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Windows 7 图形流水线 [WDM 1.1/D3D11/D2D/10bit scanout]

发表于 2008-11-6 11:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Guidelines for Graphics in Windows 7
November 5, 2008
This paper summarizes the new features and enhancements to the Windows(r) desktop and graphics architecture in the Windows 7 operating system. It provides system design recommendations and proposed Windows Logo Program requirements.
The paper is intended for system designers, display driver developers, and test managers at original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and independent hardware vendors (IHVs) who design, deliver, and maintain desktop and mobile PC products for Windows 7.
This information applies for the Windows 7 operating system.
References and resources discussed here are listed at the end of this paper.
For the latest information, see:
        http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/de ... hicsGuide_Win7.mspx
Disclaimer: This is a preliminary document and may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release of the software described herein.

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To provide the best desktop graphics experience in Windows(r) 7, a system must take advantage of the graphics hardware and robust software in these key areas:
* GPU and display driver. A modern GPU should support a minimum of Microsoft(r) DirectX(r) 10 and the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) v 1.1 - "Optimized for Windows 7." A GPU that meets these two key requirements is guaranteed to take advantage of most Windows 7 features and is best positioned to use innovations such as the new Direct2D API.
* Display connection and configuration. Connecting and configuring displays can be difficult because of the complex permutations of connectors, cables, and switchboxes as well as the variety of display devices and graphics cards. Windows 7 incorporates many improvements that help to ensure a consistent, high-quality Windows desktop.
* System integration and firmware. Rapid innovations in GPUs, chipsets, and processor technology present interesting opportunities for system manufacturers to integrate components and package them in different forms to target specific consumer needs. Examples in this paper include technologies that take advantage of multiple GPUs and monitors in a single system.

This paper summarizes key innovations in Windows 7 graphics in each of these areas and summarizes what graphics original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and independent hardware vendors (IHVs) must do to ensure that their hardware and software provides the best possible Windows user experience.
For detailed information about these new features and enhancements, see "High Fidelity Graphics in Windows 7: A Guide for OEMs and IHVs" on the WHDC Web site.
GPU and Display Driver Enhancements
New features that will be introduced in the Windows 7 operating system along with key improvements in performance and stability use the two-dimensional (2-D), three-dimensional (3-D), and video engines of the modern GPU in the following ways:
* 2-D engine. The "Optimized for Windows 7 - WDDM v1.1" driver model introduces graphics device interface (GDI) hardware acceleration of the GPU's 2-D engine. This key feature reduces the system memory footprint of Aero.
* 3-D engine. Desktop Window Manager (DWM) in Windows 7 uses the latest Microsoft Direct3D(r) API and can take advantage of the 3-D engine in a GPU that is DirectX 10-capable. The new Direct2D API is also based on the high-performance Direct3D 10 API. Gaming innovations led to the development of Direct3D 11, which is a strict superset of Direct3D 10.
* Video engine. WDDM v1.1 introduces several optional features for video playback that help standardize the playback of high-definition content through DirectX Video Acceleration - High Definition (DXVA-HD), improve the security of graphics data, and improve the use of overlay presentations.

From a software perspective, the Windows 7 enhancements affect the following components:
* WDDM v1.1
* Direct3D 11
* Direct2D API
WDDM Version 1.1
WDDM v1.1 provides the optimal Windows 7 graphics experience. This updated driver model adds reliability and performance improvements as well as new features to the existing WDDM v1, which was introduced in Windows Vista(r). Although WDDM v1 display drivers that were certified for Windows Vista are compatible with Windows 7, we strongly recommend that OEMs and system builders update their drivers to WDDM v1.1 for Windows 7 systems.
Direct3D 11
Windows 7 introduces the next generation Direct3D 11 API, which is a strict superset of Direct3D 10. Direct3D 11 adds features to the existing DirectX 10 (and 10.1) pipeline that improve 3-D performance and support data-parallel computing on the GPU. Direct3D 11 includes the following new features:
* Compute shader. The new compute shader enables applications to use the graphics card as a data-parallel processor, instead of just focusing on pixels and triangles. By using the compute shader, applications can take advantage of powerful GPUs for more than just 3-D graphics.
* Software display lists and multithreaded resource handling. This feature enables graphics applications to better take advantage of multicore machines.
* Tessellation. This feature shrinks the gap between higher quality offline content creation and faster real-time rendering. For example, a model far away can be rendered with low detail, but when seen up close, this same model can be refined to be smoother and more attractive, while maintaining consistent frame rates.
* Improved texture compression. Direct3D 11 introduces the first high-dynamic range, compressed hardware texture format and a new higher quality compression format for standard dynamic range textures. These new formats result in better looking textures and imagery in 3-D applications.
* Improvements to the high-level shading language. The high-level shading language (HLSL) has new subroutines and better support for double-precision floating-point computation. These features provide a more expressive, more flexible programming model that enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to better express their vision in code.

In sum, the Direct3D 11 API provides Windows 7 games, data-parallel and high-end 3-D applications with efficient, robust, and scalable access to functionality on the upcoming generation of GPUs.
Direct2D API
The Direct2D API enables applications to render 2-D graphics with better performance and quality than GDI or GDI+. Direct2D is a new user-mode library that is based on the Direct3D 10 API, and it interoperates easily with other Windows technologies, including the Windows Imaging Component (WIC), Direct3D 10, and the Windows Color System (WCS). Figure 2 shows how the Direct2D API layers over other graphics APIs.

Figure 1. Direct2D API Layering
As Figure 1 shows, the Direct2D API is layered over the Direct3D 10 API and the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). These components enable Direct2D applications to run on Direct3D 10 hardware directly or on Direct3D 9 hardware by using the Direct3D 10-level-9 hardware. However, to achieve the best performance, a GPU that supports DirectX 10 is required.
Video Playback
Windows 7 includes enhancements to the video pipeline that enable standardized solutions for media center and third-part video IHVs. The video playback enhancements include the following:
* Unified DXVA-HD device driver interface (DDI)
* GPU content protection
* Video overlay DDI in WDDM v 1.1
WDDM v1.1 provides a common DXVA-HD DDI that can efficiently handle high-definition composition for DVD playback. The new public interface removes the need for each ISV to invent its own private interface.
Figure 2 shows how ISV applications can layer over the DXVA-HD support that is provided in Windows 7.

Figure 2. DXVA-HD Layering
As Figure 2 shows, third-party applications can use the Direct3D 9 API to represent a graphic context and to compose the final presentation. The DXVA2 API provides hardware acceleration for video decoding-for example, MPEG2, VC-1, and H.264 audio/video control (AV/C). The new DXVA-HD API provides hardware acceleration for video processing and composition.
GPU Content Protection
WDDM v1.1 supports standardized Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit encryption in addition to the following software content protection:
* Encryption BLT-Video to system BLT with encryption.
* Driver protections of shared surfaces.
* Driver-specific protection mechanisms.
* Encryption on eviction-Encryption of video memory resources upon eviction from video memory.
* Decryption BLT-System to video BLT with decryption.
Video Overlay DDI in WDDM Version 1.1
WDDM v1.1 includes a new DDI for video overlay presentation in Windows 7. Windows 7 supports the ability to keep Desktop Window Manager on while presenting overlays. In addition, the performance of overlay video playback is improved by reducing per frame composition. These changes also improve the security of the content that is being presented.
To take advantage of this support, user-mode WDDM v1.1 drivers require only minor changes.
Display Device Features and Defaults
Windows 7 introduces several improvements to help users connect and configure display devices more easily and reliably on both desktop and laptop systems. In addition, many user interface enhancements-such as the Projection shortcut key-aid mobility. The end-user experience is much more predictable and consistent when the user is connecting an external display device to any desktop or laptop.
The following is a summary of changes that affect displays and rendering:
* Improved multimonitor support. To improve the multimonitor experience, Windows 7 tracks the arrival and removal of display devices. It automatically configures the device, based on user-applied settings or optimal defaults. It also provides new user interface (UI) controls for easy and available usage.
* New and improved user interface. The Windows logo key ()+P is defined as a shortcut key with which a user can easily choose laptop projections, extended desktop on multiple monitors, or laptop-only or projection-only display. The improved Control Panel Display application adds support for monitor rotation, desktop duplicate mode, display detection, and live representation of connected display devices.
* Streamlined user experience. Windows 7 optimizes defaults for common scenarios and provides appropriate fallbacks for corner cases. Defaults are the same for desktop and laptop systems except when the user adds a monitor or projector. In that case, the user's desktop display is duplicated on the laptop system and extended on the desktop system. In addition, Windows 7 reduces the number of unique user interface controls that are required to configure displays and exposes an API and a persistence database so that OEMs and device vendors can more easily integrate their hardware features and value-added software with Windows capabilities.
* Improved reliability and robustness. Several improvements in the Windows kernel address potential failures. In particular, Windows 7 display management better handles faulty and legacy hardware, improves reliability during display detection, is less susceptible to timing issues, and eliminates black screen issues.
* Increased support for color. Windows 7 provides additional support for high-color hardware and includes a color calibration wizard so that graphics professionals can easily match displayed colors to printed or natural colors.
* Improved readability. Support for automatic DPI setting and per-user DPI settings make it easier for users to set the display at a native resolution that renders readable text. Manufacturers can override the Windows defaults to provide device-specific settings if required.

To complement the robust software solutions that are part of Windows 7, we strongly recommend that partners implement modern digital connectors on GPUs and integrated graphics. Vendors should follow Video Electronics Standard Association (VESA) standards and pay extra attention to the requirement for Extended Display Identification Data (EDID). This is a key area where our PC ecosystem partners must pay close attention to system design and validation for the best end-user experience in productivity and mobility.
The following sections provide additional detail about new features and enhancements in these areas:
* Control Panel Display application
* Projection shortcut key
* Multimonitor support
* Default settings
* Switchboxes and extenders
* Color management
* High dots per inch (DPI) and readability

Control Panel Display Application
The improved Control Panel Display application adds support for monitor rotation, desktop duplicate mode, and display detection. When the user connects a new display device, the system updates Control Panel immediately to show the new device.
The Control Panel Display application provides this interface and addresses most common usage requirements. It supports the following:
* Rotation
* Duplicate desktop mode
* Showing all connected monitors
* Scanning for newly connected monitors
* Showing the monitor name
* Recommendations for the native resolution

The Control Panel Display application duplicates some features that are also available in third-party value-added Control Panel applications. OEMs and IHVs should analyze the functionality that the Display application provides and limit their Control Panel applications to scenarios that are not covered in the Windows 7 inbox user interface.
Ideally, a user should be able to configure all display settings by using a single user interface. If the Control Panel Display application does not cover specialized scenarios that are important for some specific OEM customers, OEMs are encouraged to extend the Advanced Settings tab of the Control Panel Display application.
Graphics IHV partners can extend Control Panel to provide a user interface for the following:
* Changing the TV broadcast format.
* Providing overscan compensation.
* Setting the aspect ratio.

Projection Shortcut Key
The Windows logo key ()+P is defined as a shortcut key to select projection options for portable computers, with which a user can easily choose laptop projections, extended desktop on multiple monitors, or laptop-only or projection-only display. When a user presses the shortcut key, Windows displays a dialog box that presents connection options.
To ensure a consistent user experience and eliminate possible confusion, OEMs should map their shortcut keys to the Windows projection shortcut key, so that the OEM shortcut key displays the same dialog box.
Multimonitor Support
To improve the multimonitor experience, Windows 7 tracks the arrival and removal of display devices. It automatically configures the device, based on user-applied settings or optimal defaults. It also provides new options on the Control Panel Display application for easy usage.
Because of the projection shortcut key and the new Control Panel Display application, the Windows Vista Transient Multimonitor (TMM) feature is no longer required and has been deprecated. When the user connects a display, Windows 7 applies default settings and the TMM dialog box does not appear.
Default Settings
Windows 7 optimizes defaults for common scenarios and provides appropriate fallbacks for corner cases. Defaults are the same for desktop and laptop systems except when the user adds a monitor or projector. In that case, the user's desktop display is duplicated on the mobile PC system and extended on the desktop system.
In addition, Windows 7 reduces the number of unique user interface controls that are required to configure displays. It also exposes an API and a persistence database so that OEMs and device vendors can more easily integrate their hardware features and value-added software with Windows capabilities.
To ensure that Windows can set the resolution correctly, the display device must provide an accurate EDID and mark the native panel resolution as the "preferred" resolution. For EDID guidelines, see "High Fidelity Graphics in Windows 7: A Guide for Hardware Vendors." If the display device does not report the correct EDID, OEMs and IHVs can supply the correct information in an INF. For details, see "How to Use an INF to Override the Monitor EDID" on the WHDC Web site.
Several improvements in the Windows kernel address potential failures. In particular, Windows 7 display management better handles faulty and legacy hardware, improves reliability during display detection, is less susceptible to timing issues, and eliminates black screen issues.
Switchboxes and Extenders
Advanced users of PCs often use keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) switchboxes to connect multiple PCs to a single display device, and they use extenders to join video cables. For video graphics array (VGA) and Digital Video Interface (DVI) switchboxes, standards have not been explicitly defined and unpredictable behavior often occurs. The primary challenges have been the lack of accurate detection of display device connectivity and missing or faulty EDID data. New standards such as High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and DisplayPort clearly define expected behavior for such devices.
Manufacturers of switchboxes can ensure that their customers have a good user experience with Windows 7 by following published implementation guidelines.
Color Management
Windows 7 introduces two significant new features for color management:
* Support for high-color technology, which is often implemented in high-definition displays.
* A Display Calibration Wizard, which enables users to visually calibrate any monitor that can be attached to a PC.

High Color
High color is a set of capabilities that enable applications to render content beyond 8 bits per pixel. The graphical image appears in a color space that is larger than the standard red-green-blue (sRGB) gamut, with much higher precision and a higher dynamic range.
Windows 7 introduces three new pixel formats that enable high-color capabilities:
* 30-bit extended-range (XR) format.
* 30-bit high-precision format.
* 48-bit high-precision and wide-gamut format.

Direct3D 10 lets developers create a 10-bit, 10-bit XR, or 16-bit-per-channel render target. This enables software developers to preserve content that has values beyond the traditional 8-bit formats.
Display Calibration Wizard
Graphics design in different industries such as computer-aided design, automobile design, fashion industry, film-making, and printing is highly dependent on accurate color rendition and its translation into the print form. The success of these scenarios depends on how closely the colors on the screen match those designed in software and, more important, the printed outcome on paper or cloth. To aid this difficult task, Windows 7 introduces the Display Color Calibration Wizard.
The Display Color Calibration Wizard provides a fast and simple way to visually calibrate any monitor that can be connected to a PC. In addition to the standard brightness and contrast controls, the Display Color Calibration Wizard helps the user adjust the gamma and the white point of the display. It calibrates the display graphics pipeline to target the sRGB standard color space gamma and white point, and saves the calibration state to a color profile.
High-DPI and Readability
Several new Windows 7 features improve readability and support high-DPI settings:
* Automatic configuration of the recommended DPI setting for compatible display devices. Manufacturers can override the defaults to provide device-specific settings if required.
* Redesigned the Control Panel DPI application that guides users to choose a native display resolution.
* Per-user DPI settings in the persistence database.
* Better display quality at high-DPI settings.
* Support for high-DPI settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Windows s**.

System Integration Considerations
The end-to-end Windows desktop experience depends not only on individual GPU and display design and connections but also on how the GPUs and related hardware components work together. Many users set up multimonitor systems, which have two or more displays connected to a single PC, which in turn can have one or more GPUs.
Multi-GPU Systems
Windows 7 supports multiple GPUs that run simultaneously to increase productivity and to meet specialized customer demands. Multi-GPU support falls into two broad categories:
* Homogeneous multi-adapter. The PC has more than one graphics adapter but all adapters use the same graphics driver.
* Heterogeneous multi-adapter. The PC has multiple graphics adapters that use multiple graphics drivers.

Hybrid Graphics
A hybrid graphics system typically has two GPUs: a low-power, fairly low-performance integrated GPU and a second high-power, higher performance discrete GPU.
The integrated GPU is typically used when long battery life is desired, and the discrete GPU is used when battery life is not important or when higher performance is required. Such systems require a reboot to switch between GPUs.
Windows 7 does not offer native support for hybrid graphics systems. We strongly discourage system manufacturers from shipping such systems, which can be unstable and provide a poor user experience.
Linked Display Adapters
A linked display adapter (LDA) is a mode of operation in which multiple physical adapters appear merged into a single logical adapter. From an application's point of view, only the logical adapter is visible. However, the underlying WDDM driver uses all the physical adapters within the link to improve the performance of the logical adapter. The logical adapter typically offers much higher performance than any of the individual physical adapters can provide.
The driver can link physical adapters that have identical capabilities and identical memory configurations. Every physical adapter that is part of a logical adapter must be visible on the PCI-Express (PCIe) bus as an independent device. The model assumes that all nodes in a given physical adapter have uniform access to the physical adapter's memory.
LDAs are supported only on the PCIe bus. LDA configuration is not supported on accelerated graphics port (AGP) systems.
Proposed Windows Logo Program Requirements
WDDM v1.1 drivers are required for Windows 7 certification. This section provides details about the proposed Windows Logo Program requirements for WDDM v1.1 drivers. Some of these requirements are mandatory, and others are optional.
Table 1 lists the WDDM v1.1 features that are required for the logo program, the corresponding logo program requirement in this document, and whether the feature is mandatory or optional.
Table 1. Mandatory and Optional WDDM v1.1 Features
WDDM 1.1 feature description
Logo program requirement
Mandatory or optional?
System memory savings for running Aero Glass
GDI hardware acceleration
New Explorer list-view animations
GDI hardware acceleration
A performant Aero Glass Windows desktop that is running on top of DirectX 10
Extended color format
A new performant Direct2D API as a Direct3D 10 client
Extended color format
A better viewing experience on TVs and widescreen portable computers
Connection and configuring displays
Improved diagnosability of time-out detection and recovery (TDRs) stability problems
Logging VSync information
Improved diagnosability of performance problems
Compiler options
Method of encryption to perform for premium content over user-accessible bus (UAB)
Standardized AES-128 support
Standardized mechanism for high-definition composition by using DXVA-HD
DXVA-HD DDI support
Mandatory WDDM Version 1.1 Requirements
To be certified as a WDDM v1.1 driver, a Windows 7 display driver must support the features that are described in the following subsections.
GDI Hardware Acceleration
A WDDM v1.1 driver must report that it supports GDI hardware acceleration to the operating system.
The WDDM v1.1 driver must report support for kernel-mode command buffers by setting DXGK_DRIVERCAPS::PresentationCaps.SupportKernelModeCommandBuffer to TRUE.
A driver must report the support for GDI acceleration only if the cache-coherent GPU aperture segment exists and there is no significant performance penalty when you access the memory by CPU.
The WDDM v1.1 driver must speed up the following 2-D operations within the driver:
* BitBlt
* ColorFill
* StretchBlt
* AlphaBlend
* Cleartype font support
* TransparentBlt

The WDDM v1.1 driver must support the following raster operations (ROPs):
* ROP support for the BitBlt operation:
DXGK_GDIROP_SRCCOPY = 1,        (Dst = Src)
DXGK_GDIROP_SRCINVERT = 2,               (Dst = Dst ^ Src)
DXGK_GDIROP_SRCAND = 3,                  ( Dst = Dst & Src)
DXGK_GDIROP_SRCOR = 4,                   ( Dst = Dst | Src)
DXGK_GDIROP_ROP3 = 5,                    (The high word contains the GDI Rop3 code)
* ROP support for the ColorFill operation:
DXGK_GDIROPCF_PATCOPY = 1,      (Dst = Color)
DXGK_GDIROPCF_PATINVERT = 2,    (Dst = Dst ^ Color)
DXGK_GDIROPCF_PDXN = 3,                      (Dst = ~(Color ^ Dst) )
DXGK_GDIROPCF_PATAND = 5,                 (Dst = Dst & Color)
DXGK_GDIROPCF_PATOR = 6,                  ( Dst = Dst | Color)
DXGK_GDIROPCF_ROP3 = 7,              (The high word contains the GDI Rop3 code.)

Other related requirements:
* Support for texture size of 8K x 8k
* Support for linear heaps (PresentationCaps.AlignedShift > 0)

For details about how to implement GDI hardware acceleration in WDDM v1.1 drivers, see the Windows 7 Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.
Extended Color Format Support
Logo program requirements apply to the following aspects of extended color format:
* Blue-green-red-alpha (BGRA) color format
* 10-bit XR_BIAS desktop/scan-out
* Float16 desktop/scan-out
BGRA Color Format
WDDM v1.1 drivers for Windows 7 must support BGRA color format. Both the Desktop Windows Manager and Direct2D require BGRA format. The BGRA color format was not required as part of the Direct3D 10 specification:
* WDDM v1.1 drivers must support blue-green-red (BGR) texturing and rendering.
* WDDM v1.1 drivers must support back buffer casting.
* WDDM v1.1 drivers can also support high color.

10-bit XR_BIAS Desktop/Scan-out
If the hardware supports 10-bit color scan-out, hardware changes are not required to support 10-bit XR format in Windows 7.
When a WDDM 1.1 driver enables 10-bit XR desktop mode, the driver must apply the specified bias and scale to the look-up table (LUT) contents. Upon exit from XR desktop mode, the driver must restore the previous unmodified LUT contents.
GPUs are required to allow-not clip-extended gamut and headroom and toeroom values within the range [-0.5 to 1.5]. This can be verified on an output device that supports extended color range, such as HDMI 1.3 xvColor, or on any device that supports extended headroom and toeroom.
FP16 desktop/Scan-out
Drivers must make fp16 linear, not gamma corrected. Unlike integer formats, the system does not apply gamma correction to any content that is provided into the frame buffer in fp16 mode.
Therefore, displays-especially at the low end-will look very dark on drivers that assume fp16 is gamma-corrected, so they must be fixed.
When a driver enters a float desktop format mode, it must modify the gamma ramps to add the difference between sRGB gamma and linear to those ramps. The driver must also remove this bias upon exit from fp16 mode.
The hardware scan-out LUT lookup must be performed late in the scan-out pipeline and must not be performed if the monitor or wire protocol supports fp16.
Implementations are required to allow-not clip-extended gamut and headroom and toeroom values within the range [-0.5 to 1.5]. This can be verified on an output device that supports extended color range, such as HDMI 1.3 xvColor, or on any device that supports extended headroom and toeroom.
Connecting and Configuring Displays
The driver must comply with the design goals of the Connecting and Configuring Displays feature by complying with the requirements in this section.
The driver package must not override the Windows 7 default display settings for a new configuration or the saved display settings from the persistence database:
* Windows automatically applies display settings by using its built-in algorithm or by retrieving settings from the persistence database. The driver must not automatically override such settings with its own settings. "Display settings" refers to the topology of sources and targets, resolution, refresh rate, bits per pixel, and aspect ratio.
* The driver must not persist the same settings that Windows saves in the system persistence database and reapplies.
* The driver package must not try to read or write the persistence database by direct access to the system registry.

If the graphics adapter exposes analog targets, the driver must support forced projection on it as follows:
* The driver must be able to display the desktop on an analog target if the operating system has requested the driver not to check the connectivity status of the target.
* This requirement applies to VGA (including DVI-A), S-Video, Composite, and Component targets.
The driver must always set the IT content (ITC) bit for a display device that is connected by using an HDMI connector, unless a full-screen application requests Video mode.
To provide optimal viewing of the desktop, any display devices that are connected by using an HDMI connector must be in PC mode. To put the device in PC mode, the driver sets the ITC bit as defined in the HDMI specification. Therefore, by default the driver must always set the ITC bit on any display device that is connected to the system with an HDMI connector. The only exception is as follows:
* The operating system sets the D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT flag to the value of D3DKMDT_VPPC_VIDEO. This value indicates that a full-screen application has requested Video mode and the driver must clear the ITC bit.

To modify the mode list, the driver must not request a display mode reenumeration.
The driver can request reenumeration of display modes only in the following scenarios:
* A DisplayPort target requires link training.
* The user requests the addition of a custom mode that has not previously been enumerated.
* The user requests a change to the TV broadcast format, such as from phase alternating line (PAL) to Sequential Color with Memory (SECAM).

The driver must accurately report the target and the connectivity state to the operating system, based on the currently connected display devices:
* The operating system must be able to drive any target from any source, although the driver can constrain which targets can be driven in combination.
* When the operating system requests the EDID, the driver must provide the most current EDID. If the driver's ability to detect the connection state was interrupted-by sleep/resume or Plug and Play stop/start-the driver must query the display device again.
* For each DVI-I connector on the system, the driver must expose one target of D3DKMDT_VOT_DVI type and one target of D3DKMDT_VOT_HD15 type.
* The driver must not use D3DKMDT_VOT_OTHER as the target type for any target type that is already defined in D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY.
* The driver must respond accurately to a request for the connection state of a target. The response must reflect the state of the display device that is physically connected. If the driver does not have this information, it must return STATUS_GRAPHICS_UNKNOWN_CHILD_STATUS from the DxgkDdiQueryChildStatus function.
* The driver must not enumerate more than one target of the D3DKMDT_VOT_INTERNAL type on any adapter.
* The driver must not enumerate a display device as "Connected" to more than one adapter at the same time.

The driver must exactly apply the scaling that the operating system requests as defined in D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING.
When Windows calls the driver's DxgkDdiCommitVidPn function, it specifies the scaling for each path by using one of the enumeration values that is defined in D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING. For each possible value the driver must apply the scaling exactly as follows:
This flag is never passed to a WDDM v1.1 driver.
The source mode and target mode are exactly equal. The driver must not perform any scaling.
The source mode is vertically and horizontally no greater than the target mode, and is smaller than the target mode either vertically, horizontally, or both. The contents of the source must be centered on the target, as shown in Figure 1A. The driver must not perform any scaling. The driver must use black pixels to fill the region of the target that does not contain any desktop data.
The source mode is not the same size as the target mode either vertically, horizontally, or both. The target can be smaller than the source in either dimension only if the smaller target dimension is less than 768 pixels. The driver must scale the contents of the source to fit the entire target surface. The driver must not try to preserve the aspect ratio of the source mode.
Figure 1B shows the effects of scaling the source to smaller and larger targets.
The source mode is not the same size as the target mode either vertically, horizontally or both. The target can be smaller than the source in either dimension only if the smaller target dimension is less than 768 pixels. The driver must scale the contents of the source until either the horizontal or vertical source resolution is equal to the horizontal or vertical target resolution. The driver must maintain the aspect ratio of the source mode during the scaling. The driver must use black pixels to fill the region of the target that does not contain any desktop data.
Figure 1C shows the effects of scaling the source to smaller and larger targets.
The driver can apply any scaling based on its own settings. However, the scaling that the driver applies must not result in a scaling mode that is already defined by the preceding four items.
This value is used in the same way as in Windows Vista.
This flag is never passed to a WDDM 1.1 driver.

The driver must support the new display mode manager (DMM) functions together with the new scenarios in which Windows calls the existing DMM functions. In addition, IHVs must support the new creating and configuring displays (CCDs) functions, which provide many different improvements to connecting and configuring monitors, projectors, and other display devices.

Figure 1. Centered, Stretched, and Aspect Ratio-Preserving Centered Scaling
Support for Additional Target Mode Set on Each VidPN Target
DxgkDdiGetAdditionalMonitorModeSet provides a more dynamic and scalable way to add target modes on video present network (VidPn) targets. The driver queries the operating system for a list of additional modes to support on a per-connector-type basis. The driver then validates the modes and can veto support for any mode. The extra modes are exposed only if the user chooses Show all modes from the Control Panel Display application.
The driver must use the following interface to request a list of additional target modes to add:
// DXGK_MONITOR_INTERFACE_VERSION_V2 supported functions
Support for Aspect Ratio Scaling
A WDDM v1.1 driver must support the new aspect ratio-preserving mode for scaling in addition to the scaling modes that were required for Windows Vista. The following definitions show all the modes that a driver must support:

// Purpose: Specifies the scaling modes that are supported given
//          by the current path configuration.
    UINT Identity                 : 1;
    UINT Centered                 : 1;
    UINT Stretched                : 1;
    UINT AspectRatioCenteredMax   : 1;

// Purpose: VidPN present path scaling type.
    // For the following transformation, spatial resolutions must be
    // equal on both the source and the target.
    // Source content is not modified in any way.
    D3DKMDT_VPPS_IDENTITY                = 1,
    // For the following three transformations, spatial resolution of
    // the source differs from that of the target.
    // Source content is centered on the target.
    D3DKMDT_VPPS_CENTERED                = 2,
    // Source content is scaled to fit the target. No aspect ratio
    // preserving.
    D3DKMDT_VPPS_STRETCHED               = 3,
    // Source content is scaled to fit the target. Aspect ratio
    // preserving.
    // Source content scaling mode is not pinned.
    D3DKMDT_VPPS_UNPINNED                = 254,
    // OS does not specify the scaling mode. Miniport should decide
    // based on its own settings.
    D3DKMDT_VPPS_NOTSPECIFIED            = 255

For modes greater than or equal to 1024 x 768 or the rotated version of 768 x 1024:
* If the driver supports D3DKMDT_VPPS_STRETCHED, it must also support D3DKMDT_VPPS_ASPECTRATIOCENTEREDMAX and vice versa.

Changes in How the DxgkRecommendVidPnTopology Function Is Called
In Windows 7, the CCD logic determines the correct topology, based on the user's expectations. Therefore, Windows no longer calls the driver's DxgkRecommendVidPnTopology function to determine the topology. This behavior differs from that of Windows Vista, where the operating system asks the driver to recommend a topology to apply.
Table 2 summarizes the conditions under which Windows calls this function for each possible value of DXGK_RECOMMENDVIDPNTOPOLOGY_REASON.
Table 2. DxgkRecommendVidPnTopology Calls on Windows 7
WDDM v1 driver
WDDM v1.1d driver
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the last known good (LKG) value.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Called as in Windows Vista by legacy GDI functions.
Not called by new Windows 7 APIs.
Never called because the CCD persistency database replaces the LKG.
Changes in How Windows Handles ACPI Keyboard Shortcuts
In Windows 7, OEMs must use the persistence database to apply display settings so that the operating system and any OEM Control Panel applications are synchronized. To achieve this, the driver requests a particular topology and Windows applies the saved display settings for the requested topology.
WDDM v1 and WDDM v1.1 drivers must expect the following behavior from Windows 7:
If the IHV's Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) notification callback returns DXGK_ACPI_CHANGE_DISPLAY_MODE, the DMM calls the driver's DxgkDdiRecommendFunctionalVidPn to get the VidPn and compares it to the current client VidPn. If the two VidPns have the same topology, the DMM sets the new VidPn without modifying it.
If the topologies are not the same, DMM strips the mode information from the VidPn and leaves just the topology. The persistence database determines the modes for the specific topology. The DMM then sets the resulting display configuration.
This behavior applies for both WDDM v1 and WDDM v1.1 drivers.
* D3DKMTInvalidateActiveVidPn
For WDDM v1 drivers, this callback is supported on Windows 7 with the same behavior as on Windows Vista.
For WDDM v1.1 drivers, this callback is not supported. The driver must immediately return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED.
Required Driver Function for Hardware Capabilities
WDDM v1.1 drivers must support the new DxgkDdiQueryVidPnHwCapability function, which returns information about the capabilities of the display device. This function has the following prototype:
    UINT DriverRotation             : 1;
    UINT DriverScaling              : 1;
    UINT DriverCloning              : 1;
    UINT DriverColorConvert         : 1;
    UINT DriverLinkedAdapaterOutput : 1;
    UINT DriverRemoteDisplay        : 1;
    UINT Reserved                   : 26;

    IN   D3DKMDT_HVIDPN                        hFunctionalVidPn;


    IN_CONST_HANDLE                             i_hAdapter,
Logging VSync Information
WDDM v1.1 drivers must report certain information about VSync in the TDR debug data. For each VidPn target, the WDDM v1.1 driver must log the following:
* Whether the VidPn target is enabled or disabled.
* Resolution and refresh rate of the VidPn target.
* Whether VSync interrupts are enabled or disabled on that target.
* The physical address that is currently being scanned out.
* Whether a flip is pending, and the address of the pending flip if one exists.
* The SetVidPnSourceAddress most recently received from the WDDM scheduler.
* The notification most recently reported to the WDDM scheduler.
* Register dump for the display.
Compiler Options
WDDM v1.1 kernel-mode drivers must be built with the frame pointer optimization (FPO) disabled. This requirement does not apply to a user-mode driver binary.
Optional WDDM Version 1.1 Requirements
If a WDDM driver implements the following features, the implementation must follow the guidelines in the relevant specifications.
If the driver supports encryption, the following guidelines apply:
* The driver should support AES 128 encryption by specifying D3DCRYPTOTYPE
_AES128_CTR for compressed content sent to the GPU over the UAB.
* To negotiate the session key for the encryption operation, the driver should use a RSAES-OAEP key exchange by specifying D3DKEYEXCHANGE_RSAES_OAEP.
GPU-based Content Protection DDI
WDDM v1.1 drivers must support the GPU-based content protection DDI. This interface enables Windows Media(r) Center and third-party video players in windowed mode with DWM on. The feature support scales from driver/software to driver/hardware protections.
This DDI consists of support for the following features:
* Encryption BLT-Video-to-system BLT with encryption.
* Driver protections of shared surfaces.
* Encryption on eviction-Encryption of video memory resources when evicted from video memory.
* Decryption BLT-System-to-video BLT with decryption.

For more details about these features, see the WDK.
DXVA-HD Support
These feature requirements improve the video pipeline for HD video processing and composition. WDDM v1.1 drivers that implement DXVA-HD expose support by setting the D3DCAPS3_DXVAHD bit in the Caps3 member of the D3DCAPS9 structure. A WDDM v1.1 driver that supports DXVA-HD must support the input and output formats that are listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Required DXVA-HD Input and Output Formats
Input format
Output format
Overlay DDI
WDDM v1.1 drivers must support the overlay DDI. This DDI enables Direct3D 9-based applications to use video overlays while Aero Glass is running-that is, when DWM is turned on. This feature improves the security and the performance of video overlay presentation by eliminating per-frame composition.
The video overlay presentation requirements are as follows:
* A WDDM v1.1 driver must set the D3DCAPS_OVERLAY bit in the Caps member of the D3DCAPS9 structure.
* A WDDM v1.1 driver must support the query type D3DDDICAPS_CHECKOVERLAYSUPPORT in the user mode pfnGetCaps DDI call.
* A WDDM v1.1 driver must support overlays in at least one valid configuration (Displaymode, OverlayFormat, Width, and Height) in the DDICHECKOVERLAYSUPPORTDATA function for the supported overlay. The maximum width and height of the supported overlay must be greater than zero.

Recommended System Design Checklist
This section summarizes the hardware and software recommendations for designing a Windows 7 system with the best desktop graphics and connectivity experience. Many of these are new Windows 7 software requirements. Note that there are no new Graphics and Display hardware requirements for Windows 7. Most Windows Vista graphics and display hardware requirements apply to Windows 7 and will be present in the Windows Logo Kit (WLK).
GPU Hardware and Software Optimized for Windows 7
The following guidelines apply to WDDM v1.1 drivers.
"Optimized for Windows 7" Driver Model
* Support the new GDI hardware acceleration interfaces and ROPs in the driver.
* Support a maximum texture size of 8K x 8K.
* Use common industry benchmarks for 2-D graphics operations to optimize drawing performance.
* Ensure that OEM and IHV customizations such as Control Panel applications and services do not turn off the Aero theme, Desktop Window Manager, or DWM Composition.
* Validate driver support for extended color formats, including BGRA and XR_BIAS.
* Disable FPO optimizations when you build WDDM v1.1 kernel-mode drivers.
* Support digital connectors on the graphics adapter for attaching displays.
* Implement overscan compensation for consumer electronics (CE) displays in GPU software.
* Do not duplicate in third-party and OEM software any graphics functionality that is already provided in the Windows 7 Control Panel applications.
DirectX Technologies
* Support DirectX 10 at a minimum in the GPU.
* Support DirectX 11 or DirectX 10.1 for the best Windows 7 experience.
* Validate that the Windows 7 desktop uses Direct3D 10 instead of Direct3D 10-level-9.
* Implement WDDM v1.1 drivers and keep the driver's device context memory footprint as small as possible.
* Invest time and effort to reduce the WDDM driver's device startup time.
* Minimize the use of system resources in WDDM drivers.
* Run industry gaming benchmarks to validate driver performance on a particular system.
Video Playback
* Support the optional DXVA-HD standard.
* Use the new overlay DDI in newer drivers and GPUs for video presentation.
* Validate video playback performance in both windowed and full-screen video modes.
* Ensure a smooth video playback experience of common standard-definition and high-definition content.
* Validate local and streaming video playback scenarios.
* Collect and evaluate performance traces if glitches occur during video playback.
General Recommendations
* Ensure that your driver records diagnosability information in all possible scenarios, especially for TDRs.
* Ensure that driver upgrades do not cause a reboot or loss of functionality on the desktop.
* Analyze device and driver performance to minimize system boot and resume times.
Display Configuration and Connectivity Features
The following recommendations apply for display configuration and connectivity.
Cables and Connectors
* Use digital connectors and cables wherever possible.
* Validate that external displays and internal panels in portable computers generate a fully qualified EDID.
* Follow all VESA display connectivity standards.
* Avoid analog polling to determine whether a display is connected.
* Implement interruptible hot-plug detection of external display devices for the best connectivity experience.
* Ensure that connector cables do not lose the EDID during transmission.
* Ensure that monitor cables cause little or no signal attenuation.
* Use monitor INF overrides to correct incorrect EDIDs of monitors.
* Test commonly used monitor and KVM switchboxes.
* Work with switchbox vendors to ensure that the EDID is accurately propagated.
Notebook Docking Stations
* Thoroughly test notebook docking stations for hot-plug and connectivity scenarios.
* Take advantage of the BGRA color format that is required in Windows 7 with wide color gamut displays.
* Provide HDMI 1.3 displays that support xvColor for rich color fidelity.
High DPI
* Provide displays that support DPIs of 120 and higher for ease of readability.
* Ensure that the default DPI setting works with the laptop internal display or common external displays.
* Validate that the EDID provides the correct resolution and ensure that the DPI set by the auto-configuration in the out-of-box experience (OOBE) corresponds to that resolution.
* Verify that use of the Unattend.xml file to set a custom DPI works correctly.
* Test input devices for correct default speed settings.
* Validate the appearance of key Web sites at high-DPI settings.
* Validate that third-party software is DPI aware.
System Configuration and Firmware
The following recommendations apply for system configuration and firmware.
Multi-GPU Systems
* Avoid designing and building hybrid graphics systems. However, if you do, follow the detailed guidelines in "High Fidelity Graphics in Windows 7: A Guide for OEMs and IHVs."
* Use a single-vendor, single WDDM v1.1 driver configuration on multi-GPU systems.
* Avoid designing and building desktop systems that have multiple heterogeneous GPUs.
* Validate cross-rendering solutions (such as the nVidia SLI and AMD Crossfire) in all possible system configurations.
* Avoid designing systems that have multiple GPUs from a single vendor but have different drivers for each GPU.
* Make cross-rendering of GPUs active only if extreme scenarios such as 3-D gaming demand it.
* Be careful with power consumption in systems with multiple GPUs.
* Invest efforts in future hardware to shut off different parts of the graphics adapter independently when they are not being used.
System BIOS
* Support and expose ACPI methods as required in the Windows Logo Program for Windows 7.
Video BIOS
* Expose the resolution of 1024 x 768 through VESA extensions.
Windows Logo Program Requirements
The following recommendations apply for third parties who seek Windows Logo Program qualification for their products.
System Manufacturers
* For the best Windows user experience, build systems that have DirectX 10 graphics adapters and are WDDM v1.1 capable.
* Work with graphics hardware vendors to obtain prerelease WDDM v1.1 drivers for validation.
* Work with graphics hardware vendors to build customized driver packages for your mobile systems.
* Refer to the Windows 7 WLK for validation and testing guidelines.
* Test many different hardware configurations on both desktop systems and mobile systems to ensure a solid end-user experience on Windows 7.
Graphics Hardware Vendors
* Work with Microsoft to develop WDDM v1.1 drivers for Windows 7.
* Test prerelease WDDM v1.1 drivers on the Windows 7 developer preview builds.
* Provide updated WDDM v1.x drivers to Microsoft for deployment through Windows Update.
* Run the Windows certification test suite and validate graphics and gaming performance, application compatibility, and several self-host scenarios on each graphics chipset family.
* Test WDDM v1 drivers that are certified for Windows Vista on Windows 7 developer preview builds.
* Make available the full retail package for WDDM v1.1 drivers as early as possible.
Independent Software Vendors
* Test existing and upcoming DirectX games with WDDM v1.1 drivers on Windows 7 developer preview builds.
* Test individual applications on Windows 7 developer preview builds to ensure compatibility.
* Develop Direct2D applications for Windows 7.
发表于 2008-11-6 11:46 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 11:53 | 只看该作者
"...Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) v 1.1 - "Optimized for Windows 7"...
Vista WDDM是1.0,是否意味着它也可以用1.1。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-6 11:54 | 只看该作者
对 2d fans 最有意思的就是:

10-bit XR_BIAS Desktop/Scan-out

If the hardware supports 10-bit color scan-out, hardware changes are not required to support 10-bit XR format in Windows 7.

When a WDDM 1.1 driver enables 10-bit XR desktop mode, the driver must apply the specified bias and scale to the look-up table (LUT) contents. Upon exit from XR desktop mode, the driver must restore the previous unmodified LUT contents.

GPUs are required to allow—not clip—extended gamut and headroom and toeroom values within the range [-0.5 to 1.5]. This can be verified on an output device that supports extended color range, such as HDMI 1.3 xvColor, or on any device that supports extended headroom and toeroom.

FP16 desktop/Scan-out

Drivers must make fp16 linear, not gamma corrected. Unlike integer formats, the system does not apply gamma correction to any content that is provided into the frame buffer in fp16 mode.

Therefore, displays—especially at the low end—will look very dark on drivers that assume fp16 is gamma-corrected, so they must be fixed.

When a driver enters a float desktop format mode, it must modify the gamma ramps to add the difference between sRGB gamma and linear to those ramps. The driver must also remove this bias upon exit from fp16 mode.

The hardware scan-out LUT lookup must be performed late in the scan-out pipeline and must not be performed if the monitor or wire protocol supports fp16.

Implementations are required to allow—not clip—extended gamut and headroom and toeroom values within the range [-0.5 to 1.5]. This can be verified on an output device that supports extended color range, such as HDMI 1.3 xvColor, or on any device that supports extended headroom and toeroom.

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 12:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Edison 于 2008-11-6 11:54 发表
对 2d fans 最有意思的就是:

10-bit XR_BIAS Desktop/Scan-out

If the hardware supports 10-bit color scan-out, hardware changes are not required to support 10-bit XR format in Windows 7.

When a  ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-6 12:25 | 只看该作者
原帖由 55555555 于 2008-11-6 12:21 发表

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 12:27 | 只看该作者

NV和ATi不再冲突 {blush:]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 15:26 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 15:27 | 只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 17:16 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-6 17:18 | 只看该作者
原帖由 fevaoctwh 于 2008-11-6 15:27 发表


4850+9800GTX+一个系统上同时使用的路过 {lol:]
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