本帖最后由 quadro_1 于 2009-8-11 11:19 编辑
在“GPU加速Matlab高性能计算-Tesla+Jacket Engine解决方案”一文中,我们曾经向大家介绍了MATLAB的GPU加速插件Jacket,以及配备Tesla C1060的科卓Quadro系列高性能计算工作站。最近AccelerEyes公司发布了Jacket v1.1版本重大更新,包含了对双精度浮点格式的支持,还有其它方面功能的增强。
Jacket v1.1新版本的更新如下:
+ gdouble 类型的支持,意味着可以使用MATLAB运行高速双浮点运算了
+ 其他原生GPU数据类型支持: glogical, gint32, guint32.
+ 新的SDK.
+ 部分支持 conv2: 函数conv2(a,b,'same')最大支持 5x5 (例如 1x3 2x5 3x3 4x5 ...) 以及矩阵 n=6 to n=10 (例如 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x10).
+ 新的授权机制。
+ ginfo 可以检测CUDA版本并给出相应信息。
+ colon 完整支持(除了 gfor).
+ trace() 添加对复数矩阵支持。
+ repmat(A,M,N) 完整支持.
repmat(A,[M,N,P . . .] 支持最大3维输
+ sum, min, max, any, all 支持如下.
- 初步的 gfor支持。
- 对gsingle类信增加序号的输出。
+ max(A,B)现在在gsingle类型复数时产生一致的结果.
+ 修正gdouble到gsingle类型转换时可能产生的错误。
+ 写入到/tmp中的文件名不重复.
+ "clear all" 清空所有 GPU 数据. 之后, ginfo 显示 0mb 已使用.
+ diag 支持 gfor.
+ 修正以下语句产生的问题:
>> A=gones(5,5,20);
>> B=A;
>> A(:,:,2)=B(:,:,2);
>> A(:,:,2)
+ 逻辑性gsingle矩阵相乘时产生固定结果,例如:(gones(2)>0)*gsingle(5).
+ 支持 gdouble 到 gsingle 类型转换.
+ max(A,[],dim) 支持最大3维矩阵.
+ meshgrid 支持混合数据类型;意味着可以试用meshgrid(gsingle,gdouble) . 但是不支持混合逻辑和浮点运算.
+ find 现在支持指数在2协调形式
+ 其他问题.
+ gdouble support.
+ other new native GPU data types supported: glogical, gint32, guint32.
+ new developer SDK available offering both designated computer and concurrent network licensing options.
+ partial support for conv2: the method conv2(a,b,'same') is now supported for kernels of any size up to 5x5 (e.g. 1x3 2x5 3x3 4x5 ...) and square kernels from n=6 to n=10 (e.g. 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x10).
+ new licensing scheme for designated computer and concurrent network licenses.
+ ginfo now detects the presence (or absence) of CUDA and gives an appropriate message.
+ colon is fully supported (except in gfor).
+ trace() supported for complex matrices.
+ repmat(A,M,N) is fully supported. repmat(A,[M,N,P . . .] is supported for up-to 3-dimensional inputs and 3-dimensional outputs.
+ the reductions - sum, min, max, any, all are now supported.
- preliminary gfor support for reductions is now present.
- reductions can also be performed on complex numbers.
- note: reductions for complex gdoubles is not supported.
- min and max now give indexed output over real-valued vectors. This support is currently enabled only for gsingle arrays.
+ the method max(A,B) now produces consistent results when performed on complex gsingle variables.
+ subassigning a gdouble to a gsingle no longer causes an error.
+ fixed scaling issues at large data sizes in IFFTN.
+ fixed failure when /tmp is not writable.
+ files written to /tmp no longer have reproducible filenames.
+ "clear all" clears all GPU memory. After this, ginfo will report 0mb used.
+ diag now supports gfor.
+ Fixed issue related to subscripting that caused failure on Jacket:
>> A=gones(5,5,20);
>> B=A;
>> A(:,:,2)=B(:,:,2);
>> A(:,:,2)
+ multiplication of an array (of size > 1) of gsingles that have been labelled as 'logicals' now produces consistent results, e.g (gones(2)>0)*gsingle(5).
+ subassigning a gdouble to a gsingle is now supported.
+ max(A,[],dim) is supported for up to 3D arrays over 3rd dimension.
+ meshgrid now supports mixed types and mixed complexity; this means meshgrid(gsingle,gdouble) is allowed. However it does not support mixing logical and floating point.
+ find now supports indices in 2 coordinate form.
+ various other fixes to problems reported on the forums.