模式: ADSL2+
线路编码: Trellis On
状况: No Defect
连接功率状态: L0
下行 上行
噪声容限 (dB): 17.4 13.4
衷减(dB): 54.0 31.2
输出功率(dBm): 16.3 12.2
最大可达速率(Kbps): 6928 975
同步速率(Kbps): 3005 636
MSGc (number of bytes in overhead channel message): 72 22
B (number of bytes in Mux Data Frame): 78 46
M (number of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame): 1 1
T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes): 1 1
R (number of check bytes in FEC Data Frame): 16 16
S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length): 0.8306 2.3119
L (number of bits in PMD Data Frame): 915 218
D (interleaverd depth): 64 8
Delay (msec): 13 4