Nvidia won’t ever do DirectX 10.1 |
Written by Fuad Abazovic | |
Wednesday, 09 July 2008 09:25 | |
They will go for DirectX 11 The eternal question whether Nvidia will go for DirectX 10.1 with its next generation of chips is answered. It won’t and it never will. Nvidia will skip ATI’s DirectX 10.1 and plans to move to DirectX 11. DirectX 11 is scheduled for next year and this is the one that Nvidia wants to focus on. Nvidia has TWIMTBP and this gives them lot of close friendships with developers and publishers and most of them won’t ever touch DirectX 10.1 simply as Nvidia doesn’t supports it. 55nm Geforce GTX 280 is certainly DirectX 10 only while the real next generation will go for DirectX 11. This chapter is finally closed but we are sure that this won’t be enough to stop all the rumours. Naturally next generation ATI, lets call it R8x0 will also support DirectX 11 as this is the way to go in 2009, pre Windows 7 times. |
NVIDIA永不支持DX10.1 |
驱动之家[原创] 作者:上方文Q 编辑:上方文Q 2008-07-09 16:15:47 7351 人阅读 [投递] |
日前曾有爆炸性消息称,NVIDIA将在今年底或明年初推出自己的第一款DX10.1显卡,但Fudzilla又言之凿凿地宣称,NVIDIA不会、永远都不会支持DX10.1,而是会直接跳到DX11。 事实上,结合现在的业界形势,多次或明或暗地提出过“DX10.1无用论”的NVIDIA也确实没必要再对其提供支持。一则NVIDIA有庞大的TWIMTBP计划,拉拢了大量游戏开发商和发行商,他们其中大多数根本就不会涉足DX10.1(当然即使涉及也会被撤掉);二则DX10.1变化不大,但对AMD显卡的反锯齿性能有很大帮助,对NVIDIA显卡则没什么影响,除非其新一代产品能突然大变脸。 遗憾的是,Fudzilla没有给出任何消息来源,又增加了太多不确定性。当然了,在风云变幻的商界里没有什么绝对的是或否,反反复复的事情见了多了。 另外,微软将在NVISION 08和Gamefest 2008两次大会上公开介绍下一代DX11技术,主要是其中的Direct3D 11,而正式发布要等到2009年下半年左右,或者等到Windows 7。 |
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