本帖最后由 per1-q1222 于 2011-2-3 00:58 编辑
可能確定, 不確定或著LSI還在確認中..
>>Q&A: LSI CacheCade目前似乎有一些bug, 創建new SSD Cache, 作為Multiple SSD, 僅會有一顆SSD有作用, H/W Reset後才會全啟用...
>>Q: LSISAS2008產品的Dimmer Switch特徵跟LSISAS2108一樣嗎?...
>>A: LSI=>New Dimmer switch is not planned for our entry line products.
>>Q: LSISAS1078的Dimmer Switch支持特徵為何?
>>A: 僅能對應到MegaRAID 3.6版本. 請參閱: http://www.lsi.com/DistributionSystem/User/AssetMgr.aspx?asset=52593
>>Q: 為什麼LSISAS1078沒辦法使用2TB以上的HDD呢?
>>A: 因為2TB以上的PD支持是對應MegaRAID 4.3版本, LSISAS1078沒包含其中.
>>Q: LSISAS2008有沒有支持2TB以上的PD呢?
>>A: 樓下說支持了.
>>Q: 為什麼LSISAS1078在MSM 8.16版點擊Power Save相關設定沒有任何反應?
>>A: 因為這是bug. LSI還在處理中.
>>Q: LSISAS2108為什麼有些HDD產品在MSM沒有看到溫度顯示呢?
>>A: 因為那是bug. LSI還在處理中.
>>Q: LSISAS2008是Hardware RAID solution嗎?
>>A: LSI跟我打模糊仗. 沒說清, Supermicro跟我講明是driver-based RAID. 個人臆測是所謂IR模式下, 提供的是Hardware RAID solution, 而IMR模式下提供RAID 5則是Driver-based RAID, 因為重要的XOR operation必須交由Host CPU承載.
>>Q: LSI RAID HBA我插在技嘉的主板沒辦法正常使用, 會彈出實體記憶體被搶用不足的情況.
>>A: 兼容性問題. 不要浪費時間, 請換板.
>>Q: WebBIOS中的DiskActivity屬性是做啥用的?
>>A: 作為定位disk之用(locate a disk). Use disk activity for locate...
>>Q: 為啥SATA SSD/HDD在Green Activity LED沒有恆亮?
>>A: LSI=> The expected behavior is a continuously lit green LED when a drive is online, optimal, and not running I/O. I expect that there may be some difference in the way the backplane is addressing the SATA drives.
>>>> Supermicro=> HDD activity LED is controlled by HDD, and its behavior is determined by its microcode.
SAS and SATA HDD will have different behavior, it is normal.
In normal state:
SAS HDD – activity LED on( green )
SATA HDD – activity LED off
>>Q: 增強型的Dimmer Switch在SATA和SAS間有沒有差異?
>>A: 有. SAS和SATA有不同的電源管理規格. SAS的優勢性更高. T10 Power State....
>>Q: Coercion Mode是做甚麼用的??
>>A: 作為同一個array, 差異容量硬盤支持...
>>Q: 如何發揮發揮SSD的最高性能??
>>A: NRA&WT&DIO, set Stripe Size as 64KBytes...
>>Q: 加裝FastPath後有甚麼效果?
>>A: 透過FastPath去Unlock後, 可以大幅提升IOPS以及降低Access Time, 效果是明顯的, 設定同上面...
>>Q: LSI CacheCade怎麼使用?
>>A: 加裝上去後, 將所指定的HDD把IO Policy設為DIO即可使用.
>>Q: 我從一些文檔中看到Write-Journaling這個功能, 他是做甚麼用的呢?
>>A: 這是目前RAID實務設計中很普遍在用的功能, 該功能透過一顆小量空間的NVSRAM來儲存log建立checkpoint使用, 可應用作為災後復原上一次操作. LSISAS107/2008/2108相關產品的NVSRAM皆為32KB.
>>Q: LSISAS2008的IR產品對於RAID建立有限制嗎?
>>A: 存有很大的限制. Stripe Size會被鎖死在64KB; 不支持HDD SAS/SATA Mix; 最高只能使用14個硬盤. 最多只能建立兩個VD(只能使用14個硬盤).
>>Q: 6Gb/s HDD/SSD為什麼安裝在3Gb/s MegaRAID SAS Controller, 發現Negoiation Link Speed會強制在1.5Gb/s的速率呢?
>>A: LSI=> 3Gb/s MegaRAID controllers were designed before the 6Gb/s standard was developed. The card may not automatically set the correct link rate for 6Gb/s products. We cannot guarantee that the 3Gb/s speed will automatically be negotiated to with 6Gb/s drives connected to the 3Gb/s controller.
>>Q: MegaCLI中的LDBBM是指甚麼呢? 他有甚麼用處? 如何作用?
>>A: 他指的是Logical Drive Battery Back-up Module, 指的就是BBU部分.作用方式, 根據LSI的說法如下:
If your controller supports BBUs, you are using a BBU, and you are write caching, the flag should change.
>>Q: 為什麼我安裝BBU, 設定回寫快取後, 我使用MegaCLI依然發現Enable LDBBM還是關閉的, 為什麼呢?
>>A: 這個issue我已經回報給LSI, 目前判定可能為bug....
>>Q: PFK是指甚麼? 作甚麼用?
>>A: PFK就是Premium Features Key. 透過PFK可以用來啟動LSI的高階軟體服務來加值. 根據LSI的說法:
There are two types of advanced software keys: hardware and license. If you purchase a hardware key, seating the key on the board will flip a switch in the NVRAM. Removing the hardware key will change that switch back to its original state. In essence, the key is not a permanent change. In other words, you cannot purchase a hardware key, seat it on several boards, and permanently enable the feature.
License keys are permanent switches, but they are single-use. Enabling the license will make a change in the NVRAM which is permanent, but the license is automatically disabled after first use.
>>Q: MegaCLI的PFK in NVRAM是指甚麼呢?
>>A: 就是在NVSRAM存放PFK. 根據LSI的說法如下:
License keys are permanent switches, but they are single-use. Enabling the license will make a change in the NVRAM which is permanent, but the license is automatically disabled after first use.
>>Q: 透過軟體認證, 第一次使用時, 無法使用, 這是為什麼呢?
>>A: 因為還要必須要透過專屬的Server來取得授權(Authorization), 再從指定的工具激活相關服務.
>>Q: 這樣做有何目的?
>>A: LSI=> The goal is to prevent duplication of single licenses.