I wrote a small routine to hog all CPU processing. I have found that when processor
bound and unable to correctly schedule other task the kernel is unable to give any
time to any other running tasks: even worse when I/O is running as this has very high
scheduling priority. This results in many of the daemons not getting run; especially
in my situation where the single process was running 100% CPU usage. This means that
even the fan/watch dog daemon micro_evtd can not run. We have seen issues with this
where the box shuts down after 5 mins if the watchdog is enabled. However, other
crashes are still being reported. With my latest test I have found that the processor
overheats as the fan is not providing enough cooling: I stopped the fan in my test as
I thought this was the issue. To overcome this problem with these tasks edit the
micro_evtd config file to
and run microapl -**_set_speed full.
This stops the watchdog and stops fan monitoring in the daemon and allows user
control over the fan speed, hence the microapl -**_set_speed command. You can use
slower speeds but these depend on your situation and room temp etc.
it should be in /etc/default/
/etc/default/micro_evtd if I remember correctly...
Or /etc/micro_evtd/micro_evtd.conf for newer versions.
没时间去测试了以前用mldonkey下载就没问题,一用rtorrent0.7.9就出错,换了新版的0.8.3就好了 |