



楼主: sd-iori
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发表于 2007-7-2 21:19 | 只看该作者
* h# |; q) Q7 K) M% |6 i2 [' H
1 y) u& l: E6 [" f: A$ h- ^7 g5 I9 x! h1 h: h" u( I
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发表于 2007-7-2 21:59 | 只看该作者
. V! a3 b5 X& y* A& H, L0 l/ S, k$ w1 S5 {$ @! `
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-2 22:00 | 只看该作者
原帖由 crystalcat 于 2007-7-2 18:41 发表 ) C! \0 y9 Y8 f8 z: }. M
1 C& l! k9 [) `0 d" r: I' a1 E
:sweatingbullets: 8 j# g) T) w. G
* w% p4 L1 G) [. P+ S$ s作为输入转换用的
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-2 22:01 | 只看该作者
原帖由 crystalcat 于 2007-7-2 18:49 发表 ! M, @. t- s4 R. o7 i
呵呵,有可能,过两天去给换卡的时候顺便问问那个技术员~* P" X1 H( c; v# g

" R" j5 s) b% _# E, s. v. O4 h不过这个卡听起来比黑3舒服

4 K  V, ?+ y# d# ]! t:shifty: 你怎么会这么早有这个卡的??
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-2 22:06 | 只看该作者
原帖由 flz821028 于 2007-7-2 19:36 发表
; o+ W! v! ]- H. S+ a1 x3 d主芯片边上的晶振能当双晶振用吗??% i$ U7 l+ M( k" |/ V6 C

0 b- z2 d. a" U+ U0 f( Y2 ^; e阿娇不当坦克党主席啦??:unsure:
- b/ i7 h' v, r, I1 G4 X
:shifty: 我肯定当主席的' G6 w* F8 ~( ^5 e
' }9 Z$ q; i* l9 N# l
6Fire LT还在呢( f, q! a7 X$ f6 t  n, Y

3 B1 k& ^$ y% w1 h# Q不过,,这个卡,估计可以代替6Fire LT呢
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-2 22:20 | 只看该作者
原帖由 bf18888 于 2007-7-2 21:14 发表 8 `& i8 ^5 z8 O2 F
5 x$ @/ ?$ ?6 L7 O) X8 s

% r. N  [  @) Z! ^: j( J: j2 ~什么是晶振什么是钟振?只是一个是直插一个是贴片

. j/ q$ _+ o$ J7 F9 ?. _  icrystal:一般称其为晶振: 石英晶体,是无源的两个脚的,没有方向,需要IC或其它外部晶体振荡器输入,才产生频率,是无方向的。晶体还需要反向器, 负载电容(loading capacitor)才可组成振荡器.石英晶体元件由石英晶体片和外壳组成一种无源压电元件。3 _( ~$ f! }: \' N! t

- @# P) |& ]( F  \5 K2 Soscillator:一般称为钟振,也有成为晶振的,一般有四个脚,是有方向的,有电源、地和时钟输出引脚,内部有晶体和振荡电路,不需要输入输入信号源,直接可产生频率。出厂时频率已校准。特点:应用方便、频率稳定、电磁辐射少。但价格比crystal贵些。
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发表于 2007-7-2 22:33 | 只看该作者
期待测试,哈哈, A1 Y4 \1 x. I# b: g4 m% T- U
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-2 22:39 | 只看该作者

: ~! C& q2 c7 \9 F# |  l8 b4 m8 G* R# `1 C( n& \4 v
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发表于 2007-7-2 22:40 | 只看该作者
原帖由 sd-iori 于 2007-7-2 22:01 发表
3 G3 P& m6 V; `- N& D7 o  C) }
# O* y" F6 ]1 I! F:shifty: 你怎么会这么早有这个卡的??
" A. N" a5 j$ [% Y' B- q6 m
0 ]( J+ v, \, c! o, `) j
偶然机遇~傲王有个技术员最近在我们这里,我上次发了邮件问他能不能帮我修修710~结果就认识了~他拿了714和717给我玩~' p- R$ K% F5 i; O. ?* h

$ `; S3 B, ?. L* a最后决定买个717~卖了原来的黑3,唉唉,中毒
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发表于 2007-7-2 22:44 | 只看该作者
原帖由 sd-iori 于 2007-7-2 22:06 发表 8 T6 ~! D; {. F" f) v+ |

, ]9 u5 L) ^+ Y2 }:shifty: 我肯定当主席的
7 b  P0 h" r' T" A9 H! t  Z$ J" r) H
6Fire LT还在呢
. j4 _8 ^- \8 A- n. a9 c, z/ q5 \* y: `
不过,,这个卡,估计可以代替6Fire LT呢
; r' {3 B6 \( w( @' ~7 A

1 Y4 e# T2 P/ V0 I. G* |( @- `. `
1 @5 ?8 P* p) r4 C- _7 W没听过LT,拿到的那天,插了3张卡,717,714,黑金3LN 来听,还是觉得这个听起来舒服~呵呵,但是具体什么感觉,不会写
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发表于 2007-7-2 22:54 | 只看该作者

回复 #26 sd-iori 的帖子

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发表于 2007-7-2 22:55 | 只看该作者
原帖由 crystalcat 于 2007-7-2 22:44 发表 0 e7 ^7 z$ _5 c: i0 A. u
4 O8 A( n" o5 m6 Z8 `2 f
0 C3 \2 A% A) g* }1 Q2 c" U# M' h( Z
1 K  n3 u7 ?" V! a5 V! f
没听过LT,拿到的那天,插了3张卡,717,714,黑金3LN 来听,还是觉得这个听起来舒服~呵呵,但是具体什么感觉,不会写

/ c. M7 ?( N& Y
+ ^8 B7 G8 `% p2 Z; k样卡与产品可能声音有变
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-2 23:04 | 只看该作者
原帖由 sd-iori 于 2007-7-2 22:06 发表
5 ]% g" s9 F0 l8 ~7 p7 X8 m( K5 Y2 e3 J# B2 C/ Y
:shifty: 我肯定当主席的8 m' R2 s+ s3 }  a( Z
! A  Q$ i9 V4 t# X
6Fire LT还在呢) h# ]  I9 g) y" H* ]7 n% R
2 m  ~( }2 S3 M  m" n9 Y
不过,,这个卡,估计可以代替6Fire LT呢

7 K1 V- @4 u2 U+ [8 v- N8 }- p9 y驱动有ASIO?:unsure:
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发表于 2007-7-3 00:01 | 只看该作者
717  7XX的价格  714和黑3 也就4XX 而已  ,明显价格差一截  要是717音频回放比不上前面两个的话 那OOAOO 倒闭算了
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 00:14 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Metaverse 于 2007-7-2 23:04 发表
0 ]5 c  q% Q/ _+ ~% G( ~* ?& \7 l; ~0 a

/ ^1 q; A* ~, ^' ^, Q) h1.2 General Description2 u8 e$ Y5 Q) ~. t7 B; n
The CMI8787 is a high quality PCI 32-bit multi-channel audio processor that can be& r# m  o3 R7 j1 q: U
built into home audio electronics or personal computers to provide high fidelity sound
+ l" _2 ]! u7 c/ O& x0 tplayback and processing. It supports up to 12 output channels and 8 input channels. The# f* U0 Z9 g8 Y1 }
12 output channels are composed of 3 playback DMA’s, which are multi-channel DMA
3 h! O$ c. `& a" [* i. C0 q(32 bits, 8 channels, 192k), S/PDIF DMA (32 bits, 2 channels, 192k), and front panel
  M+ M$ x* S3 p; c8 L% gDMA (16 bits, 2 channels, 48k). The 8 input channels are spread across 3 recording( f& r* m9 `  y' Z7 t
DMA’s (32 bits, 192k) - recording A, B, and C DMA’s. The architecture of recording is* d/ ]2 z$ L( D/ G" w: q2 G+ V
a unique point of CMI8787 that enables very flexible recording options for the user. The
2 r  N( Y: _& ]; Tdetails of the recording mode selection will be explained in the later sections.3 ~' _* D' H) y# _  ?
The CMI8787 is compatible with all the popular codecs, from I2S codecs with over- x) N: ]9 T7 B. \3 k8 K2 t  L
120dB quality to the usual AC97 codecs. This ability gives customers the flexibility to' U# U. h! }2 X* Z9 L9 M% K
design their products exactly the way they want them. The I2S, AC-Link, 2-wire master( h/ L2 A: X, G0 s4 F
bus, and SPI interfaces are used to transfer audio data and control data between the
4 f; @7 H* S0 m$ b" b8 UCMI8787 and codecs. To facilitate the connection with existing home audio electronics,0 r4 R/ F" v) ?( p) o& |+ p) Z
the CMI8787 has incorporated the S/PDIF transmitter and receiver with 192k sampling
+ L( x, S/ k0 V* \# Prate.' N. D( j" o5 W. r
An EEPROM interface is built for the CMI8787 in connection with the EEPROM to
: G" X3 E3 m7 s% O$ J  zstore and retrieve the non-evaporable data for customer applications, such as board
% p# H6 F2 t0 x6 X/ dconfiguration, sub-vendor and sub-system IDs of the PCI configuration, or any dynamic
- D$ i7 N( s5 K! E- Vdata that customers want to restore at the next power-on.
6 s2 n& W% {) G3 gThe CMI8787 has an independent 2-wire slave bus to communicate with the micro
9 V  H* U+ t" G9 vcontrol unit (MCU). This interface is used as a medium for the system driver and the; e' x3 S9 w5 D) J
MCU to exchange data. One of the applications of the 2-wire slave bus is to transmit the4 s* O# z! u( Q6 X# g: K
control data from the remote controller to the system driver. The MPU-401 MIDI UART8 u0 E9 ?. J( C! u4 Q* z
is also integrated in the CMI8787.
9 O0 b! q. A* {! w! y& ~1 ~There are six GPI phone jack detect pins in CMI8787, which can be used to distinguish/ L7 T/ s( i9 F( L6 [/ g( M2 U6 S0 F
if a cable is plugged in the phone jack. The re are 9 GPIO pins on the chip, however. Q" d% ~: o: v) k$ m8 n
some of them are shared with other functions. The C-Media’s unique device sensing
9 }; s! p, M8 Z# a  N: ttechnology is implemented in CMI8787, which can indicate whether a speaker or a
' b5 i- p, x; P  G3 B4 n: |4 Vheadphone is plugged in the jack. Then according to this information, the system driver
# q0 `* H( i" o  f* ]can decide to turn on the C-Media’s X-ear 3D audio technology if appropriate.
, m( i+ D% ]3 I% N3 E& s5 e# r$ [  _
1.1 Hardware Features3 ]0 ~, I* P" O9 M; e5 v
n PCI 2.2 interface with bus mastering and burst modes7 ]4 m) I0 M2 I; ~9 V/ c; p
n Only one 24.576MHz oscillator is needed1 S8 b. ^% b- Z: }2 h" u" }! x
n 4 synchronous I2S output data stream pairs within 1 flexible output DMA
2 A" `! {5 c8 o( }, M9 cn Programmable channel routing mechanism among the 4 I2S output pairs
( P/ p+ `, ?& A9 r! o( t0 X# sn 4 synchronous I2S input data stream pairs spread in 3 input DMA’s (for Dolby
% X0 q# T0 n( Z0 V% _4 r/ hpro-audio applications)
5 T0 R' `# U5 h2 D# b8 [( G2 xn Optionally, a multi-channel AC-link can support 2 AC97 codecs
) Y, L6 a; S" n7 i4 Mn Programmable HW monitoring routing from I2S inputs to outputs0 ~7 \# Z8 g# W* ]
n All I2S I/O pairs support 32-bit PCM data transfer and adjustable sample rate (up to
+ u* ]9 j& |3 w2 h. a# E" v" [+ F192KHz)3 v0 n# U+ t3 l
n Integrated 192k/24-bit S/PDIF transmitter with 1 dedicated S/PDIF OUT DMA- I/ R; U: n2 ]% |( n
n Integrated 192k/24-bit S/PDIF receiver in recording DMA; U( b% N2 u/ V) v2 Q
n S/PDIF IN supports digital loopback path for switching between optical and RCA
+ c9 n9 k  n' s3 b( ?! fconnections
# F6 E) c4 s: g! s0 [- kn 48k/16-bit front panel DMA for AC97 codec. _' a( V) e* C+ O
n 2-wire master serial bus or 4-wire SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus to control# G& m1 i) [3 L: A8 H
I2S codecs
' E3 A5 D9 |% \) @6 ]n 2-wire slave serial bus to communicate with microcontroller unit (MCU)
) ]$ I, @9 ^( ^- q  C# an Interrupt pin to inform external MCU to retrieve the data from the system driver. o4 Z4 `. I  Z  q9 O) T' j" l
n One MPU-401 MIDI UART port
: d1 G0 A1 ^$ n# H1 p& xn EEPROM control interface
. i- Q4 f: w5 q' ^3 m( r0 g4 gn 6 GPI phone jack detection pins) S; z/ _5 X1 V; ^3 a8 F/ o3 W: j5 E
n Advanced device-sensing technology indicates whether a speaker or a headphone/ Q" h8 c0 s. z( J2 L! |0 Z
is plugged in the jack- [; b5 ^' w2 p6 q% W+ K9 ^$ @
n 9 direct-access GPIO pins& y+ V2 b) R0 O; u8 |
n 3 bonding-option bits for 8 identification possibilites
3 P0 x: q/ C4 C/ g/ ~3 n- O: Sn 128-pin LQFP thin high-quality package# T8 p& l8 P$ K$ @( w% S
. S8 ?# M- \; z! k
1.3 Applications
4 x- ]/ Y- i, [9 ~4 R: E; h' R5 rn Pro-sumer high-quality PCI sound card for retailer market
7 h0 q5 K, O" `& bn Consumer sound card powered by Dolby® and DTS® technologies$ I" I2 E9 p5 j# |' t( g$ V$ z
n PC-based media center6 Q( h& C: \# O: ~! ]5 ?
n Professional PC musician application! x6 g, i) `( F* ~) P; T
n High-end motherboard requiring top audio quality8 h; K. p7 e" d: j! ?
n Audio up-sell for PC systems
$ L% a) H) S3 v, l* r7 O* gn Bundle selling with high-profile VGA cards
9 [" e+ u" J  x: in General purpose multi-channel I/O4 J1 K8 D. y4 H
. [$ L; c2 _1 Y
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 00:16 | 只看该作者
原帖由 讨厌爱迪生 于 2007-7-3 00:01 发表 & F* Y% \! K4 m
717  7XX的价格  714和黑3 也就4XX 而已  ,明显价格差一截  要是717音频回放比不上前面两个的话 那OOAOO 倒闭算了
; `! }/ l: T! o8 ]( s
: n9 M; F/ N1 f, m. L; e这个SQ717A比714好
' A! i7 J2 g$ c* @# Y: _3 n, _/ e/ ^. O' C% Y( S# Z: C
不过DAC方面,SQ714W的数据比SQ717A好+ N& R5 U* X9 y# E7 M2 T
:sweatingbullets: 不过,,一个AKM的,,一个是WM的
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发表于 2007-7-3 00:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-7-3 02:46 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-7-3 03:13 | 只看该作者
% \; b6 z! @+ C7 s2 P; d) [' v, n% n& r. h$ ^% @
阿娇过来回答下,这个卡支持Dolby Headphone不?1 u# A6 _& a4 u
2 o& ^2 Q0 S; d- E* o5 `
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发表于 2007-7-3 09:32 | 只看该作者
w00t) 瞻仰下
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