主要是说明了OCZ 的SSD 在开启AHCI的情况下会引起机器僵直的情况。建议用户关闭AHCI
AHCI is not official supported on OCZ SSDs and may under some circumstances affect performance,
specifically during windows installation. Enabling AHCI can result in higher performance in synthetic
benchmarks for SSDs and HDDs alike, but can cause hang-ups and intermittent freezes in SSDs since it
allows multiple access requests to compete for a drive that is not made to address re-ordering of
commands in the queue. We recommend AHCI is set to disabled in both Windows and in the BIOS.
Native Command Queuing greatly increases the performance of standard rotational drives but it has no
bearing on SSDs.
OCZ SSD不能正式支援AHCI并且可能在一些情况下影响性能。
特别当安装WINDOWS。开启AHCI可以使得SSD和HDD一样有更好的综合性评效,但是会引起SSD当机和间歇性的僵硬,因为AHCI会允许多路存取要求争夺对硬盘的使用,而这类硬盘不能对在序列中的命令再排序的。我们建议AHCI在WINDOWS和BIOS里都设置到关闭。NCQ可以大大增加标准回转硬盘的性能但是对SSD没有影响 |