3GHz的单周期SSE3 遮遮掩掩不肯直说
还有可以动态地调整指令发射方式(顺序、乱序),功耗原因?如果一个处理器流水线长度>20级, 却是顺序发射,它到底是要拼什么嵌入式应用,请大家评论一下。
Q22: Beyond security, are other cool features planned?
A22:The next chip has some tools to do computationally intensive thingswhere hardware provides a big advantage. But I don't want to say yetwhat they are.
Q23: Would they be useful for multimedia?
Yes, for multimedia, and for other things.
Q24: Like a DSP?
A24: Kind of like that.
Q25:Okay, we won't push. We appreciate you taking the time to speak withus. We can't imagine getting the president of AMD or Intel to do this.
A25:Our whole strategy is so close to the, if you will, the fate of Linux.We identify so much with it. We're low-cost, aimed at the commonperson, we're aimed at new applications, and we don't have any massivePR or marketing or sales budget, so. Actually, I have a specialsoftness in my heart for Linux. I think without Linux our businesswould be much less than what it is today. It's just very important tous, so, I wanted to give you guys the time. |