标题: INQ宣称NV的G92和G94也发生大量故障 [打印本页]

作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-12 19:55
标题: INQ宣称NV的G92和G94也发生大量故障
Nvidia G92s and G94 reportedly failingDesktop boards this time

By Charlie Demerjian: Tuesday, 12 August 2008, 9:35 AM

NVIDIA IS IN DEEP trouble over the defective parts problem, and from what we're being told, this is only the tip of the iceberg. NV still insists on stonewalling and spinning because the cost of owning up to the problem could very well sink the company.

If you haven't been following the story, the short version, up till now, is that all G84 and G86 chips are bad. Nvidia is blaming everyone under the sun, but denying they have any hand in the failures. While this may sound plausible, technical analyses by people intimately involved in the requisite semiconductor technologies tell The INQ that it is a bunch of bull: NV simply screwed up. Badly. If it was a problem with the suppliers, NV would not be paying out more than the chip cost, much less gagging OEMs: it would simply be passed along.

In any case, the official story is that there was a small batch of parts given only to HP that went bad. That was comprehensively proved wrong when Dell, Apple, Asus, Lenovo and everyone else under the sun also had problems. NV AR recalled the parts and recanted the story about it only being an EOL test run. Bad fibbers, no cookie. They still stuck to the story about it being only laptop parts, and that it was under control.

If you think it is under control now, the following is part of an email sent Monday by a very tech-savvy reader. "We just got our first casualty from the Nvidia mobile graphics [expletive deleted]. Laptop used by one of our senior engineers started acting up this past weekend. Won't boot except in SAFE mode. Called Dell, they tried a few things, gave up, stated it was the graphics module, and said that because they were SO swamped dealing with that issue, they were just going to send a completely new laptop!"

There are two messages here whi**ave echoes in earlier emails received over the past few weeks. First is that Dell is replacing full laptops over this, contrary to what they claim (read the comments here and here for more). The second is that the small 'under control' problem is far from that. If they had a handle on it, they would not be so far behind and drowning in backorders. Anyone want to bet Dell isn't going to get stuck with the bill here?

To make matters more laughable, the fix that NV is forcing on Dell, HP and everyone else does not fix the problem, it simply makes it less likely to occur during the warranty period. With HP now offering an extended warranty period, and Dell looking likely to do the same, this will only multiply the cost. Add in the fact that Nvidia is sending out defective parts as replacements (there are no good ones), and you have a recipe for a long and expensive tale.

That is where we stand now - NV is simply stonewalling everyone and the costs are adding up. How adult of them. The question of why still remains though, and with another little tidbit of information, it becomes quite clear. There was a digitimes article on July 25, here if you are a subscriber, that said: "Due to Nvidia not clearly explaining the details of the faults reported in its notebook GPUs, some channel vendors have demanded graphics card makers issue a recall for desktop-based discrete graphics cards using the same GPU core, according to sources at graphics card makers."

Reading that, it sounds a mite odd: why would Nvidia keep the partners in the dark like that? They have to be told what the real story is for business reasons, right? When you see stories like these, it is very likely that they are not what they seem, and that the story is simply a nice face-saving Asian '**o' applied with a backhand.

A little digging revealed what this, and more, is all about, and it's far uglier than just the 'notebook' version. It seems that four board partners are seeing G92 and G94 chips going bad in the field at high rates. If you know what failures look like statistically, they follow a Poisson distribution, aka a bell curve. The failures start out small, and ramp up quickly - very quickly. If you know what you are looking for, you can catch the signs early on. From the sound of the backchannel grumblings, the failures have been flagged already, and NV isn't playing nice with their partners.

Why wouldn't they? Well, the G92 chip is used in the 8800GT, 8800GTS, 8800GS, several mobile flavours of 8800, most of the 9800 suffixes, and a few 9600 variants just to confuse buyers. The G94 is basically only the 9600GT. Basically we are told all G92 and G94 variants are susceptible to the same problem - basically they are all defective. Any guesses as to how much this is going to cost?

From the look of it, all G8x variants other than the G80, and all G9x variants are defective, but we have only been able to get people to comment directly on the G84, G86, G92 and G94, and all variants thereof. Since Nvidia is not acknowledging the obvious G84 and G86 problems, don't look for much word on this new set either - if they can bury it, it will drop their costs.

In the end, what it comes down to is that the problem is far bigger than they are admitting, and crosses generational lines, process lines, and OEM lines. Nvidia is quick to point the finger at everyone but themselves, but after a while, the facts strain those cover stories well past breaking point. There is a common engineering failure here - this problem is far too widespread for it to be anything else. The stonewalling, denials and partner gagging is simply a last-ditch attempt at wallet covering.

With OEMs extending warranties, Nvidia is going to have to cover a lot of laptops for a long time. Desktop boards are going bad as well now, contrary to the statements of Nvidia PR and AR, and the hole keeps getting deeper and deeper. I wonder if they can ever come clean and survive. µ

作者: bigfire034    时间: 2008-8-12 19:59
作者: Reuel`    时间: 2008-8-12 20:16
作者: kaicaysmic    时间: 2008-8-12 20:18
原帖由 Reuel` 于 2008-8-12 20:16 发表



[ 本帖最后由 kaicaysmic 于 2008-8-12 20:22 编辑 ]
作者: xreal    时间: 2008-8-12 20:21
:shifty: amd好像也只有1年保:shifty:
作者: AK47player    时间: 2008-8-12 20:21
{time:] 其实在windows这种电源管理比较强劲的os上一般问题不大 的吧~~要是换成linux~~~有北邮的兄弟不?应该知道实验室拿些装备8X00显卡的机器的下场吧~~
作者: whateveru    时间: 2008-8-12 20:23
作者: ikinari    时间: 2008-8-12 20:24
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作者: pentium    时间: 2008-8-12 20:25
作者: kaicaysmic    时间: 2008-8-12 20:28
原帖由 pentium 于 2008-8-12 20:25 发表

作者: kdu    时间: 2008-8-12 20:29
作者: 星星炎    时间: 2008-8-12 20:29
{mellow:] 彻底爆发啊
作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-12 20:31
原帖由 pentium 于 2008-8-12 20:25 发表

作者: bfg9000    时间: 2008-8-12 20:33
作者: kamuiyay    时间: 2008-8-12 20:36
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作者: NV60    时间: 2008-8-12 20:45

作者: xboxdcps    时间: 2008-8-12 20:50
作者: clawhammer    时间: 2008-8-12 20:56
作者: Al@n    时间: 2008-8-12 20:58
作者: cool_exorcist    时间: 2008-8-12 20:58
作者: zlnnt    时间: 2008-8-12 21:00

作者: pentium    时间: 2008-8-12 21:01
原帖由 kaicaysmic 于 2008-8-12 20:28 发表


作者: keke4ever    时间: 2008-8-12 21:07
作者: arashi    时间: 2008-8-12 21:09
作者: xhj    时间: 2008-8-12 21:17
作者: boris_lee    时间: 2008-8-12 21:18
By Charlie Demerjian:
作者: Athlon64fly    时间: 2008-8-12 21:25
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作者: fevaoctwh    时间: 2008-8-12 21:32
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作者: fevaoctwh    时间: 2008-8-12 21:34
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作者: boris_lee    时间: 2008-8-12 21:39
Called Dell, they tried a few things, gave up, stated it was the graphics module, and said that because they were SO swamped dealing with that issue, they were just going to send a completely new laptop!"

作者: 星星炎    时间: 2008-8-12 21:50
{mellow:] GF9300啊 本本有的
作者: Bohr    时间: 2008-8-12 21:57
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作者: 恰骋    时间: 2008-8-12 22:04
作者: cnianshui    时间: 2008-8-12 22:09
作者: toshibacom    时间: 2008-8-12 22:13
还好我的8800GTS 512给贱卖了。还有半年保,JD买的。买了我卡的兄弟尽量折腾,争取明年1月份之前把这块卡搞坏找JD。
作者: 懿梵    时间: 2008-8-12 22:17
:thumbsup: 确实是个新闻.....
作者: 风之幻影    时间: 2008-8-12 22:20
原帖由 fevaoctwh 于 2008-8-12 21:32 发表

作者: scim    时间: 2008-8-12 22:20
nv Linux版驱动无动态调节频率功能。
作者: 6Y4EVER    时间: 2008-8-12 22:23
作者: evilviper    时间: 2008-8-12 22:23
作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-12 22:47
原帖由 懿梵 于 2008-8-12 22:17 发表
:thumbsup: 确实是个新闻.....

作者: fevaoctwh    时间: 2008-8-12 23:07
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作者: 爱老婆的傻狐狸    时间: 2008-8-12 23:25
作者: whut123456    时间: 2008-8-12 23:44
不知道我的耕升大乔 是不是真的能保5年啊
作者: NV60    时间: 2008-8-13 00:01
作者: Albatron    时间: 2008-8-13 00:47
原帖由 scim 于 2008-8-12 22:20 发表
nv Linux版驱动无动态调节频率功能。

作者: undeadkiller    时间: 2008-8-13 00:49
作者: yehaku04    时间: 2008-8-13 00:58
作者: Travis    时间: 2008-8-13 01:00
作者: StrikerFX    时间: 2008-8-13 01:16
all G8x variants other than the G80, and all G9x variants are defective

作者: panyj522    时间: 2008-8-13 01:21
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作者: ATXT    时间: 2008-8-13 07:34
以后不买1年保的卡勒 。。。。
作者: ikinari    时间: 2008-8-13 07:56
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作者: rockbaby    时间: 2008-8-13 08:15

NVIDIA的g92s和g94据报道, failingdesktop议会的这个时候

由查理demerjian :周二, 2008年8月12日,上午9时35分

NVIDIA公司是在深的麻烦超过瑕疵零件的问题,从我们现在被告知,这只是冰山的一角。 NV公司仍然坚持拖延及纺纱,因为成本拥有最多的问题,很可能击沉公司。

如果您有没有以下的故事,简短的版本,直至目前为止,是所有g84和g86芯片是坏的。 NVIDIA公司是怨天尤人,每个人都在阳光下,但否认他们有任何一方面在失败的。虽然这听起来可能可行的,技术分析,由人民的密切参与,在必要的半导体技术告诉inq ,这是一群牛: NV公司只需拧了。严重。如果它是一个问题,与有关供应商,内华达州将不会发放多于芯片的成本,更遑论噎原始设备制造商:它想简单地予以通过沿。

在任何情况下,官方的故事,是有一个小批量的零件,只有惠普公司指出,到坏。这是全面证明是错误时,戴尔,苹果,华硕,联想和其他所有人在阳光下也有问题。 NV公司氩回顾零件和recanted的故事,只是作为一个停产的试运行。坏fibbers ,没有Cookie的。他们仍然坚持的故事,它只是笔记型电脑部分,而且它已受到控制。

如果你认为这是受到控制,现在,以下是一个组成部分发送的电子邮件周一,由一个非常精通技术的读者。 “我们刚刚得到我们的第一个受害者从NVIDIA的移动图形[ expletive删除] 。笔记型电脑用我们的一个高级工程师开始代理这个过去周末。无法启动,除在安全模式。所谓的戴尔,他们尝试了几件事,放弃了,说明它是图形模块,并表示,因为他们使淹没在处理这个问题,他们只是去发送一个完全新的笔记本电脑“ !

有两个消息在这里whi **大街回波在较早的电子邮件收到超过过去数星期。第一是戴尔,是全面取代笔记型电脑超过这一点,相反,他们的索赔(阅读的评论在这里和这里以取得更多) 。二是小'下控制'的问题是远远的。如果他们有一个处理上,他们将不会那么远远落后,溺水在backorders 。任何人想打赌,戴尔是不打算在碰到困难,与条例草案在这里出现?

使问题更可笑,修复程序NV公司是迫使对戴尔,惠普和其他所有人不解决此问题,它只是使得它不太可能发生在保修期。与惠普现在提供了一个延长保修期,和戴尔寻找可能做同样的,这只会成倍增加的成本。在新增的事实, NVIDIA公司发出了有缺陷的部件,作为替代品(有没有好的) ,以及你是否有处方,一个漫长和昂贵的故事。

这是我们现在的立场-N V公司只不过是拖延大家的成本加入了。如何成人,他们。的问题,为什么仍然虽然,与另一小tidbit的信息,它就成为相当清楚。有一个( DigiTimes )的文章于7月25日,在这里如果你是一个用户,即说: “由于NVIDIA公司没有明确说明详细的故障报告,在其笔记本电脑GPU ,有些渠道供应商都要求显卡制造商发出召回桌面基于离散图形卡使用相同的GPU核心,据消息人士透露,在显卡制造商“ 。

读,这听起来螨多:为什么会NVIDIA公司保持合作伙伴在黑暗中这样呢?他们会告诉什么真正的故事,是为商业上的原因,对不对?当你看到的故事一样,这些,很可能他们没有什么,他们似乎和故事,简直是好面子的亚洲' ** o '应用与一记反手。


为什么不呢?那么, g92芯片是用在该8800gt , 8800gts , 8800gs ,几个移动的风味8800 ,大部分的9800后缀,及数9600变种只是混淆了买家。该g94 ,基本上是只有9600gt 。基本上告诉我们,所有g92和g94变种很容易受到同样的问题-他们基本上都是有缺陷的。任何猜测,以有多少,这是前往费用是多少?

从外观看来,所有g8x变异以外的其他g80 ,以及所有g9x变种有缺陷,但我们只能够得到人民的直接评论该g84 , g86 , g92和g94 ,和所有变种。自NVIDIA公司是不承认明显的g84和g86的问题,不要找很多字就这一套新要么-如果他们能埋葬,它会下降,它们的成本。

在年底,它归结为是,这个问题是远远大于他们承认,和十字架世代线,工艺生产线,及OEM线。 NVIDIA正在迅速矛头指向,但每个人都在自己,但过了一段时间,事实应变那些封面故事以及过去打破点。有一个共同的工程失败在这里-这个问题是过于广泛,为它成为一切。该拖延,抵赖和合作伙伴噎,简直是尽最后的尝试,包括钱包。

与OEM厂商扩大的保证, NVIDIA公司将不得不支付大量的笔记型电脑相当长的时间。台式机主板是坏,以及现在,相反的声明NVIDIA的公关和AR ,和孔不断得到深。我不知道,如果他们都不能来清洁和生存。 μ
作者: 星星炎    时间: 2008-8-13 08:37
{mellow:] 还特地翻译出来了啊
作者: cnianshui    时间: 2008-8-13 08:43
晕  竟然用 google 翻译、、、
作者: fzh9761    时间: 2008-8-13 09:33
作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-13 09:41
标题: Tom\'s 也转载了,这下事情可能要闹大了……
Report: All Nvidia G84/G86 Chips Defective
6:40 PM - August 12, 2008 by Marcus Yam
Source: Tom's Hardware – Category : Graphics Cards

It appears that Nvidia ’s notebook chips aren’t the only ones that could be defective,
if an Inquirer report is to be believed.

According to sources, the entire line of G84 and G86 chips all suffer from the same defect, regardless of desktop or notebook application. The chip generation utilizes the same Application Specific Integrated Circuit

(ASIC), which supposedly has an issue with an “unnamed substrate or bumping material, and it is heat related.”
As expected, Nvidia is staying mum on the topic, but analysts are spilling various details. One story is that HP was the recipient for the majority of the defective chips – only limited to a specific batch. Further explanation reveals that it was isolated to an end-of-life batch that used a different bonding/substrate process.

The story
with HP didn’t fly with the Inq, as it believes that no changes in process were made throughout the chip’s cycle, leading to suspicions that the defect is widespread. Furthermore, Dell responded quickly to failure reports by quickly issuing a BIOS update that pumped up the cooling for the vulnerable chip parts, which clearly shows that the problem ventured beyond just HP. Now HP has also a new BIOS to run the fan at all times at the expense of battery life.

While evidence may point to only notebook chips being afflicted, one theory is that notebook chips go though more stress than their desktop counterparts. Notebooks are power cycled more often, and by extension the GPUs go through more heat cycles – quickly exposing the defect. GPUs in notebooks may also be harder to cool, with less space for elaborate heatsinks and fans.

Unfortunately for owners of Nvidia G84 and G86 hardware, this could just be the tip of a very troubled iceberg.


[ 本帖最后由 itany 于 2008-8-13 09:42 编辑 ]
作者: 狂付利息    时间: 2008-8-13 10:00
原帖由 AK47player 于 2008-8-12 20:21 发表
{time:] 其实在windows这种电源管理比较强劲的os上一般问题不大 的吧~~要是换成linux~~~有北邮的兄弟不?应该知道实验室拿些装备8X00显卡的机器的下场吧~~

作者: sus1227    时间: 2008-8-13 10:04
NV 好惨啊{cry:]  什么都被人盯着了
作者: kunnsr    时间: 2008-8-13 10:06
INQ 有重大嫌疑收受AMD贿赂 近期将被FBI清洗~ 心花社报道
作者: sleuth    时间: 2008-8-13 10:17
{shocked:] NV难道在玩自宫的把戏。。。
作者: camolarase    时间: 2008-8-13 10:21
作者: shieldfeng    时间: 2008-8-13 11:03
作者: xiaolongzi    时间: 2008-8-13 12:41
作者: scout2006    时间: 2008-8-13 14:43
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作者: ericcantone    时间: 2008-8-13 15:10
作者: panjanstoneborg    时间: 2008-8-13 16:42
作者: tsen    时间: 2008-8-13 16:52
5555,我的8800GT..{cry:] {cry:] {cry:]
作者: droganmaster    时间: 2008-8-13 17:08
8800GT长期高频路过 这尼玛明显夸大了
作者: 8800gt    时间: 2008-8-13 17:18
作者: ikinari    时间: 2008-8-13 18:05
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作者: cnsh6688    时间: 2008-8-13 19:22
作者: 漠路狂徒    时间: 2008-8-13 19:29
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作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-13 19:44
原帖由 Elwin 于 2008-8-13 17:55 发表

前人转帖,后人挖坟啊…… -_-
作者: btlang    时间: 2008-8-13 20:24
作者: manu88wh    时间: 2008-8-13 20:28
作者: 8800gt    时间: 2008-8-13 20:41
作者: zpgan1024    时间: 2008-8-14 14:30
作者: Travis    时间: 2008-8-14 14:39
标题: 回复 99# zpgan1024 的帖子
谁找一下当时的新闻,NVIDIA财报和INQ“All G84 and G86s are bad”的消息是哪个在先哪个在后
作者: congcong    时间: 2008-8-14 14:40
这个woop ass 倒是大的啊。。
作者: jack099    时间: 2008-8-14 16:00
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作者: 落花如梦    时间: 2008-8-14 16:15
原帖由 Travis 于 2008-8-14 14:39 发表
谁找一下当时的新闻,NVIDIA财报和INQ“All G84 and G86s are bad”的消息是哪个在先哪个在后

作者: 93blue    时间: 2008-8-14 16:36
完蛋啦~~~  索泰的所谓3年质保不知会不会兑现 {sweat:]
作者: Travis    时间: 2008-8-14 18:05
标题: 回复 104# 落花如梦 的帖子

http://www.ex preview.com/news/hard/2008-07-03/1215072213d9375.html


[ 本帖最后由 Travis 于 2008-8-14 18:21 编辑 ]

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