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AMD 2010 Q3~2011 Q1 年催化剂更新动向以及全新 CCC 面板抢先看

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发表于 2010-7-21 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Upcoming ATI Catalyst™ software features
Stereo 3D: Gaming and Blu-ray
• Supported on the ATI Radeon HD 4000 and later products when used in combination with supported Stereoscopic glasses and displays
• Users will be able experience games and view supported Blu-ray 3D content in Stereo 3D
OpenGL ES support
• Will enable rich 3D graphics within supported web browser (Google’s Chrome or Mozilla’s Firefox) – enables acceleration of 3D content and games
Linux enhancements
• New OS support: Ubuntu 10.04, RHEL6.0 OpenSUSE 11.3,
• Linux OpenGL performance improvements
PowerXpress 4.0
• Allows users to seamlessly (on a per application or power state transition) switch between integrated and discrete graphics cores
• Enables users to conserve battery life

New Catalyst Control Center
• Designed for the AMD Fusion platform – Enables customers to easily configure their AMD hardware to maximize their PC experience
• The user interface will be fully scalable to work with various hardware configurations
o GPU only
o CPU only
o APU only
• Features a brand new user interface that is simple to use - There will be two variants of the user interface targeted at the:
o Mainstream user
o Advanced user
• Usability will be validated and tested through multiple usability studies
• Performance and package size will remain within range of the current ATI Catalyst Control Center
• The new unified Catalyst Control center will include functionality of the following AMD applications
o ATI Catalyst Control Center
o AMD Fusion Utility
Launch plans:
• Stage 1: Late Q4 2010– targeted for OEM customer sampling / introduction
• Stage 2: Late Q1 2011 targeted for ATI Catalyst™ introduction
• Monthly updates to follow through ATI Catalyst will add new features and functionality
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-21 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
新版 CCC 面板设置原型:


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