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发表于 2007-1-7 18:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(进入这个页面, 鼠标移到图片上时就是PS3版的画面, 移开就是360版的画面)

By: James Yu and Sarju Shah - Posted on Wednesday, December 6, 2006.


We expected the PlayStation 3 to ship with several games that first appeared on the Xbox 360, similar to how the Xbox 360 had a lot of Xbox ports at launch. And the PS3 did indeed arrive with a good number of games that originally shipped for the Xbox 360. This gave us the perfect opportunity to compare the graphics on both systems with several cross-platform games. You'd think that the PS3 versions would be exactly the same or slightly superior to the Xbox 360 versions, since many of these games appeared on the 360 months ago, but it seems like developers didn't use the extra time to polish up the graphics for the PS3. We found that the Xbox 360 actually had better graphics in the majority of the games we compared.

起初我们就认为PS3上会有许多一开始是出在360上的多平台游戏, 就像360首发游戏中有不少是XBOX版也有的一样. 而事实上也是如此. 这样我们就有机会在这两个平台上对比许多多平台游戏了. 你也许会认为PS3版会和360版的图象基本一样, 或许好上一些, 不过, 看起来开发人员并没有利用多出来的时间去改进PS3版的画质. 经过比较, 我们发现360版游戏基本都比PS3版更好.

Need for Speed Carbon
Both systems have fairly similar graphics in Need for Speed Carbon, but the Xbox 360 has better lighting while the PS3 has sharper textures. The 360 has better high dynamic range lighting in the Camaro image. We're not sure if the PS3 version blurs the background tree leaves on purpose, but it's another noticeable difference. The lighting in the street shot appears more realistic on the 360, but the building textures are sharper on the PS3. We also seem to be missing some lighting and a few landmarks in the rearview mirror of the PS3 version.

两个版本的画面看起来很相似, 不过360版的光线效果更好, PS3版的材质看起来更锐利. 360在高速运动时的效果更好. 我们不清楚是PS3版是不是故意把背景中的树弄得模糊, 但这确实是个很大的不同. 路面的反光效果, 360明显更加逼真, 不过建筑物看起来是PS3版更精细些. 而且在PS3的后视镜中会失去很多光线和帖图(360版就不会)


Call of Duty 3 has made its way onto just about every major console, but it definitely looks best on the Xbox 360. The PlayStation 3 comes in a close second, but the 360 is the clear winner. The textures have less detail on the PS3, and the game looks a little washed out. Between the overly bright visuals and muddy textures, the PlayStation 3 can't match the 360 version's gritty look.

COD3几乎在大部分主机上都出了, 但毫无疑问360版的效果是最好的. PS3版第二好, 但360版明显更好. PS3的材质细节比较差, 画面整体看起来好像有点掉色的感觉. 有的地方感觉太亮, 材质效果太渣, PS3版根本无法于360版比较.


When we first looked at the comparison screenshots, we had to double check to make sure we had an identical 1 p.m. game time and clear-skies weather settings for both systems since the fields appeared very different. We booted up the game again and confirmed that the stadium wasn't casting any shadows on the field in the PlayStation 3 version. [Update: We just checked Madden 07 again. The 4:15 p.m. setting produces on-field shadows in the PS3 version.] The Xbox 360 had sharper textures on the character models in the close-up shots shown between plays. You can actually see the jersey material and the Reebok logo on the player in the Xbox 360 shot. One GameSpot editor did note that the PS3 jerseys looked better than the 360's while players were in motion.

但我们开始看他们的对比图时, 我们需要仔细检查时间是否一样都是1PM, 还有天气, 因为这对游戏整体效果影响很大。 我们重启了游戏一次来确认PS3版中体育场没有在地面上留下阴影 4:15PM时, PS3版看到有阴影了。在特写中可以看出360的人物建模材质更加锐利. 你可以清楚看到运动衣的材料和REEBOK的LOGO(而PS3版要模糊些). 仅有一个GS编辑认为PS3的材质看起来更好些...

Marvel Ultimate Alliance

You'll have to make your Marvel Ultimate Alliance decision based on Xbox 360 rumble support versus PS3 Sixaxis control since the graphics seem to be identical on both systems. We tested all games at 720p using component cables to keep the comparison as even as possible.


你要玩哪个版本, 要取决于你想要震动还是想要六轴感应, 因为他们画面基本一模一样.

Both consoles deliver a solid ballin' experience with NBA 2K7. Small textures like the logos on the court and the jerseys on the players look crisper on the PS3. The same textures are slightly blurrier on the 360, but the Xbox 360 makes up for it with better framerates.

两个版本都是很完整的NBA 2K7. 材质上的小细节, 比如场地上的LOGO, 运动员的衣服, PS3版看起来清晰些, 360版看起来模糊些. 但是360版的FPS更好.

Fight Night Round 3 was one of the first games to really show off the Xbox 360's graphics power with fantastic lighting and incredibly detailed player models. The PS3 still has great looking player models but the crowds are less detailed and the lighting effects are definitely inferior. If the graphical losses weren't enough, the PlayStation 3 version takes almost twice as long as its 360 counterpart to load into the menu screen, and a third longer to load a quickplay.

FN3是360上首批真正显示出了360强悍的光影和细节处理图象效果的游戏. PS3版的人物看起来也很好, 当然是观众看起来要假些, 光影效果明显差很多. 图象差还不说, PS3版的LOAD入主菜单的时间比360版慢了足足两倍, LOAD入QUICKPLAY的时间也要慢出1/3.

Tony Hawk's Project 8
The Xbox 360 is more subtle with the HDR in the opening garage area of Tony Hawk's Project 8. The asphalt and mulch textures in the second image set have a higher resolution on the 360. We also saw better framerates in the Xbox 360 version.

THP8中, 360版的仓库的HDR效果让其看起来更细腻. 沥青路和护拦在360版中的解析度更高. 360版的FPS也更好.(PS3版完败)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
The Xbox 360 and PS3 both display beautiful greens in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07. Without direct screenshot comparisons, we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two versions, aside from a slight variation in crowd size and placement. However, with a direct screenshot comparison, we notice that Tiger's belt buckle stands out and his shirt texture has better visibility in comparison to his attire on the PlayStation 3. The trees on the PlayStation 3 version of Tiger look fuller compared to the 360's trees

泰格伍兹 07
在TWPT07中, 两个版本都提供了一个赏心悦目的草地给我们. 如果不是直接看图对比, 很难说出两个版本的区别, 但观众比例和位置还是看得出有所不同. 然而, 直接看图比较的话, 我们发现, 360版中泰格的腰带扣子, 他的衬衫材质都要比PS3版更细腻. PS3版中的树看起来饱满一些.

The Xbox 360 had better graphics in almost all the games we examined. The 360's biggest victories were in Madden 07 and Fight Night Round 3, where the differences in texture detail and lighting stood out in our comparison shots. We couldn't capture this in the screenshots, but the Xbox 360 games generally offered better framerates too.

We're going to give the PS3 the benefit of the doubt in this initial round since developers might need more time to figure out how to maximize performance from the Cell and the RSX. If you look at the Xbox 360's first Madden game, Madden 06, you'll notice that it doesn't offer very realistic stadium shadows, either. The trouble with buying a console at launch is that you often have to wait for the second or third generation of games for the system to fulfill its potential. The PS3 didn't beat the 360 in this first comparison, but the games do look fine for first-generation titles. The real graphics battle will likely come next year.

在我们测试的几个游戏中, 360版的画面基本完胜PS3. 在MADDEN 07中更是将对手打得头破血流, 哦, 还有FNR3, 材质和光影效果说明一切. 更要命的是PS3的画面不如人就算了, 连帧数都不如人.

姑且来说游戏开发者需要更多时间许掌握把CELL和RSX的机能发挥出超过20%(EA说的~). 其实360版一开始看起来也不是那么的好D. 买首发游戏最烦的就是要等到过好长时间才有能"完全发挥出硬件潜力的游戏". 反正PS3这次是彻底败了, 不过败得请有可原(别人GS很给面子了). 明年才是真正的图象大战~
发表于 2007-1-8 21:54 | 只看该作者
居然还有人相信CELL能带给PS3更高的图象质量?:lol: 哦滴神啊
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-9 11:52 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2007-1-9 12:04 | 只看该作者
原帖由 无梦之夜 于 2007-1-8 21:54 发表
居然还有人相信CELL能带给PS3更高的图象质量?:lol: 哦滴神啊

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-25 22:40 | 只看该作者
:funk: :funk: :funk: :funk:
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发表于 2007-1-30 06:20 | 只看该作者
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