He's back. The connected PS3-party wet blanket who brought us covert info on the PlayStation 3 has dug up some dirt from a phantom insider who claims the PS3 may see even more downgraded specs. From lower clock speeds to an external power brick to who-knows-what-else, one thing we know for certain is that we sure as hell won't be getting what was promised at E3 2005.
More dirty insider talk after the jump.
Red says: got any interesting news?
Phantom Insider says: sure
Red says: then let's start it up
Phantom Insider says: Fully functional PS3 betas still do not exist
Red says: hmm
Phantom Insider says: Despite that we have seen a number of downgrades
Red says: clock speed?
Red says: remember it was going to be 3.5 ghz?
Phantom Insider says: And now we have been told that the powersource might be an external 400 watt unit after all
Phantom Insider says: instead of internal as promised
Red says: interesting
Phantom Insider says: The current designs despite having vents all over the place apparently still cant dissipate the heat to sufficient levels
Phantom Insider says: And yields on 3.2 Gigaherz CELL processors are too low
Red says: they can't produce them in mass supply still?
Phantom Insider says: so the final release might run only at 2.8 gigaherz
Red says: what have you heard about the rsx?
Red says: why would that be downgraded?
Red says: it as already somewhat weak
Phantom Insider says: RSX is finished and has been finished for quite a few months now
Red says: hmm
Phantom Insider says: we know what it can and cannot do
Red says: yea?
Phantom Insider says: I won't comment any further
Red says: hint?
Phantom Insider says: No
Red says: come on, this is anonymous
Phantom Insider says: I can't tell you more
Phantom Insider says: I do not want to lose my job
Red says: does it bode well for the ps3?
Phantom Insider says: Last time we had a lot of internal emails coming in from Sony
Red says: hmm not surprised
Red says: you were the first to blow the lid off things
Phantom Insider says: They were looking for the sources of the delay and dev problems leaks