本帖最后由 per1-q1222 于 2013-3-7 07:35 编辑
MegaRAID Storage Manager, v5.6, v13.01.04-00:
1)SCGCQ00362722 MSM discovery host does not work
2)SCGCQ00353990 After clear configuration from any of the server,Refresh of device tree is taking more time.
3)SCGCQ00376597 Server Profile information is not alligned properly in MSM Dashboard for SPARC10
4)SCGCQ00382064 Invalid entries in MSM resource files
1)SCGCQ00373530 Wrong nextlearntime is shown for BBU in snmp util and HP openview.
2)SCGCQ00369533 Not able to select SAS,SATA PD's after selecting and deselecting SSD's as part of the Drive Group.
3)SCGCQ00360074 VD informations are not aligned properly in solaris sparc 11.
4)SCGCQ00361118 MSM: Recon option on Odd numbered drive R0 not allowed.
5)SCGCQ00362722 MSM discovery host does not work
6)SCGCQ00374135 CSA-1.5 MSM-"Selected FW version" shows wrongly while updating firmware (7mb rom file of 2161) from MSM
7)SCGCQ00365138 SWR: MSM displays incorrect VD creation time.
8)SCGCQ00369158 Text not displayed properly in advanced properties of BBU page.
9)SCGCQ00374605 CSA1.5: MSM : Alt+g+c+t is not displaying pop up window for set patrol read properties.
1)SCGCQ00361161 MSM is showing junk characters in preserved cache window
1)SCGCQ00357654 MR5.6 Linux 32/64 bit MSM is not packaged with JRE1.7
2)SCGCQ00355879 MSM- not displaying the complete serial no. for IBM, toshiba drives and Expander
3)SCGCQ00356237 MSM: when flashing a MR controller, MSM reports it will flash iMR FW in the same package
4)SCGCQ00353922 Windows 2012 is unable to discover VMWare through MSM
5)SCGCQ00361388 MSM Fails to Discover ESXi servers.
1)SCGCQ00320835 iMR_Fury_6.1:MSM - MSM framework crashed during Foreign config import
1)SCGCQ00357953 MR 5.6 Alpha: MSM is unable to create a snapshot view
2)SCGCQ00356079 MSM still prompt user when trying to Uninstall MSM using the "silent" option
3)SCGCQ00358682 MSM's BBU Advanced Properties page have text that are truncated
4)SCGCQ00353987 Host Name and OS Name were not displayed for ESXi servers
5)SCGCQ00354457 Set virtual drive properties dailog is not closing when we click on Ok button
6)SCGCQ00354069 RAID 10 not listed for IR2 in MSM
7)SCGCQ00354080 Host name and Right Click option not visible IR2/IR controller
8)SCGCQ00305171 MACON: ssd drive temperature is shown in negative value.
9)SCGCQ00357909 "Create VD" tab is missing on specific scenario
10)SCGCQ00353922 Windows 2012 is unable to discover VMWare through MSM
11)SCGCQ00359981 MSM: MR5.6 is missing the 256 bit encryption US export policy and local_policy jar files in jre1.7
12)SCGCQ00305170 (RW LSIP200223243) macon: the media error count in pd proerties page dosent change unless we do a manual refresh
1)SCGCQ00356875 HAMR: MSM show Domain ID instead of server name when only node exist in cluster
2)SCGCQ00316678 HAMR: MSM did not have a help file for configure a shared VD
1)SCGCQ00345771 iMr_Hamlin_MSM:Prepare for removal option is not coming for DIF/SED drives in MSM
2)SCGCQ00347187 iMR_Hamlin_MSM:4K drive size not shown proper in MSM profile summary
3)SCGCQ00348477 MR-MSM: on starting manual learn cycle on supercap, warning message shows that learn cycle takes upto 8 hours.
4)SCGCQ00346252 iMR_Hamlin_MSM:"Instant secure erase" option is enabled for FDE/SED drives in JBOD state
1)SCGCQ00295261 MSM Japanese Translation
2)SCGCQ00342901 Improve MSM response time - early work
3)SCGCQ00342910 MSM to display entire HA cluster in a a single pane - early work
4)SCGCQ00344787 Upgrade of MSM JRE from JRE1.6 to JRE1.7
5)SCGCQ00329012 MSM: Add support to load CIMPlugin in Linux 64-bit client
6)SCGCQ00295907 Add MSM StartUI icon
7)SCGCQ00352103 NMR1.0 HSW merge to MR5.6 HSW