原帖由 makedoit 于 2006-7-16 08:47 发表
N年前买的被动散热器,当时配9700pro,现在9700pro已经花了,新购7600GT,问一下,Zalman ZM80A-HP能用在7600GT上面吗?不加风扇的情况下。
2. This product cannot be installed on nVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT and 6800 Ultra because they do not have 3mm heatsink installation holes. Also, this product cannot be installed on nVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT AGP, 6600 AGP, and PCX 5*** series products.
至于能不能装自己看看有没有3mm的heatsink installation holes,不加风扇我看危险 |