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又一新游戏支持GPU PhysX Nfan欢呼吧!!!

发表于 2008-8-20 16:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Realtime Worlds Puts Out An APB For NV Physx Technology


Realtime Worlds Puts Out An APB For NVIDIA Physx Technology

For further information, contact:

Bryan Del Rizzo
NVIDIA Corporation
(408) 486-2772
SANTA CLARA, CA—AUGUST 18, 2008—Often underappreciated by those who only casually play games, fast and accurate physical models and calculations are a key to a game’s playability and realism. From the effect of explosions on nearby objects, to the impacts of car accidents, to how a character reacts when hit, physics is as important to realism as high-quality graphics. Because of this, Realtime Worlds’ upcoming massively multiplayer online game, APB, will take advantage of NVIDIA® GeForce® GPUs and PhysX™ technology to enhance the game’s free-form combat and real-time driving environments.
APB will bring players into a living, breathing city where cash is king and territory equals respect. Scheduled for release in 2009, APB is one of many titles to take advantage of NVIDIA PhysX technology, the world’s most pervasive development platform for physics acceleration in interactive entertainment.
“Realtime Worlds, by our very name, defines what games we aim to create,” said Dave Jones, the CEO of Realtime Worlds. “APB is a vastly ambitious project, combining the key elements of action gameplay in a living, breathing world with millions of players around the globe. In order to fully realise the vision of APB, it was essential to include next-generation physics in our game world. This is why we choose to standardize our development on GeForce GPUs and NVIDIA PhysX technology, the combination of whi**as given our developers the power and freedom to deliver the first action and physics based combat gameplay into the massively multiplayer online space.”
NVIDIA PhysX technology consists of a robust physics engine, API, and middleware platform that give developers the ability to add additional levels of realism into their games across all major gaming platforms, including Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and the PC. PhysX technology can run on either the CPU or any CUDA general-purpose parallel computing processor, including many current and all future NVIDIA GeForce GPUs. But the massively parallel architecture in GeForce GPUs can handle 10 to 20 times more visual complexity than what’s possible today on a CPU alone and can leverage the best of both GPU and CPU architectures to deliver the ultimate experience to the user. More importantly, PhysX supports hardware scaling with the GeForce GPUs to deliver much faster performance and richer environments on multi-GPU gaming platforms.
“We are very excited that Realtime Worlds is incorporating PhysX technology into APB,” said Roy Taylor, NVIDIA vice president of content relations. “APB is a marvel in free form story innovation and promises to bring an entirely new approach to multiplayer online gaming. We can hardly wait to play!”
NVIDIA PhysX technology is already included in more than 140 shipping titles for Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, and the PC. For more information on NVIDIA PhysX technology, please visit: www.nzone.com/physx.
About APB
APB is an action-based, massively multiplayer online title being developed by Realtime Worlds (creators of the award-winning Xbox 360 title Crackdown). The game utilizes cutting-edge technology (Unreal Engine3™) in order to bring the polish of next-generation art and gameplay into the massively multiplayer online space. For more information on APB, please visit: www.apb.com.
NVIDIA (Nasdaq: NVDA) is the world leader in visual computing technologies and the inventor of the GPU, a high-performance processor which generates breathtaking, interactive graphics on workstations, personal computers, game consoles, and mobile devices. NVIDIA serves the entertainment and consumer market with its GeForce® products, the professional design and visualization market with its Quadro® products, and the high-performance computing market with its Tesla™ products. NVIDIA is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif. and has offices throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. NVIDIA's inaugural NVISION 08 conference will be held August 25-27, 2008 in San Jose, California. For more information, visit www.nvidia.com and www.nvision2008.com.
Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, features, impact, and capabilities of NVIDIA GeForce GPUs, NVIDIA PhysX technology, and CUDA; the impact of physics on video games; and the release of APB are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: development of faster or more efficient GPUs by our competitors; development of more effective or efficient technology to drive physics acceleration in games; the impact of technological development and competition; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in developers programming preferences; changes in gamers' preferences and demands; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-Q for the fiscal period ended April 27, 2008. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on our website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

[ 本帖最后由 tayuzheng 于 2008-8-20 16:50 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 16:38 | 只看该作者


( 408 ) 486-2772
加利福尼亚州,圣克拉拉市- 2008年8月18日-往往被低估的那些谁,只有随便玩游戏,快速而准确的物理模型和计算方法是一个关键,以游戏的弹奏和现实主义。从效果的爆炸对附近的物体,影响车祸,如何性质的反应时,击中,物理是作为重要的现实主义作为高品质的图形。正因为如此,实时的世界'即将举行的大型多人在线游戏, APB肌,将充分利用的NVIDIA ® GeForce ® GPU和物理™技术,以提高游戏的免费形式的打击和实时时间的驾驶环境。
APB肌会带来的球员成为一个生活,呼吸的城市,现金是国王和领土完整,平等的尊重。定释放在2009年, APB肌之一,许多书籍,以利用NVIDIA的物理技术,是世界上最普遍的开发平台的物理加速在互动娱乐。
“实时世界,我们非常的名称,定义什么游戏我们的目标是创造,说: ”戴夫琼斯,行政总裁的实时的世界。 “ APB肌是一个很大的雄心勃勃的项目,结合的关键要素的行动游戏,在生活,呼吸世界拥有数以百万计的球员遍布全球。在以充分体现的视野, APB肌,它是必不可少的,包括下一代物理在我们的游戏世界。这就是我们为什么选择来规范我们的发展对GeForce GPU的和NVIDIA物理技术,结合已给予我们的开发人员的权力和自由,交付第一行动和物理为基础的作战游戏到大型多人在线空间“ 。
NVIDIA的物理技术,构成一个健全的物理引擎,空气污染指数,以及中间件平台,让开发人员能够添加了附加级别的现实主义纳入其游戏,所有主要的游戏平台,包括任天堂wii ,的PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360的,和PC 。物理技术可以运行,无论是CPU或任何cuda一般用途的并行计算的处理器,其中有许多是当前和今后所有NVIDIA GeForce GPU的。但大规模并行结构的GeForce GPU的可处理10至20倍的视觉更复杂,比什么的可能今天就一个CPU单独和可以利用的最佳双方的GPU和CPU架构,以提供最终的经验给用户。更重要的是,物理支援硬体结垢与GeForce GPU的提供快得多的性能和更丰富的环境对多重GPU游戏平台。
“我们很兴奋,实时的世界是把物理技术到APB肌,说: ”罗伊泰勒, NVIDIA公司副总裁内容的关系。 “ APB肌是一个奇迹,在免费的形式,故事的创新和承诺,带来一个全新的做法,到多人线上游戏。我们可以等待,难以发挥“ !
NVIDIA的物理技术已包括在140多个运送书籍,为索尼的PlayStation 3 ,微软的Xbox 360 ,任天堂wii ,和PC 。更多信息,对NVIDIA的物理技术,请访问: www.nzone.com /物理。
APB肌是一个行动为基础,大型多人在线标题正在开发的实时的世界(创作者的屡获殊荣的Xbox 360的标题打击) 。游戏采用了尖端的技术(虚幻engine3 ™ ) ,以便使波兰的下一代艺术和游戏到大型多人在线空间。更多信息APB肌,请访问: www.apb.com
NVIDIA公司( Nasdaq代码: NVDA )是世界领先的可视化计算技术和发明GPU的,一个高性能的处理器,产生激动人心的,交互式的图形工作站,个人电脑,游戏控制台,以及移动设备。 NVIDIA的服务娱乐和消费市场的GeForce ®产品,专业的设计和可视化的市场与其的Quadro ®产品,以及高效能运算市场,其特斯拉™产品。 NVIDIA公司总部位于美国加州Santa Clara ,并设有办事处,遍布亚洲,欧洲和美洲。 NVIDIA的就职安维信08会议将于8月25日至27日, 2008年在加利福尼亚的圣何塞。更多信息,请访问www.nvidia.com和www.nvision2008.com
某些陈述本新闻稿中包括,但不仅限于,报表到:的好处,特点,影响和能力,在NVIDIA GeForce GPU , NVIDIA的物理技术, cuda ;的影响,物理学对视频游戏;和释放APB肌均属于前瞻性声明,是会受到风险和不确定性,可能导致结果与预期实质上不同的。重要的因素可能导致实际结果存在重大差异,包括:发展速度更快或更有效的GPU由我们的竞争对手;的发展,更有效或有效的技术,以推动物理加速,在游戏中;的影响,科技发展与竞争;设计,制造或软件缺陷;的变化,在发展规划的偏好;的变化,在游戏玩家的喜好和要求;意想不到的损失,表现我们的产品或技术时,集成到系统;以及其他因素的详细不时在报告中NVIDIA的档案与证券及外汇委员会包括其的Form 10 - Q财政期结束, 2008年4月27日。报告的副本提交给证券交易委员会张贴在我们的网站上,且可从NVIDIA的不收费。这些前瞻性声明不能保证未来的表现和发言,仅是截至本公布日期,和,除非法律另有规定, NVIDIA的声明没有责任或义务更新这些前瞻性声明以反映未来的事件或情况。
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发表于 2008-8-20 16:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-20 17:13 | 只看该作者
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[ 本帖最后由 xday2000 于 2008-8-20 17:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-20 20:41 | 只看该作者
PhysX 是未来游戏发展的方向。{victory:]
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xywarii 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-8-20 20:41 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-20 20:44 | 只看该作者
原帖由 xday2000 于 2008-8-20 17:17 发表


http://we.pcinlife.com/images/smilies/PCinlife2009/blink.gif" border="0">http://we.pcinlife.com/images/smi ...

Del翻译成删除 太赞了
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发表于 2008-8-20 22:41 | 只看该作者
貌似Rage有主机板 Doom4是PC独占吧?
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发表于 2008-8-21 06:49 | 只看该作者
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