1.Tell me the frequencies
Given a line of text you will have to find out the frequencies of the ASCII
characters present in it. The given lines will contain none of the first 32
or last 128 ASCII characters. Of course lines may end with ‘n’ and ‘r’
but always keep those out of consideration.
Several lines of text are given as input. Each line of text is considered as
a single input. Maximum length of each line is 1000.
Print the ASCII value of the ASCII characters which are present and their
frequency according to the given format below. A blank line should separate
each set of output. Print the ASCII characters in the ascending order of
their frequencies. If two characters are present the same time print the
information of the ASCII character with higher ASCII value first. Input is
terminated by end of file.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
67 1
66 2
65 3
49 1
50 2
51 3
Most of the times, the students of Computer Science & Engineering of BUET
deal with bogus, tough and very complex formulae. That is why, sometimes,
even for a easy problem they think very hard and make the problem much
complex to solve. But, the team members of the team "BUET PESSIMISTIC" are
the only exceptions. Just like the opposite manner, they treat every hard
problem as easy and so cannot do well in any contest. Today, they try to
solve a series but fail for treating it as hard. Let them help.
Just try to determine the answer for the following series
You are given the value of N and A (integer, 1<=N<=13 & integer, 0<=A<=15)
For each line of the input, your correct program should output the integer
value of the sum in separate lines for each pair of values of N & A.