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SPEED TOUCH 610空闲的时候断开,是这样设置吗??————???

发表于 2008-4-26 14:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
SPEED TOUCH 610空闲的时候断开,是这样设置吗??————???

可是发现断线后, 再用网络时不自动拨号

[ 本帖最后由 pxjyj 于 2008-4-28 14:38 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-4-26 14:54 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 15:50 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 16:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 agrantleung 于 2008-4-26 15:50 发表

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 16:22 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 16:41 | 只看该作者
原帖由 蒙大拿 于 2008-4-26 16:22 发表

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 16:41 | 只看该作者
原帖由 smilexp 于 2008-4-26 16:21 发表


:thumbsup: 正解
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-26 17:25 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-26 20:33 | 只看该作者
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-26 23:52 | 只看该作者
Yes-_- -_- -_-
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-27 21:57 | 只看该作者
还有 Idle time limit  是指分钟还是秒呢?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-4-28 09:02 | 只看该作者
一定要检查是不是DNS Spoofing在起作用. 我当初设置SpeedTouch546的时候也是发现断线后, 再用网络时不自动拨号, 找原因找了很久.

如果你不知道怎么用CLI, 就导出当前设置. 导出后是一个文本文件, 在里面搜索WANDownSpoofing, 如果是enabled, 改成disabled. 再导入设置就改了.

  1. [ dnss.ini ]
  2. config domain=lan timeout=15 suppress=0 state=enabled trace=disabled syslog=disabled WANDownSpoofing=disabled WDSpoofedIP=
  3. host add name=dsldevice addr= ttl=1200
  4. host add name=speedtouch addr= ttl=1200
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 10:16 | 只看该作者
原帖由 zhx 于 2008-4-28 09:02 发表
一定要检查是不是DNS Spoofing在起作用. 我当初设置SpeedTouch546的时候也是发现断线后, 再用网络时不自动拨号, 找原因找了很久.

如果你不知道怎么用CLI, 就导出当前设置. 导出后是一个文本文件, 在里面搜索WANDo ...

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

FAE 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-4-28 10:43 | 只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 14:37 | 只看该作者
原帖由 zhx 于 2008-4-28 09:02 发表
一定要检查是不是DNS Spoofing在起作用. 我当初设置SpeedTouch546的时候也是发现断线后, 再用网络时不自动拨号, 找原因找了很久.

如果你不知道怎么用CLI, 就导出当前设置. 导出后是一个文本文件, 在里面搜索WANDo ...

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 22:03 | 只看该作者
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 22:47 | 只看该作者
[ language.ini ]
config language=en
[ script.ini ]
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=0 command="qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 class $3 tx_peakrate $4 tx_sustrate $5 tx_maxburst $6 rx_peakrate $4 rx_sustrate $5 rx_maxburst $6 dynamic yes"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=0 command="qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=0 command="qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 class $3 tx_peakrate $4 tx_sustrate $5 tx_maxburst $6 rx_peakrate $4 rx_sustrate $5 rx_maxburst $6 dynamic yes"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=1 command="phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 type any dynamic yes"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=2 command="bridge ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=3 command="bridge ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 qos _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=4 command="bridge ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=0 command="bridge ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=1 command="bridge ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=2 command="phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=3 command="qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=0 command="qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 class $3 tx_peakrate $4 tx_sustrate $5 tx_maxburst $6 rx_peakrate $4 rx_sustrate $5 rx_maxburst $6 dynamic yes"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=1 command="phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 type any dynamic yes"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=2 command="ethoa ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=3 command="ethoa ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 qos _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=4 command="ethoa ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=5 command="ip ifwait intf _auto_$1_$2 timeout 15 adminstatus up"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=6 command="pppoe relay add port _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=0 command="pppoe relay delete port _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=1 command="ethoa ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=2 command="ethoa ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=3 command="phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=4 command="qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos index=0 command="$$1 ifdetach intf $2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos index=1 command="$$1 ifconfig intf $2 qos $3"
add name=autopvc_change_qos index=2 command="$$1 ifattach intf $2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoerelay index=0 command="ethoa ifdetach intf $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoerelay index=1 command="ethoa ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoerelay index=2 command="ethoa ifattach intf $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoerelay index=3 command="pppoe relay add port $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoeethoa index=0 command="ethoa ifdetach intf $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoeethoa index=1 command="ethoa ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoeethoa index=2 command="ethoa ifattach intf $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoeethoa index=3 command="pppoe ifattach intf $3"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoa index=0 command="pppoa ifdetach intf $1"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoa index=1 command="ip ifwait intf $1 timeout 5 adminstatus down"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoa index=2 command="pppoa ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
add name=autopvc_change_qos_pppoa index=3 command="pppoa ifattach intf $1"
[ env.ini ]
set var=CONF_REGION value=World
set var=CONF_PROVIDER value=Basic
set var=CONF_DESCRIPTION value="Routed PPPoE Packet Service configuration using always-on session connectivity."
set var=CONF_SERVICE value="Routed PPPoE - DHCP - NAPT"
set var=CONF_DATE value="Configuration modified manually"
set var=CONF_TPVERSION value=1.2.0
set var=HOST_SETUP value=auto
set var=UPGRADE_URL value=http://www.speedtouch.com/upgrade600.htm
set var=ATM_addr value=8.35
set var=ATM_auto value=active
set var=SNMP_public value=public
set var=SNMP_private value=private
set var=SNMP_contact value="Service Provider"
set var=SNMP_location value="Customer Premises"
set var=PPP_user [email=value=xz4620915@adsl]value=********[/email]
set var=CONF_TEMPLATE value=pppoe.tpl
set var=CONF_USR_COMMENT value="Configuration created by Embedded Wizard (profile:active/pppoe.tpl)"
[ wizard.ini ]
def var=ATM type=grp desc="Specify the details of the PPP Routed Packet Service. All information should be provided by your ISP." alias="Routed PPP Service"
def var=ATM_addr type=combo grp=ATM desc="Choose a VPI/VCI from the list" alias=VPI/VCI default=0.32 data=0.32,0.33,0.34,0.35,0.36,0.37,0.38,0.100,1.32,1.33,1.100,8.35,8.36,8.37,8.48,8.81
def var=ATM_auto type=bool grp=ATM alias=Auto-configured default=passive data=passive,active
def var=PPP type=grp desc="Specify the details of the Routed PPP Account. All information should be provided by your ISP." alias="PPP Account Settings"
def var=PPP_user type=string grp=PPP desc="Enter your Internet connection user name." alias="User Name" req=yes
def var=%PPP_pwd type=passw grp=PPP desc="Enter your Internet connection password." alias=Password req=yes max=32
def var=PPP_ac type=string grp=PPP desc="Enter the PPPoE Access Concentrator Name." alias="Access Concentrator"
def var=PPP_service type=string grp=PPP desc="Enter the PPPoE Service Name." alias="Service Name"
def var=SNMP type=grp desc="Specify SNMP community strings to restrict SNMP access." alias="SNMP Settings"
def var=SNMP_public type=string grp=SNMP desc="Enter the read-only SNMP community string." alias="Read-Only Community"
def var=SNMP_private type=string grp=SNMP desc="Enter the read/write SNMP community string." alias="R/W Community"
def var=ST type=grp desc="Specify user name and password to protect SpeedTouch administrative access." alias="SpeedTouch Security"
def var=%ST_SYS_USERNAME type=string grp=ST desc="Enter user name." alias="User Name"
def var=%ST_SYS_PASSWORD type=passw grp=ST desc="Enter your password." alias=Password max=32
def var=%dummy type=passwcheck grp=ST desc="Re-enter your password" alias="Confirm Password"
[ snmp.ini ]
config RWCommunity=_DEV_18C6137DE97ED4FE ROCommunity=_DEV_CCFF64D36BFF0937 sysC sysName="SpeedTouch 610" sysLocation="Customer Premises" traps=no firstTrapDelay=90 atmmib=no
[ phone.ini ]
add name=PVC_1 addr=8*35 type=any
[ ipqos.ini ]
config dest=PVC_1 state=enabled
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=0
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=1
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=2
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=3
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=4
queue config dest=PVC_1 queue=5
[ qos.ini ]
config format=bytes
add name=default class=ubr
[ oam.ini ]
config clp=1 loopbackid=6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a
mode port=dsl0 blocking=enabled
mode port=dsl1 blocking=enabled
mode port=atm2 blocking=enabled
mode port=atm3 blocking=enabled
mode port=aal5 blocking=enabled
mode port=atm5 blocking=enabled
[ pfirewall.ini ]
chain create chain=allow_ipsec_sink
chain create chain=allow_ipsec_source
chain create chain=forward
chain create chain=sink
chain create chain=source
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_sink index=0 prot=udp dstport=ike action=accept
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_sink index=1 prot=ah action=accept
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_sink index=2 prot=esp action=accept
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_sink index=3 srcintfgrp=wan prot=tcp ack=yes action=accept
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_source index=0 prot=udp dstport=ike action=accept
rule create chain=allow_ipsec_source index=1 prot=tcp action=accept
rule create chain=forward index=0 srcintfgrp=wan dstintfgrp=wan action=drop
rule create chain=sink index=0 srcintfgrp=!wan action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=1 prot=udp dstport=dns action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=2 prot=udp dstport=bootpc action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=3 prot=udp dstport=sntp action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=4 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-reply action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=5 prot=icmp icmptype=destination-unreachable action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=6 prot=icmp icmptype=time-exceeded action=accept
rule create chain=sink index=7 prot=udp dstport=snmp log=yes action=count
rule create chain=sink index=8 prot=udp dstport=rip log=yes action=count
rule create chain=sink index=9 action=drop
rule create chain=source index=0 dstintfgrp=!wan action=accept
rule create chain=source index=1 prot=udp dstport=dns action=accept
rule create chain=source index=2 prot=udp dstport=bootps action=accept
rule create chain=source index=3 prot=udp dstport=sntp action=accept
rule create chain=source index=4 prot=udp dstport=syslog action=accept
rule create chain=source index=5 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-request action=accept
rule create chain=source index=6 prot=udp dstport=33434 dstportend=33523 action=accept
rule create chain=source index=7 prot=udp dstport=rip log=yes action=count
rule create chain=source index=8 prot=udp dstport=snmptrap log=yes action=count
rule create chain=source index=9 prot=udp srcport=snmp log=yes action=count
rule create chain=source index=10 action=drop
assign  hook=sink chain=sink
assign  hook=forward chain=forward
assign  hook=source chain=source

[ 本帖最后由 pxjyj 于 2008-4-28 22:49 编辑 ]
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-28 22:48 | 只看该作者
[ label.ini ]
add name=DSCP_AF11
add name=DSCP_AF12
add name=DSCP_AF13
add name=DSCP_AF21
add name=DSCP_AF22
add name=DSCP_AF23
add name=DSCP_AF31
add name=DSCP_AF32
add name=DSCP_AF33
add name=DSCP_AF41
add name=DSCP_AF42
add name=DSCP_AF43
add name=DSCP_CS1
add name=DSCP_CS2
add name=DSCP_CS3
add name=DSCP_CS4
add name=DSCP_CS5
add name=DSCP_CS6
add name=DSCP_CS7
add name=DSCP_EF
add name=Interactive
add name=Management
add name=defaultTCPACK
config name=DSCP_AF11 classification=overwrite defclass=7 ackclass=7
config name=DSCP_AF12 classification=overwrite defclass=6 ackclass=6
config name=DSCP_AF13 classification=overwrite defclass=6 ackclass=6
config name=DSCP_AF21 classification=overwrite defclass=9 ackclass=9
config name=DSCP_AF22 classification=overwrite defclass=8 ackclass=8
config name=DSCP_AF23 classification=overwrite defclass=8 ackclass=8
config name=DSCP_AF31 classification=overwrite defclass=11 ackclass=11
config name=DSCP_AF32 classification=overwrite defclass=10 ackclass=10
config name=DSCP_AF33 classification=overwrite defclass=10 ackclass=10
config name=DSCP_AF41 classification=overwrite defclass=13 ackclass=13
config name=DSCP_AF42 classification=overwrite defclass=12 ackclass=12
config name=DSCP_AF43 classification=overwrite defclass=12 ackclass=12
config name=DSCP_CS1 classification=overwrite defclass=5 ackclass=5
config name=DSCP_CS2 classification=overwrite defclass=6 ackclass=6
config name=DSCP_CS3 classification=overwrite defclass=7 ackclass=7
config name=DSCP_CS4 classification=overwrite defclass=9 ackclass=9
config name=DSCP_CS5 classification=overwrite defclass=10 ackclass=10
config name=DSCP_CS6 classification=overwrite defclass=12 ackclass=12
config name=DSCP_CS7 classification=overwrite defclass=13 ackclass=13
config name=DSCP_EF classification=overwrite defclass=14 ackclass=14
config name=Interactive classification=increase defclass=8 ackclass=8
config name=Management classification=increase defclass=12 ackclass=12
config name=defaultTCPACK classification=increase ackclass=6
chain create chain=user_labels
rule create chain=user_labels index=0 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=telnet label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=1 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=smtp label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=2 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=imap3 label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=3 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=imap2 label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=4 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=pop3 label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=5 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=pop2 label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=6 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=httpproxy label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=7 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=1080 label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=8 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=tcp dstport=www-http label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=9 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=esp label=Interactive
rule create chain=user_labels index=10 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=icmp label=Management
rule create chain=user_labels index=11 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=udp dstport=ike label=Management
rule create chain=user_labels index=12 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=0 prot=udp dstport=dns label=Management
rule create chain=user_labels index=13 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=56 label=DSCP_CS7
rule create chain=user_labels index=14 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=48 label=DSCP_CS6
rule create chain=user_labels index=15 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=40 label=DSCP_CS5
rule create chain=user_labels index=16 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=32 label=DSCP_CS4
rule create chain=user_labels index=17 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=24 label=DSCP_CS3
rule create chain=user_labels index=18 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=16 label=DSCP_CS2
rule create chain=user_labels index=19 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=8 label=DSCP_CS1
rule create chain=user_labels index=20 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=38 label=DSCP_AF43
rule create chain=user_labels index=21 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=36 label=DSCP_AF42
rule create chain=user_labels index=22 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=34 label=DSCP_AF41
rule create chain=user_labels index=23 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=30 label=DSCP_AF33
rule create chain=user_labels index=24 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=28 label=DSCP_AF32
rule create chain=user_labels index=25 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=26 label=DSCP_AF31
rule create chain=user_labels index=26 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=22 label=DSCP_AF23
rule create chain=user_labels index=27 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=20 label=DSCP_AF22
rule create chain=user_labels index=28 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=18 label=DSCP_AF21
rule create chain=user_labels index=29 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=14 label=DSCP_AF13
rule create chain=user_labels index=30 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=12 label=DSCP_AF12
rule create chain=user_labels index=31 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=10 label=DSCP_AF11
rule create chain=user_labels index=32 srcintfgrp=lan dscp=46 label=DSCP_EF
rule create chain=user_labels index=33 srcintfgrp=lan prot=tcp label=defaultTCPACK

[ bridge.ini ]
config age=300 filter=no_WAN_broadcast

[ pptp.ini ]

[ ethoa.ini ]
ifadd intf=ETHoA_1 dest=PVC_1
ifconfig intf=ETHoA_1
ifattach intf=ETHoA_1

[ ipoa.ini ]

[ cip.ini ]

[ pppoerelay.ini ]
add port=ETHoA_1
add port=eth0

[ dhcp.ini ]
config autodhcp=on scantime=10 state=enabled trace=off
policy verifyfirst=on trustclient=on
pool add name=LAN_private
pool config name=LAN_private intf=eth0 poolstart= poolend= netmask=24 gateway= server= leasetime=7200

[ pppoa.ini ]

[ pppoe.ini ]
ifadd intf=PPPoE_1
rtadd intf=PPPoE_1 dst= src= metric=1
ifconfig intf=PPPoE_1 dest=RELAY accomp=on echo=off demanddial=on dnsmetric=0 idle=500 addrtrans=pat
ifconfig intf=PPPoE_1 user=*******@adsl password=_DEV_9F7388798CB9CA7D status=up

[ ip.ini ]
config forwarding=on firewalling=on redirects=on sourcerouting=off netbroadcasts=off ttl=64 fraglimit=64 defragmode=always addrcheck=dynamic mssclamping=on
apadd addr= intf=eth0 addroute=no type=1
ifconfig intf=loop mtu=1500 group=local linksensing=off
ifconfig intf=eth0 mtu=1500 group=lan linksensing=off
ifconfig intf=ETHoA_1 mtu=1500 group=wan linksensing=off
ifconfig intf=PPPoE_1 mtu=1492 group=wan linksensing=off
rtadd dst= gateway=
rtadd dst= gateway= type=1
rtadd dst= intf=eth0

[ autoip.ini ]
ifadd intf=eth0
ifconfig intf=eth0 addr= poolstart= poolend= netmask=16
ifattach intf=eth0

[ eth.ini ]
ifconfig intf=1 type=auto
ifconfig intf=2 type=auto
ifconfig intf=3 type=auto
ifconfig intf=4 type=auto
config intf=1 state=enabled
config intf=2 state=enabled
config intf=3 state=enabled
config intf=4 state=enabled

[ diagnostics.ini ]
config pingtimeout=1000 pingpacketsize=20

[ dnsc.ini ]
config qrytout=5 interval=10 qryretry=3 attempt=-1 search=on connection=permanent
add addr= port=53

[ dnsd.ini ]
domain domain=lan
add hostname=SpeedTouch

[ dhcr.ini ]
ifconfig intf=eth0 relay=on
add addr= intf=eth0 giaddr=

[ dhcc.ini ]
config trace=off

[ syslog.ini ]
config activate=no timeout=0

[ sntpc.ini ]
config poll=15 pollpresync=15
config enable=no

[ grp.ini ]

[ rip.ini ]
config rip=off

[ adslpots.ini ]
config opermode=multimode maxbitspertoneUS=13 trace=off modemoption=00000000000000000000000000000000

[ nat.ini ]
bind application=ESP port=1
bind application=FTP port=ftp
bind application=GRE port=1
bind application=H323 port=h323
bind application=IKE port=ike
bind application=ILS port=ldap
bind application=ILS port=ils
bind application=IP6TO4 port=1
bind application=IRC port=6660 port_end=6670
bind application=JABBER port=5222
bind application=JABBER port=15222
bind application=PPTP port=1723
bind application=RAUDIO(PNA) port=realaudio
bind application=RTSP port=rtsp
bind application=SIP port=sip

[ autopvc.ini ]
config mode=active type=pppoerelay opmode=partial overwrite=enabled peakrate=0

[ switch.ini ]
mirror capture port=1

[ system.ini ]
settime timezone=+00:00 daylightsaving=no
config upnp=enabled mdap=enabled drst=enabled
config dcache=enabled

[ upnp.ini ]
config maxage=1800 defcservice=PPPoE_1 writemode=natonly safenat=enabled

[ endofarch ]
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