The numbers for June concentrate on crashes caused by graphics chips. According to the Vista RTM OCA - IHV breakout, Nvidia is still responsible for 48 per cent of them, a sneeze away from half. Intel has regressed to 31 per cent, no shock considering its driver woes of the last few years, and ATI picks up the rear at 19 per cent. 'Other' is sitting at two per cent, they should feel proud of the job they are doing.
六月份的数字依然集中在图形芯片造成的错误. 根据Vista RTM OCA -IHV的数据, Nvidia对其中的48%负责, 比一半稍微少点. intel产生了31%, 考虑到上几年的驱动问题, 并不令人奇怪, ATI则是19%. 剩下的2%为'其他', 他们应该对这个数字感到自豪.
考虑到i近半的市占, 出错几率还是比其他家好了, a大约和市占相当, n则... |