本帖最后由 诸葛亮的很 于 2011-9-29 13:03 编辑
( `- U! D, R6 T' C4 xsd-iori 发表于 2011-9-28 22:02 ![]()
7 U. W6 o1 b; C: m( E当时很好奇,,节奏的奏鸣曲,,怎么能支持DS3D,,+ N: x) w. ]* g7 q* V6 b
2 V' Q7 N% A- G# k4 y: X# b% |( J
后来发现,,是忽悠,,, ) ^) L( ? x( g1 l
4 W! s: {% J8 E' c+ m* b估计这个DirectSound/3D,有点混淆概念的意思?可能去掉3D就比较合适点?还有,估计官方是搬专业英文单词糊弄小白,没想到碰到阿娇这种老手了。
6 }& c: j1 A# a0 [" \4 a. A/ \. m1耳机输出口8 {4 U* ~* ~" `3 J, U
1组rca输出非平衡* K" n3 f, w* Q# j5 E
1组光纤输出3 M" ]: x' e5 C* e$ T
0 m9 ?, J9 O' P7 A7 v1 USB接口: W! _; f) @7 X" u) y: Z
) ^' Q( n7 K1 A, L" z8 V( l' S1个 耳机音量旋钮
# D+ Y8 q$ @0 E. L# k# k% \; U' z2 ]- s/ FDirectSound / 3D5 [$ d: O4 @2 M- M' P* }6 v4 R0 U
兼容Usb2.0 Fullspeed模式,Highspeed及usb1.1模式
* i) H$ Z, r( M输出高采样二声道模式$ L5 c3 p1 r) a$ p
24 Bit / 96 kHz模拟播放3 o7 B* W/ J# _; J# D
24 Bit / 96 KHz数字播放
4 q) }0 O% F% d7 a% U. c" u; B/ M即插即用,支持Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (x86及x64版本) 官方介绍,来自http://www.tempotec.com.cn/chs/2-Product/24-HiFier/Sonata/spec.htm
) z+ `1 y4 i( q5 ^, r6 YPS.阿娇说的192Khz貌似已经改过来了?% Z# x1 F& t+ _- t: D( W
0 E- u( j7 I# v9 ~0 w' l不过人家还真的没说支持EAX什么的 ,阿娇你多情了,这个貌似只是DS3D的扩展,人家没明说支持,没有也没错 。不过根据WIKI的说法,官方宣传里的DirectSound/3D,不仅仅只是“数字输出可以支持 AC3 DTS的影音数字多声道传输模式”(来自节奏老贾)。或者把“3D”去掉合适点?7 e1 h2 g% H5 f
DirectSound3D (DS3D) is an extension to DirectSound introduced with DirectX 3 in 1996 with the intention to standardize 3D audio in Windows. DirectSound3D allows software developers to utilize audio by writing once for a single audio API instead of rewriting code numerous times to work for each audio card vendor.
% A" z6 P+ h; a- H0 R0 D9 W! g# J* ]% B+ c" w+ s
In DirectX 5, DirectSound3D gained the support for sound cards that use third party 3D audio algorithms in order to accelerate DirectSound3D properly, through methods approved by Microsoft.0 [" X/ c2 [3 m% L1 M: U5 ~) M
: H$ a. p$ F R2 d' m* vIn DirectX 8, DirectSound and DirectSound3D (DS3D) were officially merged and given the name DirectX Audio, however the API is still commonly referred to as DirectSound. EAX is an extension to DirectSound and DirectSound3D which provides sound effects processing to the hardware-accelerated buffers. * [* F+ U. v/ c# w' [