Believe it or not, AMD may have the more enviablesituation at the moment. NVIDIA's stock price is nowhere near their ownrecord lows, but that hasn't stopped the company's stock fromexperimenting with the laws of gravity. The price has dropped by over33% in a single day this month, illustrating just how bad things arefor NVIDIA at the moment.
What should have been another profitable quarter for the company may now be their first loss in the last few years.
The reviews and subsequent price drops tell the tale: NVIDIA's most expensive GPUyet simply doesn't perform well enough compared to AMD's latest parts to justify the price NVIDIA was targeting. What will be AMD's boon isNVIDIA's loss, a great deal of GPU profit.
无论是评测还是紧跟着的价格跳水都说明一个事实: NV目前的旗舰GPU与AMD的最新产品相比的优势不值NV设定的高昂价位.AMD将赢得的增长就是NV的损失,这将吃掉NV GPU获利的很大一部分
In either case the situation is an expensive onefor NVIDIA, they'll have to spend a great deal of cash on defendingthemselves, and should they settle Rambus will undoubtedly ask for agreat deal of cash too (along with a percentage of all GPU and chipsetsales).
[ 本帖最后由 boris_lee 于 2008-7-24 20:13 编辑 ] |