相比之下,AMD就显得黯淡了许多。在ISSCC上,AMD也会进一步介绍其代号“巴塞罗那”的原生四核心Opteron处理器。会议资料显示,巴塞罗那基于已有的双核心Opteron架构,拓展至四核心,并加入了新的功耗管理技术。此外,AMD还有望拿出详细的DDR3转换计划。作者: skywalker_hao 时间: 2007-1-5 13:37
An integrated quad-core x86 processor is implemented in a 65nm 11M SOI CMOS
process. Based on an enhanced OpteronTM core, the SoC-developed processor employs
power- and thermal-management techniques throughout the design. The SRAM cache
designs target process variation considerations and future process scalability. A
DDR2/DDR3 combo-PHY and HT3 I/Os provide high-bandwidth interfaces.:p