本帖最后由 sepmei1 于 2009-12-18 03:16 编辑
Confirmation dialog box is now displayed when extending the display through
Catalyst Control Center 扩展显示区域时候增加确认框
Catalyst Control Center: all supported resolutions are now displayed in the
Desktop Properties panel 所有支持分辨率会显示在桌面属性面板
A confirmation dialog is now displayed when setting up an Eyefinity group 设定Eyefinity组的时候增加确认框
Sound output from Display Port audio is now heard with extended mode
configurations with VGA or DVI panels 同时接VGA和DVI时候DP口不出声
Cyblerlink PowerDVD 9: setting the "Allow PowerDVD to automatically disable
Windows Aero to optimize Blu㏑ay playback" no longer causes the system to
become unresponsive during Blu﹔ay playback
Cyberlink PowerDVD: Blu﹔ay playback video no longer fails to render when
swapping primary displays in a multi﹎onitor configuration
Corruption no longer observed with some DX9 applications when Anti〢lias 8x is
enabled. 8X抗锯齿开启时候一些DX9程序崩溃问题
WinDVD10: Blu﹔ay playback will now start and does not require the application
has been minimized and restored
Resident Evil 5 Japanese version is now supported
Playing back Blu㏑ay content on some system with 120 Hz display no longer
results in black screen playback
Changing desktop resolution no longer causes the Operating System to stop
responding when real﹖ime protection is enabled in Microsoft Security Essentials
微软Security Essentials打开时 更改分辨率导致系统失去响应问题
Resolved: IL2 |