原帖由 一挑三 于 2006-10-2 22:05 发表
“模糊特效”是指哪一项?偶没玩过繁体中文的。是不是visual treatment?还是overbright?
其中关于visual treatment人家佬外是这么分析的,我觉得还是比较客观的:
This setting controls the overall 'atmospheric' image quality of the game. It is controversial in that some people like it (like me), and some people hate it. The game developers have purposely designed the lighting and color of the game to be very rich and almost photo-realistic in places when 'Visual Treatment' is enabled. However, it is a stylized image quality which may not suit some people. Fortunately the designers have provided this setting for you to enable/disable this feature, and the concurrent image quality impacts are shown in the screenshot comparison above. As you can see, with this setting at Low the colors and lighting are much closer to that of other games, and when set to High they take on a completely different characteristic. This setting also controls the various motion blur effects as well. Choose whichever you believe is more realistic to you, and note that the performance impact will vary depending on your graphics card's age - older graphics cards may get a noticeable reduction in FPS with this enabled.
Car Reflection Detail 景物反射在车体上的倒影,如你所见,对于我自己的车子,由于使用的是bumper视角,所以根本看不到。一同比赛的其它车辆,一般都距离很远,高画质和低画质倒影你看得出来吗?就算你眼睛好,比赛中你有闲功看外景在别的赛车外壳上的倒影是高画质还是低画质?
Car Reflection Update Rate(前面那项的刷新速度,没有关掉,而是开到最低,开到最高估计7900GTX在1600x1200下也吃不消!因为我用bumper视角,所以无所谓)
Rain Effect(水在车窗上的特效,这个一开始看是很新鲜的,但是不久我就失去兴趣了,因为会影响我的视野)
Over Bright(这项我没太搞清楚,类似bloom的东东吧,LS可以去看这张图http://www.tweakguides.com/images/NFSMW_10.jpg,复制到地址拦看,左边没开,右边开了,我感觉没开的时候看起来更舒服,不知道你什么感觉)
Visual Treatment(这个上面说过了,NFS9引进的新特效,个人喜好的问题吧。但是本身这项对FPS的影响实际上并不大。)
另外,如果特效全开的话,7900GTX在1920x1200上也好不到那里去,甚至X1950在1600x1200 4aa 特效全开的情况下,也就30几帧。别提1920x1200了!http://www.hardspell.com/hard/sh ... 28&pageid=12291
要在1920x1200上特效全开少不了7950GX2或者7900GTX SLI!很可惜,我兜里的人民币告诉我,这点特效不值这个价。
[ 本帖最后由 caesardox 于 2006-10-2 23:03 编辑 ] |