Urgent information on overdrive increase
What is this all about? Maybe you tried overclocking your card using overdrive and found yourself running into the upper limit there. ATI implements this limit into their cards to assure the video card vendors don't overclock their chips too much. They just want to have an overview over the market and maybe, want to participate in the more expensive OC edition cards. Thus, the video card vendors make a video card, create a BIOS for it and send this BIOS to ATI. ATI approves the BIOS (or not), adds a signature to it and sends it back to the vendor. Only then the vendor can produce and ship the card, this is not possible without that signature. The signature mentioned is an encrypted key. The overdrive limit in the BIOS is protected by this key. It can be changed, but if so, the key won't match any more which makes the catalyst driver not recognize the card any more and therefore, this BIOS is unusable. RBE can't decrypt this key, but it can transplant an overdrive limit and its key to another BIOS.
Even though this is an attractive method, it has some disadvantages:
1) There must be BIOSes with increased limits and matching signatures. So far, RBE's author is not familiar with so many such BIOSes.
2) The area that needs to be put into the BIOS contains the deviceID, also. If you are keen enough to put a HD 4850 hash into a 3870 BIOS for example (not recommended, though), be prepared for strange things to happen: Programs that make decisions out of a card's deviceID (just like RBE for example) will be fooled then, of course. Maybe you will have to install the matching catalyst for the new card (in this case, the one for the 4850) after flashing and rebooting. But of course, the 3870 is still a 3870, not supporting many things the 4850-catalyst expects to work. Please try not to mix up video card types, at least not among the video card generations (like 3xx0 and 4xx0 for example). The key matching your card best will be suggested by RBE automatically.
As you can see, there are two methods offered. The first one takes all the stuff described above into account. It's the safer variant, but only available for several video cards. If you can select 'method 1' and 'change to these values', your card is supported. The second method won't take care of the signature described. It will simply change the (protected) overdrive clocks to the values entered. While this can be done to almost any video card, keep in mind that the key won't match any more after changing the limit that way. Some card/Catalyst combination might work however, at least there are reports on the internet that they do. Just try if it works for you if method one is not available for you.
You can also use the 'Load...' and 'Save...' buttons to rip off signatures from BIOSes or to feed RBE a signature file it may not know yet. In the TechPowerUp.com forums there is a thread you can post your signature files to or download interesting signature files from. Just click the TechPowerUp.com logo in the top left of the RBE main window to get there. |