(Fix) LSIP200199451 (CO) (auto4comp FW_SAS_LSI) Disables all requirement for human input at boot time (requires environment stamping)
(Fix) LSIP200197364 (DFCT) HWR: EF: after 5 failed relearns the iBBU with 65K capacity is enabled from write-true to write-back
(Fix) LSIP200199415 (DFCT) Need new Fail and Pre-Fail Limits on OEM battery
(Fix) LSIP200199577 (DFCT)(N/A) Need new Fail and Pre-Fail Limits on OEM battery
(Fix) LSIP200211447 (DFCT) Dummy defect for checking changes for LBC on OEM battery(PR 210358)
(Fix) LSIP200210019 (DFCT) (CL LSIP200188135) Potential DI issue running the IO on degraded R5 VDs with 32 drives.
(Fix) LSIP200185803 (DFCT) Number of devices exceeded the maxinum limit error
(Fix) LSIP200149678 (DFCT) HDD dropped during IO testing with 8708EM2
(Fix) LSIP200200327 (DFCT) MR_PD_QUERY_TYPE_EXPOSED_TO_HOST: PD:xx print statements fill up fwtermlog
(Fix) LSIP200186083 (DFCT) error when flash new FW for 1078
(Fix) LSIP200199585 (TASK) Change in Fail & predFail battery capcity threshold levels for the specific OEM
(Fix) LSIP200197601 (TASK) Undo declaring battery SOH Bad( when 65K FCC) changes for specific OEM
(Fix) LSIP200199483 (TASK) Change the fail & Pre_fail limits for OEM batteries.
(Fix) LSIP200199592 (TASK) Change in Fail & predFail battery capcity threshold levels for the specific OEM
(Fix) LSIP200211446 (TASK) Limited Band Charging Logic for OEM Battery
(Fix) LSIP200209956 (TASK) Potential DI issue while running the IO on degraded R5 VDs with 32 drives.
(Fix) LSIP200211004 (TASK) implement the workaround "Number of devices exceeded the maxinum limit error" issue
(Fix) LSIP200211005 (TASK) Fix the drives drop issue during the PL reset
(Fix) LSIP200209942 (TASK) Making print stament only for pcidebug enabled
(Fix) LSIP200199328 (TASK) Disables all requirement for human input at boot time
(Fix) LSIP200199292 (TASK) Reorder region information for AMD-CFI compliant flash