GRID这游戏的readme里面明确说明游戏引擎不支持SLI CF,后来的支持是显卡厂商自行添加的,不适合作为正统的比较,何况可以看到3870>3870x2
ix) Is ATI’s Crossfire or NVIDIA’s SLI supported?
Unfortunately, due to the working of GRID’s engine, systems which link two or more graphics cards (i.e. Crossfire or SLI) are not implicitly supported. This means you may not see a performance boost from having the second card, and you may even have trouble running the game. If GRID is failing to start properly and your system is SLI or Crossfire enabled, try disabling the technology in either NVIDIA’s or ATI’s control panel in Windows and see if this helps.
[ 本帖最后由 whateveru 于 2008-7-15 20:19 编辑 ] |
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