本帖最后由 kyle3021 于 2010-6-25 01:40 编辑
公认世界最快的2.5英寸128G固态硬盘 世界第一款sata3接口固态硬盘速度达到前所未有355m/s ,写入速度为140m/s 是intel x25-m G2的2倍。sata2的终结者!超专业级别的iops 4k 速率高达50000。采用美光和Intel合资企业IM Flash Technologies制造34nm NAND闪存,配合美光和Marvell合作开发的控制器芯片,华贵金色磨砂铝外壳,美国制造!
单盘AS SSD测试成绩508分超越intel x25-m G2 raid 0阵列406分!
笔者采用C300 raid 0 同x25-m G2 raid 0相比较 明显感受到操作电脑更加轻灵,无拘无束。打开网页极速0延迟上网冲浪的快感!
Improved data transfers
Designed with high-speed synchronous MLC NAND, advanced controller technology, optimized NAND management, and the new SATA 6Gb/s interface, these drives dramatically improve data transfers for bandwidth-demanding applications like audio and video.
Push your performance
The improvement in boot time and application load times push performance to new levels at the desktop too. You will experience improvement across a variety of common tasks such as viewing and editing photos, video, music and other media, gaming, communications, productivity and security.
限量2999元/块 。
团购镁光C300 64G SATA3 固态硬盘,读355m/s,写入75mb/s