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发表于 2005-10-1 20:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-2 10:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 smty1111 于 2005-10-1 20:00 发表" \* Q& u( E& Y
2 p* \- [  Y& {9 |

+ E" e$ y5 S( S+ Q% [( L& j# s, h9 x5 Q
% u8 B4 m+ C7 _原来我记得装暴风就可以的!
- B; g) Z2 a# v; i3 c
7 N7 z0 E, Y3 A) a, v- X4 L2 y. T
对了  这个软件哪儿找啊  现在?:sweatingbullets:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-2 14:14 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-2 15:59 | 只看该作者
原帖由 阿祥 于 2005-10-2 10:21 发表
& a# [  a: E1 b3 G. f8 c9 G) o7 v# u0 I6 ~5 M6 Y7 l# X  _

+ F& q, _6 T2 L
: }9 U# g$ Z3 T: n2 g原来我记得装暴风就可以的!8 e, p6 ?& u$ T; G9 c% q3 J, N  I
* S, e- I! U6 H  ]
0 n* \$ d" P! T, L6 h9 |
对了  这个软件哪儿找啊  现在?:sweatingbullets:
+ o+ b/ \+ f* M+ x- }2 F! o
7 S. C7 S2 z/ M0 C3 H% q- d/ [
4 @1 ~4 n; D5 O& s. _# k+ r. t  a* Q:rolleyes:
6 W5 Q9 r; H) w1 w2 G& F1 N( O( N' |! x: p2 Z& [( m
[ 本帖最后由 smty1111 于 2005-10-2 16:03 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-2 16:13 | 只看该作者
RadLight Filter Manager
. {4 r) q' R- [, x
  e+ c5 f3 o* R1 X7 _3 e& N
5 i( e4 s/ k/ H8 h1 e- y* G0 V4 h7 k1 w6 C& c8 V- V
2 x6 ]# K( i+ G8 k7 J) j5 r  {
:: Description
$ Y( @% ?, E9 d2 Z* C0 g+ r5 W4 b3 l0 [% z& Q$ J. B7 e0 Q
This little GNU GPL open-source tool allows you to change merit of DirectShow filters. While dealing with merits is absolutely unnecessary if you are using RadLight 4 multimedia player which offers a fully customizable graph building we thought that people who still prefer Windows Media Player and other less feature-rich players may find it quite useful.9 O8 K0 G) |$ O7 P( V
" G0 g8 t8 `, c# ?7 c  H! ?
Since version 1.1, this tool has been greatly improved by Griga of DVBViewer community.6 a- u5 a, b" G/ O
- W9 `( @* T3 N/ o0 B9 P* ^* k. e' p- |6 H
:: What’s the deal with merits?
; A* q& }+ ^3 W9 d! V  |
3 E" }) Y# `" ~$ w- ?' cEach filter is registered with a merit value. When the filter graph manager builds a graph, it enumerates all the filters registered with the correct media type. Then it tries them in order of merit, from highest to lowest. (It uses additional criteria to choose between filters with equal merit.)
3 p/ W* V. j% e. H' N
/ ?! @; Z- Z5 A* }8 W) p" T0 p- i( y8 Z% Q" e# v/ |3 A
1 q( g- ~7 G8 [; W  D1 n, Y
/ f. Z$ A+ |" f3 N7 |[ 本帖最后由 smty1111 于 2005-10-2 16:14 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-1 16:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
:crying:人老了  记忆力不行了!:a)
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