We should also mention right here and now that we tried getting in a GTX 260 to use in this review but those cards seem harder to find than the cane in a super-sized edition of Where's Waldo.
Indeed, in every AMD document I have seen, the HD4870 was supposed be competing directly with the 9800GTX. Well, they seem to have pulled a fast one on all of us since this card beats the 9800GTX until it's black and blue.
So, this card accomplishes something that has only happened once before in the history of this site; it wins both the Dam Good Award and the Dam Good Value Award. Bravo AMD, ATI and Palit. Bravo.
原帖由 niver2002 于 2008-6-27 14:56 发表
如果说nv在13xx的价位还能用98gtx勉强抗衡4850,那请问nv用什么卡去pk 4870?
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