在新一代的性能王争夺战里,NVIDIA输了,虽然某些方面上依然比对手有优势,但是这些优势似乎都被忽略了,因为ATI的HD 4800系列已经赢得了市场和声誉,而此时的NVIDIA偏偏又遇到了GPU出现瑕疵问题而造到各大厂商的埋怨和消费者愤怒,这次真是赔了夫人又折兵,而第二季度财务报表也显示这个强劲的公司出现了连续6年来的首次亏损,公司的高层坐不住了。
We underestimated the price performance of our competitor’s most recent GPU, which led us to mis-position our fall lineup. The first step of our response was to reset our price to reflect competitive realities. Our action put us again in a strong competitive position but we took hard hits with respect to our overall GPU ASPs and ultimately to our gross margins. The price action was particularly difficult since we are just ramping 55-nanometer and the weak market resulted in taking longer than expected to work through our 65-nanometer inventory.
和我们之前报道的一样,黄仁勋将寄希望于55nm制程的产品中,也许55nm的GT200会是NVIDIA的一个转折点。 |