inCrysis and NVIDIA are pleased to give you the opportunity to chat with Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek and Roy Taylor, Vice President of Content Relations at NVIDIA. Cevat and Roy will be taking questions for a whole hour on the 15th of November starting at 4pm PST (12am 16th November GMT).
warfjm: When can we expect the first patch to release?
Cevat: We are collecting up all the user feedback now and planning patches that will address as much as possible as fast as possible. The first patch will be out in 7-14 days.
循环不息的宇宙 如在照顾着地球
人在天天的进步无退后 如像霹雳闪电
如是变化百万年 无尽新鲜的发现造成每天
世界每刻急速旋转 像思想天天的转
散播信息千百年遥远 无穷新知将你我拉近
无穷传真送到我心 如能将心彼此牵引
这个世界 这个世界 这个世界 更快更真
[ 本帖最后由 phk 于 2007-11-17 15:54 编辑 ] |