标题: Τ???毙???nasэ硑?? [打印本页] 作者: lxyrichter 时间: 2008-5-18 18:56 标题: Τ???毙???nasэ硑?? 我购买的QNAP的209pro,想装个电驴,爬了半天google,终于找到,原文如下:
The instruction for the clean-install on a TS-209 only (firmware 1.1.3, build 1103, with RAID1), for Linux/MLDonkey newbies (like me). Thanks to all who provided information on this forum. It may not be perfect, but it worked for me ! Of course, implementing this is at your own risk. Making incorrect changes to your QNAP settings can completely screw up your NAS.
1) Download this file: mldonkey for QNAP TS-x09 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RPGQJ44P)
Download the file into a public share on your QNAP, for example Public, a predefined shared folder
2) Copy it to the /share/MD0_DATA/ folder, using Putty for example (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)
Change directory to your public share, in this case: cd /share/MD0_DATA/Public
Copy the file using: cp ./mldonkey_TS-x09.tar.gz /share/MD0_DATA/mldonkey_TS-x09.tar.gz
我照着做到第2步,昏迷的很。用putty连接上以后,cd /share/MD0_DATA/Public打完这个命令后说 -sh: cd: /share/MD0_DATA/Public: No such file or directory。怎么回事啊~~而且我nas里面本来有的Public什么的文件夹也打不开。我对linux一点不知道。。orz高手帮忙解答