AOS进口不含硅散热脂 导热能力超强出售AOS进口不含硅散热硅脂 导热能力超强 进口AOS 散热脂,每支5g,方便使用 便宜甩卖了,2块一只,发烧友值得一试的东东!
型号:52022 ,不含硅, 导热率:0.9W/mK 散热性能一流 含硅和不含硅区别明显: AOS developed the first non-silicone thermal grease because silicone-based grease has the tendency to separate and migrate, potentially contaminating electronic packages. After several thermal cycles silicone compound can dry out, causing cracking and separation as in the picture shown here. As air gaps form components lose interface surface contact, resulting in a loss of thermal conduction. Non-Silicone Compounds stay put and in place for the full operational life of your hardware.
AOS 发明了第一种不含硅的散热脂.含硅的散热脂有分离和移动的趋势,有污染电子产品潜在风险.在几个散热周期后,含硅的硅脂会变得干燥,从而产生裂化和偏移(如图).从而参身空气缝隙导致接触面不良,从而产生导热损失.不含硅硅脂在整个周期都良好导热!
AOS世界著名的散热材料供应商 可用于,整流桥,IGBT散热 方便CPU、显卡等使用 也叫散热膏