Dell 2407WFP – The design, updated S-PVA panel from Samsung (LTM240M2), 6ms G2G response time now instead of 12ms G2G, HDCP support over DVI connection.
其他廠牌陸續發佈推出 24" LCD,採用的都是同樣面版:三星 LTM240M2
Note: You can find all other models including the Samsung 244T, ACER AL2416W and Eizo S2410W which use the LTM240M2 panel by using the panel search tool
As a reminder, Dell screens allow you to access the hidden ‘factory’ OSD menu to find out some additional information about your screen. Here is how to do it, it will become important later on…
1- Turn off your screen 先關閉螢幕
2- Press simultaneously the 'Menu' and '+' button of the screen. 同時按著 Menu 與 +
3- While holding the 2 buttons, press now the 'Power' button. 然後打開電源
4- Once the screen in ON, unpress the 3 buttons. 螢幕啟動後,放開以上三個按鈕
5- Just press '-' button. 按 - 按鈕
原始的韌體版本是 V1B11 更新後版本應該是 V1B15
面版已經是 LTM240ML2 而不是 LTM240M2
[ 本帖最后由 frances76 于 2006-5-27 11:51 编辑 ] |