标题: Intel带小弟搞阴谋,SLI和CF统统完蛋 [打印本页]

作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-21 00:01
标题: Intel带小弟搞阴谋,SLI和CF统统完蛋
Lucid Hydra 100 - Enabling SLI/CrossFire on Any Platform

Well the title is a little misleading. It isn't enabling SLI or CrossFire: it is making them irrelevant and useless by replacing them with a better GPU independent multi-GPU solution. Lucid is a company with lots of funding from Intel, and they are a chip designer that is gearing up to sell hardware that enables truly scalable multi-GPU rendering.

While graphics is completely scalable and there are native solutions to extract near linear performance gains in every case, NVIDIA and AMD have opted not to go down this path yet. It is quite difficult, as it involves the sharing of resources and more fine grained distribution of the workload. SLI and CrossFire are bandaid solutions that don't scale well past 3 GPUs. Their very course grained load balancing and the tricks that must be done to handle certain rendering techniques really hobbles the inherent parallelism of graphics.

Lucid, with their Hydra Engine and the Hydra 100 chip, are going in a different direction. With a background in large data set analysis, these guy are capable of intercepting the DirectX or OpenGL command stream before it hits the GPU, analyzing the data, and dividing up scene at an object level. Rather than rendering alternating frames, or screens split on the horizontal, this part is capable of load balancing things like groups of triangles that are associated with a single group of textures and sending these tasks to whatever GPU it makes the most sense to render on. The scene is composited after all GPUs finish rendering their parts and send the data back to the Lucid chip.

The tasks that they load balance are even dynamically defined, and they haven't gone into a lot of detail with us at this point. But we have another meeting scheduled with them today. So we'll see what happens there.

These guys say they always get near linear scaling regardless of application, and that the scaling is not limited to a number of GPUs. Meaning that 4x GPUs would actually see nearly 4x scaling. Or that 10 GPUs would see 10x scaling. The implications, if this actually works as advertised are insane.

So why is Intel interested in this? Well, they could offer a platform solution through motherboards with this chip on them that delivers better multi-GPU scaling than either NVIDIA or AMD are capable of offering natively on their own platforms. With the issues in getting NVIDIA SLI on Intel systems, this will really be a slap in the face for them.

We will definitely bring you more when we know it. At this point it seems like a great idea, but the theory doesn't always line up with the execution. If they pull of what they say they can it will revolutionize multi-GPU. We'll see what happens.
作者: skureppe    时间: 2008-8-21 00:05
作者: jambooc    时间: 2008-8-21 00:10
作者: lancerster    时间: 2008-8-21 00:10
作者: 天使之月    时间: 2008-8-21 00:14
而图形是完全可扩展的和有本土的解决方案,以提取近乎线性的性能提升在任何情况下, NVIDIA和AMD公司已选择不走这条路。它是相当困难的,因为它涉及资源共享和更多的细粒分布的工作量。 SLI和CrossFire的是bandaid的解决方案,不规模,以及过去3的GPU 。他们非常当然晶负载平衡和技巧,必须做处理某些绘制技术真正阻碍固有的并行性的图形。
清晰的,与他们的水螅引擎和水螅100芯片,将会在不同的方向。与背景在大型数据集的分析,这些家伙有能力拦截的DirectX或OpenGL的命令流前命中的GPU ,分析数据,并划分了现场,在一个对象的水平。而非交替帧渲染,或屏幕上的分裂水平,这部分是有能力负载平衡的东西一样,团体的三角形有关联,与一个单一的组织构和发送这些任务,无论它使GPU的最有意义的,使对。现场是复合后,所有的GPU完成绘制及其零部件和传送数据备份到清晰的芯片。
这些家伙说,他们总能获得近乎线性的尺度,无论申请,并表示,结垢是不是只限于一些GPU的。也就是说, 4倍的GPU实际上看到了近4倍缩放。或10的GPU会看到10倍的缩放。的影响,如果这其实是工程作为标榜是疯了。
那么,为何有兴趣的是,英特尔在这方面呢?那么,他们可以提供一个平台解决方案,通过主板与这种芯片对他们提供更好的多GPU结垢比NVIDIA公司或AMD公司有能力提供natively对自己的政纲。与问题,在获得的NVIDIA SLI在Intel系统,这将真正的迎头痛击,在面对他们。
我们一定会为您带来更多,当我们知道这一点。在这一点上,似乎像一个伟大构想,但理论并不总是一致,与执行。如果他们拉什么,他们说可以将发生革命性的多GPU 。我们将看看会发生什么情况。

作者: UX201A    时间: 2008-8-21 00:14
作者: nvidia44    时间: 2008-8-21 00:51
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作者: gaot    时间: 2008-8-21 00:54
bad news for money-grabbers, good news for us{lol:]
作者: darkangel308    时间: 2008-8-21 08:16
作者: 排骨饭    时间: 2008-8-21 09:57
{shocked:] 这样的话SLI/CF岂不是没搞头了?性能具体如何?
作者: gaiban    时间: 2008-8-21 09:59
是有点吓人{titter:] {titter:]
作者: yanglingbi    时间: 2008-8-21 09:59
这次是实物还是on paper?
作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-21 10:14
原帖由 nvidia44 于 2008-8-21 00:51 发表

作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-21 10:15
原帖由 yanglingbi 于 2008-8-21 09:59 发表
这次是实物还是on paper?

实物啊…… {victory:]
作者: Edison    时间: 2008-8-21 10:24
没用,别天真了,AMD、NVIDIA 驱动弄一下这个东西就没戏了。
作者: 天下18    时间: 2008-8-21 10:27
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作者: itany    时间: 2008-8-21 16:06
原帖由 Edison 于 2008-8-21 10:24 发表
没用,别天真了,AMD、NVIDIA 驱动弄一下这个东西就没戏了。

作者: joe19690508    时间: 2008-8-21 16:08
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作者: eMitJrTeNiHs    时间: 2008-8-21 16:13
作者: lxy77521    时间: 2008-8-21 22:07
作者: Edison    时间: 2008-8-21 23:37
原帖由 itany 于 2008-8-21 16:06 发表

具备 QPI 的 Larrabee 要这个东西干啥?
作者: sylphid    时间: 2008-8-21 23:40
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作者: Zeissopher    时间: 2008-8-21 23:45
{blush:] {blush:]   慢慢看~~
作者: droganmaster    时间: 2008-8-21 23:56
作者: nvidia44    时间: 2008-8-22 00:03
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作者: Prescott    时间: 2008-8-22 00:13
原帖由 Edison 于 2008-8-21 23:37 发表

具备 QPI 的 Larrabee 要这个东西干啥?

作者: iverlin    时间: 2008-8-22 09:26
原帖由 Edison 于 2008-8-21 10:24 发表
没用,别天真了,AMD、NVIDIA 驱动弄一下这个东西就没戏了。

作者: iCer    时间: 2008-8-22 09:55
原帖由 iverlin 于 2008-8-22 09:26 发表



NV/AMD的新驱动只要开机时候检测一下有没有 Lucid 相关硬件,然后如果有的话,性能主动暴降,没有的话,一切如常。 这样你如何防范?毕竟,显卡最终要通过驱动程序执行。驱动程序主动暴降性能谁都没有办法。而没有Lucid的平台又一切如常。

作者: YY小熊猫    时间: 2008-8-22 09:58
作者: crazyzxh    时间: 2008-8-22 10:52
换个思路想想,或许这个芯片并不是完全给 a&n 预备的,intel 自己的显卡 是不是快来了呢 ^_^

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