全球最大通路商塈Intel大中華區處理器通路商Ingram Micro與AMD達成分銷協議,正式被委任為大中華區AMD處理器通路商,將對中國大陸、香港地區供應全系統桌面處理器、行動處理器及伺服器處理器。此協議標誌著AMD在大中華渠道業務上取得了更進一步的成功,將對Intel於大中華區佈局構成重大壓力。
根據協定內容,Ingram Micro將成為AMD微處理器產品系列在中國大陸、香港地區的授權分銷商。此舉加強了AMD的分銷渠道,為客戶提供更多選擇。Ingram Micro在中國大陸、香港地區的公司將為廣大的增值分銷商 (value-added resellers, VARS) 提供定制服務,包括管理和完成訂單、基於合約關係的製造和倉庫儲存、產品採購、產品包裝和裝箱、逆向物流、咻敼芾怼⒖蛻舴?铡⑿庞煤褪諑す芾矸?眨?约胺咒N價值鏈上的其他多種服務。
據AMD大中華區副總裁王正福先生表示,AMD在中國大陸和香港地區的業務迅速增長,分銷渠道發揮了重要的作用。AMD期望與Ingram Micro密切合作,為國內政府部門、商業和消費市場的客戶提供更多的選擇和更全面的採購渠道,令更多的客戶能享受到AMD64平台的優勢。
Ingram Micro現為全球通路服務龍頭,在全球100個國家和地區提供服務,是唯一在亞洲展開業務的全球IT分銷商,早在1999年就將分銷業務帶到中國,管理20個國際知名IT品牌的逾12,000種技術產品,目前,Ingram Micro在上海、北京、廣州和成都設有4個主要分銷中心,在全國25個重要城市設立了分機搆,並擁有系統集成商、區域分銷商、增值經銷商、零售商在內的6,000多間合作夥伴提供全面的服務,實力不能忽視。Ingram在大中華區兼售AMD,無疑將會對Intel於大中華區佈區造成壓力,業者認為Intel將要面對此例一開將令其他通路商有意效法的可能性。
據了解,Ingram Micro兼售AMD處理器早已在美國、歐洲、印度、澳大利亞、新西蘭等地區實行,據AMD在2005年向Intel提出反壟斷法提控書中表示,Ingram Micro曾屈服於Intel壓力下,放棄與AMD簽下大中華區分銷協議,現在Ingram Micro正式落實為大中華區AMD處理器通路商,無疑是為AMD出了一口怨氣。
Ingram Micro, the world's largest technology distributor is appointed as a new distributor of AMD in APIC, distributing a full set of processing products from mobile to server in mainland China as well as Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Ingram Micro also is being as the distributor of Intel in APIC, implying AMD has achieved a great success in the APIC market at the same time giving pressure to Intel’s marketing strategy.
Under terms of the agreement, being acted as a value-added reseller (VARS), Ingram Micro will distribute AMD’s mobile, desktop, and server processors in mainland China and Hong Kong. Through Ingram Micro Logistics, the company provides customizable services for order management and fulfillment, contract manufacturing, contract warehousing, product procurement, product pack out and cartonization, reverse logistics, transportation management, customer care, credit and collection management services, and other value chain services.
Ingram Micro Inc. is the world's largest technology distributor and a leading technology sales, marketing and logistics company. The company offers a broad array of solutions and services to nearly 165,000 resellers by distributing and marketing hundreds of thousands of IT products worldwide from nearly 1,400 suppliers. Ingram Micro serves 100 countries and is the only global IT distributor with operations in Asia.
In fact, Ingram Micro is already a distributor of AMD in US, Europe, India, Australia, and New Zealand. In December 2004, Ingram Micro, suddenly cut off discussions to distribute AMD chips in China. It’s later reported that Ingram Micro had no choice because Intel proffered loyalty rebates that were too lucrative to pass up. This case later on was put into an example in the accusation from AMD on Intel about againsting the antitrust laws.
[ 本帖最后由 apexmfg 于 2006-11-8 18:50 编辑 ] |