Information is not alligned properly
LSIP200224837 (DFCT) Windows_VMWare_KL: Driver version not available
LSIP200211840 (DFCT) Portings from 11M08
LSIP200211838 (DFCT) New PCLI with new load addresss for 1_TB support
LSIP200212583 (DFCT) 11M08 portings
LSIP200222609 (DFCT) adpbbucmd getbbumodes does not displays any information as indicated on the help
LSIP200230220 (DFCT) FreeBSD MegaCli no 64bit available - both are 32 bit
LSIP200221349 (DFCT) CfgAllFreeDrv command detailed online help is not updated properly
LSIP200221568 (DFCT) MegaCLI help for adpbbucmd contains multiple misspell words
LSIP200196784 (DFCT) MegaCli : Unable to create Cachecade VD using Megacli
LSIP200209883 (DFCT) Issue in verifying CC2.0 feature support bit in CLI.
LSIP200209882 (DFCT) Add CtrlId information as part AdpAllInfo command.
LSIP200070255 (DFCT) (RW LSIP200055580) MegaCli 80015 for Sparc missing OS version number
LSIP200199421 (DFCT) MegaCli Online help need to provide more information for commands with a "filename" input
LSIP200167604 (DFCT) After unzipping VMWare MegaCLI and executing it reports "Permission Denied"
LSIP200199125 (DFCT) Macon MegaDCli : MegaDcli application hangs after creating the any VD.
LSIP200199605 (DFCT) SW-Macon : Could not create multiple VDs in same array with DOSCLI
LSIP200200420 (DFCT) SCU DCLI: DCLI fails to display temparature of SATA drives, however, OS level apps( CLI and MSM) show the same
LSIP200200257 (DFCT) Not able to set the link speed to 6GB/s as per the information given in the help using MegaCli.
LSIP200209972 (DFCT) M0flashing is not working with Dos based Megascu
LSIP200200461 (DFCT) Enhanced Import option fails to be enabled

LSISAS2208, v23.7.0-0031, firmware:
This is a major product refresh known as MegaRAID Release 5.3, with numerous bug fixes and enhancements. This package includes support for CacheCade Pro 2.0 and CacheVault(if enabled). Some of the bug fixes and enhancements are provided below.
SCGCQ00289673 (DFCT) - Clean up bad block list during background init/check consistency failure
SCGCQ00291161 (DFCT) - Reverted back the changes of the issues: SCGCQ00287136 & SCGCQ00287140
SCGCQ00292666 (DFCT) - SATA BBM list corruption
SCGCQ00292697 (DFCT) - Stressing test on degrade raid with drives or rebuilding on drives will cause firmware hang
SCGCQ00291473 (CSET) - T-bolt firmware : makes unconfigured bad (foreign) to unconfigured bad on reboot.
SCGCQ00292663 (CSET) - cannot make the CacheCade configured PD as unconfigured bad even pulling it out during system online.
SCGCQ00292699 (CSET) - Hot Spare lost after FW update
SCGCQ00263872 (DFCT) - Stressing test on degrade raid with UNC drives or rebuilding on UNC drives will cause firmware hang
SCGCQ00269825 (DFCT) - Firmware reports device initialization completion status to be greater than 100% at startup
SCGCQ00280612 (DFCT) - Split large bitmap reads into pieces
SCGCQ00280820 (DFCT) - USB Cacheoffload restore fails after multiple power cycle.
SCGCQ00282739 (DFCT) - When secure foreign drive is present, VD creation fails because FW become unresponsive
SCGCQ00282930 (DFCT) - Check for the presence of PD before writing the data arms of a protected LD during BGI
SCGCQ00285004 (DFCT) - FW asserts in CacheMemAllocForPrebootApps() when memory is allocated twice by BIOS.
SCGCQ00285969 (DFCT) - USB Cacheoffload restore fails after multiple power cycle on an OEM controller
SCGCQ00281982 (CSET) - Querying SMART / PFA Status Returns All Zeros in Sense Data
SCGCQ00279897 (DFCT) - Save repository information in NVRAM
SCGCQ00280123 (DFCT) - MegaRAID FW could result in a deadlock condition when offloading data to USB cache module after a system power failure and a power restore condition before offload operation could be completed.
SCGCQ00280474 (DFCT) - When windows are freed, re-initialize those fields because freed windows can be allocated to other commands in case of window crunch scenario.
SCGCQ00280792 (DFCT) - iMR-f/w hang at Waiting for Expansion ROM to load.
SCGCQ00281742 (DFCT) - Skip spare check for R0 cachecade vd.
SCGCQ00281994 (DFCT) - Change protected R6 secure erase behavior
SCGCQ00282220 (DFCT) - Remove faulty check
SCGCQ00282420 (DFCT) - If LD is in offline state then dont initate flush. Delete the VD.
SCGCQ00282691 (DFCT) - DATA TLB error seen during cache offload while performing automated system power cycling test with cache present.
SCGCQ00281982 (CSET) - Querying SMART / PFA Status Returns All Zeros in Sense Data
SCGCQ00275826 (DFCT) - MonTask: line 1221 in file ../../raid/1078dma.c during I/O with CacheCade VD and degraded VD.
SCGCQ00278827 (DFCT) - Separate error recovery functionality between modules
SCGCQ00279508 (DFCT) - CC stops progressing on a R6 VD with media errors
SCGCQ00280146 (DFCT) - Defect SCGCQ00280146
SCGCQ00280846 (DFCT) - When a new XML file was added to the nvdata, the buffer to hold the uncompressed nvdata overflowed.
SCGCQ00280793 (CSET) - (DDR3) Initialization fails with fault 0x91a1 - initial DFIRL selected too low
SCGCQ00281617 (CSET) - Subsequent drives are dropped when all drives in the stagger spin up drives fails on boot sequence.
SCGCQ00271108 (DFCT) - New stat indicating that memory is not available for SSC operation is returned.
SCGCQ00278827 (DFCT) - Separate error recovery functionality between modules
SCGCQ00279163 (DFCT) - Port Hot spare disk does not adhere the disk cache policy (LSIP200229786).
SCGCQ00279488 (DFCT) - FW is generating powersave change event when DS3 is not enabled. Due to this applications are not parsing the event.
SCGCQ00279753 (DFCT) - VD erase on R1 hit montask line 278 1078int.c
SCGCQ00279877 (DFCT) - Churchill-LiberatorCacheOffload FW Unnecessary High Temp Event due to incorrect temp value.
SCGCQ00278830 (CSET) - During IO test, a lot of ID129 OS events "Device reset to SCSI device" occur in Windows OS system log.
SCGCQ00279843 (CSET) - 3TB Hitachi HDD failed in immunity test (Electrostatic Noise test)
SCGCQ00279856 (CSET) - Performance Degradation in RAID 5 Sequential Writes due to command Out-of Ordering
SCGCQ00279861 (CSET) - Patrol Read can cause data integrity issue if the LDBBM is full
SCGCQ00279961 (CSET) - Controller features are lost if RAID Key is not detected
SCGCQ00280115 (CSET) - Native configuration is no longer supported message in post
SCGCQ00277831 (ENHREQ) - Add recognition of Tbolt new silicon to MegaRAID FW
SCGCQ00279912 (CSET) - Port of Liberator 151207 to Thunderbolt FW - Read locate LED state
SCGCQ00263878 (DFCT) - Use the original command to determine the ref tag
SCGCQ00265319 (DFCT) - A defect in which a Patrol Read may not start under certain conditions was fixed.
SCGCQ00268429 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00268429: FW hangs while running CC on a rebuilt R1 VD with SBBM
SCGCQ00268574 (DFCT) - Fixed a defect, in which the bbuMode would revert to the factory default value of 5, when automatic learn cycle was enabled.
SCGCQ00269266 (DFCT) - EFI WebBIOS showing rebuild progress on iMR ThunderBolt controller after using EFIHostCLI
SCGCQ00269934 (DFCT) - Imported drive becomes unconfigured good when secure VD erase is running.
SCGCQ00271108 (DFCT) - New stat indicating that memory is not available for SSC operation is returned.
SCGCQ00271274 (DFCT) - Not enough BBM Info entries
SCGCQ00271567 (DFCT) - FW hangs during pin cache destage as dirty lines in that map never become zero.
SCGCQ00276222 (DFCT) - FW wrongly adding puncture entries.
SCGCQ00277805 (DFCT) - Rebuild is run twice on a target drive with 100% full SBBM table.
SCGCQ00264814 (DFCT) - Cacheline crunch issue when VD lines are getting pinned.
SCGCQ00265375 (DFCT) - Recon from R0 to R1 using 3 TB drive causes FW to report excessive unexpected sense events
SCGCQ00265670 (DFCT) - FW hit montask after after discarding the cache when a snapshot VD is involved
SCGCQ00265990 (DFCT) - MR_EVT_PD_RBLD_FAILED_BAD_TARGET is not seen when rebuild to SATA drive fails due to full SBBM table
SCGCQ00266481 (DFCT) - enable cachecade write for cachade read FOD key.
SCGCQ00266493 (DFCT) - MR_EVT_LD_CACHE_PINNED is not coming when FW raises pin windows.
SCGCQ00267733 (DFCT) - CC fails to correct media error at 2TB location on 2 3TB SATA drives that support WU.
SCGCQ00269309 (DFCT) - The start ref for a shared cache line is not an indicator of the offset into the stripe
SCGCQ00270254 (DFCT) - Clear PI properties on associated PDs
SCGCQ00271645 (DFCT) - Fix skinny compilation issues
LSIP200223808 (sev-2): unable to enter legacy web bios with 3 controllers present and one is missing memory on OEM system
LSIP200212354 (sev-1): Overwrites invalid address and force system to fail the boot.
LSIP200212039 (sev-3): Bios prints extra lines for press Ctrl_G to enter bios when you have some configuration errors
LSIP200221386 (sev-3): BT750 workaround code is not disabled in all the path
LSIP200149527 (PR): Need to display a message at POST if the TMM is defective or not installed
LSIP200230993 (DFCT) WebBIOS/Emergency hotspare status is being displayed for UG drives when UG for Emergency is disabled
LSIP200231071 (DFCT) WebBIOS/Next button on the PD info screen is seen even on last page of info
LSIP200231286 (DFCT) WebBIOS is not displaying "Deactivate All Trial Software" button in Advanced Software Options page
LSIP200231273 (DFCT) Warning message overlapping with Offline VDs windows box
LSIP200231528 (DFCT) Discard_Cache button overlapping with "Virtual Drives with Preserved Cache" windows
LSIP200231334 (DFCT) Read Policy in VD settings in the WebBIOS need to change to match MSM
LSIP200232489 (DFCT) WebBIOS deletes the VD when select to discard cache from the access blocked VD
LSIP200232485 (DFCT) webBIOS /Copyback is being displayed in certain areas and should be replace drive
LSIP200232526 (DFCT) Raid bios console doesn't display secure foreign drives properly
LSIP200223371 (DFCT) HII/HII browser sluggishness is seen when exiting browser, going to EFI WebBIOS, and then going back to HII browser
LSIP200223762 (DFCT) WebBIOS should not display 65535 minutes estimated recharge time when not charging
LSIP200224228 (DFCT) WebBIOS should not allow user to set the BBU property, if battery type TMMC with transparentlearns support.
LSIP200224240 (DFCT) "Home and Back" toolbar is out of screen when an error message shown in BBU property screen.
LSIP200224393 (DFCT) WebBIOS is displaying Next learn time as "None" for Automatic Learn cycle equals to Warn.
LSIP200224825 (DFCT) WebBIOS does not provide option to schedule BBU Relearn time and day as indicated in PR 200122939
LSIP200224828 (DFCT) WebBIOS does not show an option to change BBU mode on TB with LSI ID
LSIP200224833 (DFCT) BBU Mode setting under WebBIOS disappear from OEM subvendorID after set to mode 4
LSIP200225019 (DFCT) WebBIOS is displaying Next Learn Cycle instead of "Next Learn Cycle Time:" in Bettary property page.
LSIP200229854 (DFCT) EFI WebBIOS BBU Mode pull down menu has garbage on the menu display line
LSIP200229855 (DFCT) WebBIOS BBU Mode pull down menu has garbage on the menu display line and some menu items
LSIP200230444 (DFCT) battery operational status is not proper
LSIP200224735 (DFCT) PD Listing bleeds over to the rest of the screen, when selecting reset under advanced operations in Web Bios
LSIP200225187 (DFCT) Improper Allignment of UnconfigGood spin Down in Controller Prperties page-UEFI mode

LSISAS2108, v12.12.0-111, firmware:
SCGCQ00263235 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00279191 Native configuration is no longer supported message in post
SCGCQ00265898 (DFCT) - FW quiesces IO when LC starts on BBU even in "WB always" mode
SCGCQ00280109 (DFCT) - Patrol Reads on SSD drives
SCGCQ00281507 (DFCT) - N/A
SCGCQ00281546 (DFCT) - Implemented the limited band charging
SCGCQ00284230 (DFCT) - Megamon during Injecting errors to VD with 512e PDs on iMR controller
SCGCQ00281888 (CSET) - Native configuration is no longer supported message in post
SCGCQ00283734 (CSET) - CRC errors during TSOC communication
LSIP200231744 (DFCT) Update BBU eeprom offset 0x08 and 0x09
LSIP200212236 (DFCT) iMR FW : Fail to read the header info from CFI Flash ROM during repeated system reboot.
LSIP200231285 (DFCT) Disable logging in flash for specific OEM

LSISAS2008, v20.10.1-0107, firmware:
SCGCQ00263235 (DFCT) - SCGCQ00279191 Native configuration is no longer supported message in post
SCGCQ00280109 (DFCT) - Patrol Reads on SSD drives
SCGCQ00281507 (DFCT) - N/A
SCGCQ00281546 (DFCT) - Implemented the limited band charging
SCGCQ00284230 (DFCT) - Megamon during Injecting errors to VD with 512e PDs on iMR controller
SCGCQ00281888 (CSET) - Native configuration is no longer supported message in post
SCGCQ00283734 (CSET) - CRC errors during TSOC communication
LSIP200212236 (DFCT) iMR FW : Fail to read the header info from CFI Flash ROM during repeated system reboot.
LSIP200231285 (DFCT) Disable logging in flash for specific OEM

LSISAS1078, v11.0.1-0048, firmware:
LSIP200197364 (DFCT) HWR: EF: after 5 failed relearns the iBBU with 65K capacity is enabled from write-true to write-back
LSIP200199415 (DFCT) Need new Fail and Pre-Fail Limits on OEM controller
LSIP200186083 (DFCT) error when flash new FW for 1078
LSIP200199577 (DFCT) (N/A) Need new Fail and Pre-Fail Limits on OEM controller
LSIP200210019 (DFCT) (CL LSIP200188135) Potential data integrity issue when running the IO on degraded R5 VDs with 32 drives.
LSIP200200327 (DFCT) MR_PD_QUERY_TYPE_EXPOSED_TO_HOST: PD:xx print statements fill up fwtermlog
LSIP200149678 (DFCT) HDD dropped during IO testing with 8708EM2
LSIP200185803 (DFCT) Number of devices exceeded the maxinum limit error
LSIP200211447 (DFCT) Dummy defect for checking changes for LBC on OEM battery(PR 210358)
LSIP200149687 (CR) Disables all requirement for human input at boot time
LSIP200221362 (DFCT) HWR: EF: No GlobalHS possible in case of mixed SAS / SATA arrays on one controller
LSIP200212889 (DFCT) (CL LSIP200209279) HWR: EF: additional reboot required after updating ibbu FCC to design capacity
LSIP200223601 (DFCT) Performance effect due to inaccurate flush interval
LSIP200223423 (DFCT) (CL LSIP200222658) OEM controller shows foreign config without any hardware change.
LSIP200187373 (DFCT) Unplug hard disk will be cause some issues during run IO
LSIP200222581 (DFCT) Firmware 11.0.1-0046 Has Codename in Firmware Log
LSIP200221359 (CR) EF: FW seems to incorrectly mark ibbu's SOH bad (ibbu05)
LSIP200229651 (DFCT) 'clear' tasks on disks always show 0% complete when doing 'init' task on RAID volume
LSIP200231486 (DFCT) Phy link drop will cause the PDs out from configuration.
LSIP200230082 (DFCT) (None) Carbonite IS1116 JBoD Drivers....(bad sensor messages)
LSIP200221716 (CR) EF: FW seems to incorrectly mark ibbu's SOH bad (ibbu01)
LSIP200230550 (CR) Reset FCC register with Design Capacity value and Relearn is initiated
LSIP200210937 (DFCT) System showed error message when entering uFEI web-bios

发表于 2012-6-19 13:20 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-19 19:29 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-6-19 21:42 | 只看该作者
这。。P大  换头像了吗?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-20 02:00 | 只看该作者
guanyc 发表于 2012-6-19 21:42
这。。P大  换头像了吗?

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发表于 2012-6-23 03:11 | 只看该作者
per1-q1222 发表于 2012-6-20 02:00

SFF8484和SFF8485的线材在不考虑 SGPIO的情况下是否通用?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-23 04:57 | 只看该作者
Meta 发表于 2012-6-23 03:11
SFF8484和SFF8485的线材在不考虑 SGPIO的情况下是否通用?

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发表于 2012-6-23 11:02 | 只看该作者
per1-q1222 发表于 2012-6-23 04:57

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发表于 2012-6-24 09:43 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-6-24 09:49 | 只看该作者
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乐极生悲 该用户已被删除
发表于 2012-6-24 09:51 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-6-24 19:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-24 19:44 | 只看该作者
wmfwmf 发表于 2012-6-24 19:32

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发表于 2012-6-24 23:08 | 只看该作者
per1-q1222 发表于 2012-6-24 19:44

做RAID的直接效能 LSI8888ELP 直接拉满 LSI9260永远打7折
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 00:15 | 只看该作者
wmfwmf 发表于 2012-6-24 23:08
做RAID的直接效能 LSI8888ELP 直接拉满 LSI9260永远打7折

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-25 14:59 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-6-25 21:06 | 只看该作者
per1-q1222 发表于 2012-6-25 00:15

测试持续数据的结果同样4盘80G G2 组RAID0 LSI 8888ELP 直接拉满1G/S 而9260只有700多MB/S
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-26 00:58 | 只看该作者
wmfwmf 发表于 2012-6-25 21:06
测试持续数据的结果同样4盘80G G2 组RAID0 LSI 8888ELP 直接拉满1G/S 而9260只有700多MB/S


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-26 01:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 wmfwmf 于 2012-6-26 01:02 编辑

一样设置 所以对9260绝望了 准备出掉换9265
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-26 10:05 | 只看该作者
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