[XF] P55 Close Look : ASUS P7P55 EVO
繼上一篇 [XF] P55近距離 全球首度曝光:華碩「P7P55 Pro」主機板
此次要帶來的還是 華碩 ASUS P55 Series 「P7P55 EVO」主機板介紹
This time we will bring you the ASUS P55 Series: P7P55 EVO
Intel P55 Chip產品將於2009年9月正式推出市場,各家主機版廠也早就完成主機板設計蓄勢待發,
可想而知 Intel P55 產品將會帶給中高階市場消費者另一個不同的選擇,這下主機板廠也要各出奇招讓消費者在購買時
能夠買到效能 買到便宜更可買到附加功能,這就要看各家主機板廠的RD PM的努力了。
再看 華碩 ASUS P7P55 EVO 同時會再順道介紹Intel P55相關架構和CPU支援讓大家更了解這葫蘆賣甚麼藥
As the information we got, Intel P55 chipset will go to the market on Sep. 2009, most of the MB companies are ready to release the new MB too. For the mainstream market, P55 will bring this users a different choice than LGA 775 platform, so the additional functions/price will be the main point for the P55 MB, or the users no need to waive the LGA 775 Platform and pay a lot on P55. Today we will bring you the latest ASUS MB P7P55 EVO and teh Intell P55 details.
歡迎友站轉貼 但請不要把隱藏需回文部份貼出,要貼出也...等我全部寫完再貼喔....3Q....
Intel 此次 P55 的晶片組搭載的CPU Core Name:Lynnfield
在這Lynnfield下包含 Core i5 和 Core i7可以從下面圖表發現
CPU Core Name: Lynnfield, it contains "Core i5/i3" name for the market recognition.
P55的最大特色就是沒有北橋 所以主機板的設計更加精簡也騰出更多空間
The main feature for the P55 is the northbridge, it simplify to a single chip, so the size of the MB is getting smaller.
在P55晶片組架各下的 Lynnfield 處理器,要同時處理了PCI-E 顯示卡 和 DDR3 記憶體的資料交換控制
而透過DMI再跟P55 Chip溝通此晶片稱為PCH
In the architecture of the P55, Lynnfield will control the data including PCI-E and DDR3 Memory, then pass this datas through DMI to the P55 Chip, this chip is called "PCH".
再來看看P7P55 EVO的電源設計
Next stop we have a close look on the Power design on P7P55 EVO...
此次Core i5再使用下是相當不耗電的,再配合P7P55 EVO 12+2項的供電設計
PWM部份基本上不會產生多少熱量但在散熱部分設計P7P55 EVO一點都不馬虎
Core i5 is not a power monster, with the P7P55 EVO 12+2 power design, it can lower the PWM heat problems, and also the heatsink is COOL too.
在背板接頭設計發現一個有趣的地方 ASUS P7P55 EVO將PS/2 回復到2個
此考量點和先前單PS/2 Keyboard&Mouse只能選一的設計概念有些不同
A interesting thing: now we have 2 PS/2 connector on the MB, I don't know the reason but obviously it is different to compare with the past MB.
但USB Port就一樣有8個 再配上2個 Lan Port 和 一個1394和音效相關孔為
可是少了eSATA Port,還在想說在P55會不會推出有帶電源eSATA Port 小小失望一下.
As you saw, 8x USB 2.0 Port with 2x LAN Port, but the eSATA is disappeared.
在PCI-E部份支援 PCI-E 16X 一個 和 PCI-E 8X 一個 另外就是 PCI-E 4x 和 1X
PCI-E Part, it supports 1x PCI-E 16x, 1x PCI-E 8x, 1x PCI-E 4x / 1x
可是在P7P55 EVO目前看PCI-E 4X以上都是使用PCI-E 16X的Slot
But now on the P7P55 EVO, the PCI-E 4x is using the 16x Slot, it can be the RAID Card position if you got one.
在SATA Port 支援P55 Suport 6個 SATAII Port 同時在也搭配SATAIII 6Gbps Port 2個
SATA Port: it supports 6x SATA 3.0Gbps port, and it also has 2x SATA 6Gbps port.
SATAIII 部分採用Marvell SATA3 控制晶片 88SE9123
支援了2 Port的SATA3 線路使用 PCI-E 1X
Marvell SATA 3 contorller 88SE9123 provide the SATA 3 fuction, and the lane is using PCI-E 1x.
同時內建Power 和 Reset 開關 和 6個USB2.0 Port 和 1個FDD Port
on board switch design, 6x USB2.0 port and 1x FDD here.
再來看Memory部份P55 IMC採用的是雙通道設計目前官方數據是Speed up to 1333MHz
但這個數據下其實過於保守,可能現有DDR3 IC Major 還未有 1600MHz 推出
Memory part, P55 IMC use the dual-Channel design, the offical spec is up to 1333MHz, it is a very conservative, I got lots of D3-2133 modules now, but probably the main reason is 1600MHz not the major IC on the market.
在P7P55 EVO 可看出Memory設計採2向電源供應並同時可支援4隻DIMM
2 Phase Power design on Memory DIMM, provide 4x DIMM capacity.
切記當只使用 1or2隻 記憶體時,要從藍色的DIMM開始插,不然會造成無發開機
不要問為什麼 因為這是Intel IMC的關係 就等同於Memory電壓不能超過1.65V一樣
Intel 不認同設計有問題所以只好消費者去接受Intel改變使用
但相信很快Intel 會再Memory部份遇到一些問題 但同樣Intel會要Memory廠自己想辦法解決的
這邊先保留 但大家可以討論是哪邊問題...哈哈...
But as the X58 problem, if you only use 1 or 2 memory, please insert from blue dimm, or you can not power on the PC,
Intel does not provide any info on "why I can not use the first dimm to power on", just like the memory 1.65v problem,
but surely it will have a big problem after the products go to the market, that time the Intel will ask most module house to find the problems...
maybe we can discuss this later...haha...
在整張P7P55 EVO背面相當乾淨沒有上任何原件
Clean back design, nothing special.
IC tour on P7P55 EVO
RTL8112L 為網卡控制晶片
Netwrok PHY: RTL 8112L
這會不會跟 MemOK有關IC 目前查證中
Actually I do not know what is this IC for...will check with ASUS later...
音效和1394 IC
Audio Codec and 1394 IC.
Clock gen IC
再來就是看一個最有趣的部分 但在P55不會推出 會在明年2010 Q1推出的P57上出現
Another Interesting parts: "Braidwood"
It will not show up on P55 chipset, but surely will release on P57, Q1 2010.
說這東西前先看一張圖 就知道這是要做啥的
The Braidwood solution is like this...