The Windows OS (Vista and XP) can only address 2^32 bits(4,294,967,295) of memory-mapped I/O (MMIO, henceforth). Everything inyour computer has an MMIO address; the BIOS, the buses, Video Card RAM(Which supersedes your DRAM addressing). The computer reserves blocksof MMIO addresses for Video RAM, then buses, bridges, BIOS, then DRAM.Your RAM gets all the addressing space left, which is usually 2.5 -3.25GB.
This means that you will not have 4GB available in Windows, it willshow 2.5 to 3.25GB. The actual number will depend on yourmotherboard/chipset and what other devices that require an MMIOaddress, are installed in your machine. Remember that onboard sound,USB, SATA, all require MMIO addresses, not just PCI or PCI-e cards.Basically the more things you use, the less total ram you will haveavailable.
64-bit versions of XP and Vista will see and use all 4GB since they have more physical addresses available (2^64)
32bit系统下剩余的内存受显卡显存大小影响 |