) x, ?$ q' Z4 }9 y“In the September 2007 issue of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society(Volume 55, Number 9), two veteran audio journalists who aren’tprofessional engineers, E. Brad Meyer and David R. Moran, present abreakthrough paper that contradicts all previous inputs by theengineering community. They prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, withliterally hundreds of double-blind listening tests at matched levels,conducted over a period of more than a year, that the two-channelanalog output of a high-end SACD/DVD-A player undergoes no audiblechange when passed through a 16-bit/44.1-kHz A/D/A processor. Thatmeans there’s no audible difference between the original CD standard(“Red Book”) and 24-bit/192-kHz PCM or 1-bit/2.8442-MHz DSD.”5 Z: h; k$ h' J8 e \" A5 u1 b
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