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LSI MegaCLI v8.05.06

发表于 2012-10-9 07:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


LSIP200233163 (DFCT) improve the manner and customer experience of transitioning from MR mode to iMR
LSIP200233100 (DFCT) MR5.4 MegaCli - does not recognize the adapter
LSIP200233107 (DFCT) Error message displayed while creating VD in SLESS 11 SP2
LSIP200245985 (DFCT) Load address change for PCLI
LSIP200233342 (DFCT) Error message displayed while deleting all ld's in MegaCLI, SLESS11 sp2
LSIP200232922 (DFCT) MegaCLI misspell the word "package" as "pakage" under ctrl version and it does not displays firmware version
LSIP200232921 (DFCT) MegaCLI displays version for PD in unclear format and the data is not aligned correctly
LSIP200232954 (DFCT) Need to Support all the MFC default values in the command AdpSettings.
LSIP200245968 (DFCT) In EFICLI not able to flash latest firmware to controller without using -nosigchk -noverchk option.
LSIP200233079 (DFCT) Redesign battery changes
LSIP200232955 (DFCT) Porting CLI MR5.3 defect (LSIP200232645)
LSIP200233047 (DFCT) Throwing exception while erasing VD with user given patterns
LSIP200245889 (DFCT) Battery Changes
LSIP200232929 (DFCT) LSIP200211349 (PR NO)- MegaCLI for uEFI
LSIP200233314 (DFCT) Pcilinkspeedset and adpdowngrade cmds are not working and Need to update Help page
LSIP200232870 (DFCT) Add a Gen2 to Gen3 toggle function and a check for the PCI speed to MegaSCU/CLI [ PR : LSIP200231423 ]
LSIP200232927 (DFCT) Port PR 198414 to MR5.4 (Headless Boot) to TB [ PR: LSIP200229508]
LSIP200232044 (DFCT) MegaCli causes "unexpected sense" and "illegal request" on HDDs
LSIP200233041 (DFCT) MegaCli -ShowSummary display incorrect LD info
LSIP200232675 (DFCT) (RP LSIP200232646) "Disk Cache Policy" default setting is set to "Unchanged" needs to be set to "Disabled"
LSIP200232713 (DFCT) CLI is displaying the message to Use Force option when using cfglddel to try to delete a CC VD.
LSIP200232645 (DFCT) Cannot clear a CC Drive Group using MegaCli64.exe in Windows
LSIP200246111 (DFCT) Megacli tool stops working while executing adpeventlog commands.
LSIP200246081 (DFCT) Any junk character after the help command executes with an incomplete output and exits with no error.
LSIP200246117 (DFCT) Output correction required for BBU status.
LSIP200246078 (DFCT) Enclosure information not displayed.
SCGCQ00317021 (DFCT) MegaCLI ldinfo does not display correct information under FreeBSD
SCGCQ00317547 (DFCT) MegaCLI misspell the word "transparent" in bbu mode display
SCGCQ00319423 (DFCT) FreeBSD MegaCLI v8.05.02 does not detect controller when driver 5.504.05.00 is loaded

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