里面讨论到关于raid 0对寻道时间的影响问题.
有人说raid0会增加寻道时间, 有些人说raid0会减少寻道时间, 有些人认为不变.
参见raid 0 performance一栏.
While the block size can technically be as small as a byte, it is almost always a multiple of the hard disk sector size of 512 bytes. This lets each drive seek independently when randomly reading or writing data on the disk. How much the drives act independently depends on the access pattern from the file system level. For reads and writes that are larger than the stripe size, such as copying files or video playback, the disks will be seeking to the same position on each disk, so the seek time of the array will be the same as that of a single drive. For reads and writes that are smaller than the stripe size, such as database access, the drives will be able to seek independently. If the sectors accessed are spread evenly between the two drives, the apparent seek time of the array will be half that of a single drive (assuming the disks in the array have identical access time characteristics). The transfer speed of the array will be the transfer speed of all the disks added together, limited only by the speed of the RAID controller. Note that these performance scenarios are in the best case with optimal access patterns.
我在帖子的16楼已经说的很清楚了: "事实上当所操作的文件尺寸小于条带尺寸的时候, 各个硬盘的磁头是在分别工作, 所以此时寻道时间/2. 所以说, raid0对寻道时间的影响是非常巨大的, 尤其是大条带小文件的时候."
但随后跟人对没人对我的发贴产生回应而感到有些失望, 不知是因为国内wiki还在被屏蔽还是如何.
我不明白为什么还是没有人能静下心来看看前面发过的参考资料链接, 而是一味的要已自己的经验说事.
谈计算机组成原理? 那烦请把论点论据罗列, 不能总是靠貌似专业的语言哄人吧?
我当然不是说wikipedia就是正确的, 只是希望有一个良好的交流的氛围, 大家理性的有根据的讨论问题.
由此拓展开来说, 我觉得我们的论坛有一个特点:
太多人戴着高手的帽子故作深沉, 动概就是"建议读xx书", "你没用过xx", "你不懂你是xx"之类的搪塞之语.
个人认为这是毫无帮助的, 除了打击"菜鸟"自信心, 人为增高门槛之外没有任何作用.
形而上学的人还是太多, 一闭眼睛脑袋里想的是什么事实就是什么, '高手'说的是什么事实就是什么.
实事求是的人还是少, 这样不会很没意思么?
实在是太多论坛都是这样了, 但个人对gz期望还是蛮高的, 所以啰啰嗦嗦说了很多, 有冒犯到各位的请勿介意.
只是希望有一个更加求实的环境, 以求进步. |