下面是某品牌U盘的一个booklet,大多数提供终生保修的u盘或者闪存卡很可能都使用了这种技术。如果你每天数据写入量小于21GBytes每天,那么可以连续写10年,这是基于一个block 10000次的写入寿命。如果是100,000次或者1,000,000次的写入寿命,那么每天需要写入210G和2.1TB的数据量才能在十年后损坏(每天2.1TB相当于每秒24MB的写入速度)。我这里不是替某品牌做广告,我觉得市面上的u盘和flash应该都使用了类似的技术。8G的u盘用来当BT下载甚至装操作系统用个几十年是没问题的。
How does the “leveling” happen?
Since one can move the data around with little or no penalty, the controller constantly does just that. Updated or new data is written to the first available free block with the least number of writes. The block that contains old data is erased in the background and then marked as a free block. This block rotating technique ensures even wear of memory blocks across the USB Flash drive. The wear leveling process is transparent to the Operating System.
Will my Corsair USB Flash drive last more than 10 years?
Yes. All Corsair flash drives are built with memory components that can handle AT LEAST 10,000 write cycles; typically they will handle an order of magnitude more than this. So, this means that in order to exhaust the drive in ten years, one would have to write to EVERY BLOCK in the device about 2.7 times per day, every single day. We simply can’t conceive of such a usage scenario; this would mean that on a fairly typical 8 GByte drive, one would need to write over 21 GBytes of data to it every day for ten years! USB flash drives simply are not used in this way.
If one thinks he or she might actually try this, we suggest buying a Corsair Flash Voyager GT or a Corsair Flash Survivor GT USB drive. They are built with components guaranteed for 100,000 write cycles. With these, one can write over 210 GBytes of data to the drive each day, for ten years!
[ 本帖最后由 akeyyeka 于 2008-2-15 21:16 编辑 ] |